Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I will never trust you 100%.

Friday, September 17, 2010

When do you draw the line?
How do you draw the line?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

1 Syawal 1431H.

Today is the perfect day of reflection.
A reflection of Allah, ourselves and to others.

Today I see another part of you,
Or rather something I've always seen,
but just didn't read much about it.

Today, I reflect.

Today, I saw something in you,
in a different light or darkness.

Today, you tried so hard to piss me off,
which you thought was funny.

Today, I was totally nonchalant about it and even asked,
"Are you even listening to yourself?"

Today, today, I laughed not WITH you,
but AT you.
At how pathetic it was
to go to that extent.

Today, today, no, not today,
you compare,
to compare is to despair.

and everyday, you did, have been doing, will be doing,
just that.

Today, I cried.
I cried on the first of syawal for the first time.

Today, not today,
for the good, the bad and the ugly,
i am very thankful and blessed,
for my parents,
my family and

Today, not today,
i hear a person dying of cancer in stage 4
seeking for forgiveness and
do the EXACT opposite.
the intentions now will be questionable.

Today, we took a video,
made it a classic one.

Today, will mark the new tradition in the Arshad Family to make-a-video on the first syawal for memories sake.

Today, i realised that i can be a creative director
and have always known that
the purpose in her life is to make her life live to the fullest.

Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

Baysok conperm chope guarantee rumah Cikgu Hasan penuh dengan muslimin dan muslimat. Barakah!!!

Thursday, September 09, 2010


ignorance is a bliss when it comes to you.

less comm, more quality.

less affected, more nonchalant.

again and again and again.

because I am awesome,


Tuesday, September 07, 2010

go and find someone else to be impatient with, demanding and to nag at.
it's sickening.
i am fine with my own ma.

Friday, September 03, 2010

highly irritable.

Thursday, September 02, 2010