Monday, August 30, 2010

When ideas have sex.

It's not important how clever individuals are, he says; what really matters is how smart the collective brain is - Matt Ridely

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Quote unquote from Facebook,

"Boys, don't get mad when a girl cares too much. Worry when they start to not give a fuck"

So, don't make a BIG DEAL out of everything girls. Or better still, don't make it a deal at all.

Monday, August 23, 2010

if you think you are very patient, think again.
if you think you are very understanding, think again.
if you think you are very cool and calm, think again.
if you think you are very nice, think again.
if you think you are very smart, think again.

we are all humans and we are all flawed. we always want good/better things in life and it begins with ourselves first. but, there is also a limit to everything.

"Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice." ~ George Jackson.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

"Eh, macam Men in Black" - Papa.
"Point number 7 is that programming languages are like girlfriends: The new one is better because you are better." - Boyfriend
"Happy 28th month anniversary baby! You are the best girlfriend in the whole wide world:)" - Love of my life.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

i don't smile very often now. not that i am unfriendly or unhappy or anything like that.. in fact, i am happier and very much at ease with how things.I used to smile so much that my mouth hurts. to me, smiling was my mask. my mask to hide my insecurites, my mask to hide the humiliations/paisey moments and my mask to hide the uncertainties of what lies ahead. now, i still smile. i smile at the right time and to the right people. somehow after being evolved for about a year or so, my direction in life is more certain. the right people are at the right places in my life. whether it was through experience or just so happen to be. so today, i made my parents, smile, no, i made my family, smile. for what it may be i do not know but it doesn't really matter because their smile is what makes me smile. yeah,its tough. i know. but in all seriousness, whatever we do, just remember the life after death.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I think this is good.
Ramadhan Checklist.
Let's try to fulfill it, InsyaAllah.


Got up for Fajr on time and prayed Fajr with its Sunnah
Made my morning Dhikr
Prayed all prayers on time and on earliest time possible
Made the recommended Dhikr after every prayer
Prayed all the 13 rakah of Sunnah prayers
Made Qunut/Dua for the Muslim Ummah in a prayer
Made Dua for my parents
Commanded one good
Forbade one evil
Prayed more than 1 fard prayer in a mosque (males)
Read the Tafsir of one verse of the Quran
Read one new Hadeeth and its meaning
Read 1 page of the Quran as a minimum (with understanding)
Attempted to increase in knowledge (reading/listening)
Attempted to practise one rare Sunnah of Rasulullah
Made one Muslim smile
Made my parents smile, hugged and kissed them
Did not argue, nor backbite with anyone
Did not harbour ill feelings in my heart against anyone
Did not do anything I was unsure about its permissibility
Tried my best to take care of my body
Gave charity (monetary)
Preserved or removed a harm from the environment
Made Dua for the Prophet (SAWS)
Make Tawbah & Istighfaar 100 times
Pondered 10 minutes about struggling for this Deen
Did a special deed that is secret between myself & Allah
Gave some of the extra food from Iftar to my neighbours
Made my afternoon Dhikr
Prayed my taraweeh prayers
Prayed the Witr prayer
Read Surah Mulk before going to sleep
Wrote down/updated my will
Pondered about my Death and of the Day of Judgement
Prayed absolute minimum 2 rakah Tahajjud prayer
Asked Allah for Jannah and refuge from Jahannam (X3)
Went to sleep in a state of Wudu
Went to sleep without ill feelings towards any Muslim
Read Surah Kahf
Attempted to pray Jumah earliest time & best gathering
Pondered 5-10 minutes about the khutbah & its message
Took extra care to groom & maintain myself
Made Dua only for Rasulullah (SAWS)
Memorized minimum 1/4 page of the Quran (with understanding)
Memorized 1 hadeeth of Rasulullah
Memorized 1 Dua from the Sunnah
Fed/Clothed one needy person or gave a gift to one
Made Istikharah about an important matter
Attempted to join the hearts between two Muslims

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

nothing makes you feel betterrrrr than seeing your cousins and Insyirahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sing to peterporn on national day while you are in the bus on the way home. so so cute.

Monday, August 02, 2010

sometimes, all you need the home-make cornflakes and a lychee drink. that was wonderful
(and yessssss, i made the cornflakes myself ahhh! don't play playyy)