i am still not over prison break yett though i finished watching the complete season 1 last monday. hello! micheal scofield is like THE ultimate McDreamy for anyone in this universe. his dreammy eyes, his bald-ness(don't you think that is sexy? haha!) and his intelligence. not forgetting fernando sucre who is anyone's teddy bear. okayy, don't worry i won't be a party-pooper to tell you guys abt the subsequent episodes. but that monday was worth my sleeepyy nights and tossing and turning in bed. if only...... roite! i can't help it, but i have been quite a tee-bee junkie recently. be it american dramas, korean shows or malaysia's sandiwara. hahahahhahahahahha. super highly addictive and it can lead to detrimental effects indeed. but yesss, let me highlight, KOREAN shows. never in a million years i saw myself gettign addicted to it. but nadi baby just had to reel-ed me in. haha. so, im hooked. wish me luck.
oh yeah! anyone knowswhere i can get season 2 for prison break? i'm counting on you min min! haha!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
you know, grandmas/grandpas are really adorable. first, we have agnes's granny with the tree on fire incident. then, we have the cuteHOT-y guy from the holiday, arthur abbott. next, we have my grandma with her astounding theories.
my nyai? definitely one of the cutest of the lot. hopefully she is going to be discharged soon and be in the pinkest of health. so here is her theory. when you have high fever, lay on the floor naked and the temperature of the body will fall soon after. hmmmmmmmmmmmm...... reallly? i don't think soo granny dearie. but nevertheless, she executed her theory got nearly everyone freaked out, last thurs. the next day, in the hospital, she told us, " eh eh.. bilik nyai kan ader aircon.... kenaper nyai tak switch on eh... kampung la nyai niee.." hahaha. alhamdulilah she is getting better day by day and hopefully, she can go home soon. nyai nyai:):)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WAZZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(14th dec)
you are really a wonderful friend that anyone could ask for.thanks for everything hun

the birthday girl's dinner on the 15th dec @seoul garden tm! :)))
farah, shennie,omar, where are you? -wailsssssssssssssss. terribly missed. tsk tsk. haha!

lastly, with the birthday girl who has seen the ugliest and the nicest(heh.) part of me. happy 20th dearest and dream all you come because with the lucky lucky stars in your room, it will definitely come true!:) <3
my nyai? definitely one of the cutest of the lot. hopefully she is going to be discharged soon and be in the pinkest of health. so here is her theory. when you have high fever, lay on the floor naked and the temperature of the body will fall soon after. hmmmmmmmmmmmm...... reallly? i don't think soo granny dearie. but nevertheless, she executed her theory got nearly everyone freaked out, last thurs. the next day, in the hospital, she told us, " eh eh.. bilik nyai kan ader aircon.... kenaper nyai tak switch on eh... kampung la nyai niee.." hahaha. alhamdulilah she is getting better day by day and hopefully, she can go home soon. nyai nyai:):)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WAZZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(14th dec)
you are really a wonderful friend that anyone could ask for.thanks for everything hun
14th dec- bumped into aisha and chryts@farEast-gelare and had a great ISCREAM time!( and 16th, we are confirm meeting up sooooooooooooooooooooon okayy? om-ah!) haha.

15 dec-met huda and ili for a short while before i had to help mum choose bro's pelamin. ( sorry babes, next time we meet for a longer time yeah?*hugs)
the birthday girl's dinner on the 15th dec @seoul garden tm! :)))
anddd guess what? i STILL have had not enough dosages of holidays.
bangkok? su!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
melbourne? ili!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
london? nadi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
singapore? God!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, December 11, 2006
love is nonsensically a funny thing isn't it? you get all the butterflies and rainbows. then the next min, you are dillusional. i've been in that position countless of times and seriously, i don't blame her at all. on one hand you have an angel showering you with all the wonderful sincere gifts and the other, all he has to say is just a sentence and you can die from diabeticlove. so who do you choose? A or B?tough decision huh? i guess all it takes is the first two seconds. or simply known as instincts. and rationality, seriously does not play in this situation. no matter how much you try to reason things out, you.go.back.to.square.one.
okayyyy.. that was awfully a whole lot of bullshit. but, really, when one of the girlfriends is going through a hard time with lovelife, you tend to reflect and ponder on it more. for instance, " what if it occurs to me? what if occurs AGAIN?" so, if it ever happens(choy!haha!), you have a high predictability of the outcome and in the end, become wiser and definitely smarter(hopefully...haha!)babe, i really hope things will be ironed-out quickly honey because it hurts to see you in that state too.*agreatBIGBIGhug.
anyway, when you spend 9 whole days seeing your family every min and sec, they can utter nonsensical stuffs too!
1st CONVO.
zikry: YAI' !!! YAI' !!!
daddy, with a merajuk face.
daddy: si zikry nie kan! panggil papa YAI'!! YAI'!! macam taik!!!!!!
mum and me: BURST into LAUGHTER!!!!!
i swear never in a million years i see daddy saying that. yes, he utters merepek-ness. yes, he cracks really funny jokes. but THAT was hilarious. and up till now, whenever zikry calls for my dad, i will get reminded of that.*laughs.
2nd CONVO.
well, while we were in Malaysia, the cousin had to go to s'pore for some business function. My bro was there to bring him around and he had dinner with the cousin's friedn and the bro.So, after the came back from s'pore(we were STILL in m'sia), the cousin told us something eee-kily hilarious too.
cousin's friend: your cousin is really cute.
(me: puke!)
cousin: ohhhokaayyy..
cousin's friend: what is his highest qualification?
cousin: he is a dip grad.
cousin's friend: oh never mind, he is a BRIGHT guy.
cousin(in hs heart): waddddddddddddddddddddd... you just got to know him for 22 freaking mins!
hahahahahahaah. oh well, i think its really true when they say that no matter how good looking ur siblings,(esp of the opp sex) looks like, you will never agree with your friends. i don't know why. but it's just like i suppose?hahahhahahahahahah
3rd CONVO.
daddy: are you going invite your friends to abang's wedding?
me: ya... i suppose so.
daddy: invite EVERYONE ok! treat it just liek your wedddingggg!!! yeah!
mum: disgruntled face. hahaha
okie... so it is true tt all familes are psychotic aren't they. mine is an understatement. they can go BONKERS anytime anywhere. but, it was fun. there are times we feel like stranggling them, and there are times we feel like giving them a A GREAT BIG HUG every second. but no matter what, i guess they are the ones who have seen my nonsensical moments ever. and if you do, please please keep it to yourself ya? *laughs.
okayyyy.. that was awfully a whole lot of bullshit. but, really, when one of the girlfriends is going through a hard time with lovelife, you tend to reflect and ponder on it more. for instance, " what if it occurs to me? what if occurs AGAIN?" so, if it ever happens(choy!haha!), you have a high predictability of the outcome and in the end, become wiser and definitely smarter(hopefully...haha!)babe, i really hope things will be ironed-out quickly honey because it hurts to see you in that state too.*agreatBIGBIGhug.
anyway, when you spend 9 whole days seeing your family every min and sec, they can utter nonsensical stuffs too!
1st CONVO.
zikry: YAI' !!! YAI' !!!
daddy, with a merajuk face.
daddy: si zikry nie kan! panggil papa YAI'!! YAI'!! macam taik!!!!!!
mum and me: BURST into LAUGHTER!!!!!
i swear never in a million years i see daddy saying that. yes, he utters merepek-ness. yes, he cracks really funny jokes. but THAT was hilarious. and up till now, whenever zikry calls for my dad, i will get reminded of that.*laughs.
2nd CONVO.
well, while we were in Malaysia, the cousin had to go to s'pore for some business function. My bro was there to bring him around and he had dinner with the cousin's friedn and the bro.So, after the came back from s'pore(we were STILL in m'sia), the cousin told us something eee-kily hilarious too.
cousin's friend: your cousin is really cute.
(me: puke!)
cousin: ohhhokaayyy..
cousin's friend: what is his highest qualification?
cousin: he is a dip grad.
cousin's friend: oh never mind, he is a BRIGHT guy.
cousin(in hs heart): waddddddddddddddddddddd... you just got to know him for 22 freaking mins!
hahahahahahaah. oh well, i think its really true when they say that no matter how good looking ur siblings,(esp of the opp sex) looks like, you will never agree with your friends. i don't know why. but it's just like i suppose?hahahhahahahahahah
3rd CONVO.
daddy: are you going invite your friends to abang's wedding?
me: ya... i suppose so.
daddy: invite EVERYONE ok! treat it just liek your wedddingggg!!! yeah!
mum: disgruntled face. hahaha
okie... so it is true tt all familes are psychotic aren't they. mine is an understatement. they can go BONKERS anytime anywhere. but, it was fun. there are times we feel like stranggling them, and there are times we feel like giving them a A GREAT BIG HUG every second. but no matter what, i guess they are the ones who have seen my nonsensical moments ever. and if you do, please please keep it to yourself ya? *laughs.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
that OT ASS-signment done, which means, now it is SOFI's time.(*laughs. i know. perasaan nak mampos)
so anyway, I am FINALLY back, 9 straight days solely in Malaysia with the family. well, of course we went to different parts of Malaysia; Sungei Buloh, Langkawi, KL and Damansara. Despite the fact that we went to Malaysia innumerable times, THAT trip made us feel almost like the virigintourists of Malaysia.
1st PITSTOP: Sungei Bu-Lorrr.
"Oh what fun it is to ride with two boys on the way. hey!"
The journey to Sungei Buloh was definitely fun with redha and zikry. Without them, i would have probably die-ED seeing plantations after plantations. But, seeing mira, haziq and ishraq made it all so wonderful! talk about outstantious living. the cousin's humoungous house has an airwell where you can see the moon from inside the house and a big big open concept jacuzzi which is probably what you yearn for your honeymoon. gorgeous i tell you!

moi favourito!!!

2nd PITSOP: Langka-wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
if you ever plan to drive up to Langkawi then take a ferry from kuala kedah. here is a word of advice: DON'T. that trip up north from sungei buloh which feels like 5867856705760376 years was the looongest ride in the car EVER. My bum hurts like mad( doesn't help the fact that it makes the pantat flatter. haha!) AND so as my eyes. i don't know how did daddy survive driving safely, bu ti swear it took forver to reach there. i'm saying from a kl-s'pore-journey-is-not-bad-point-of-view. so, safe yourself. but other than that, langkawi is ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh heaven is a place on earth!. i simply lovelovelovelovevloe the sandy beaches, hilly areas(that horri-terrifying cable car ride) and the awesome history of mahsuri and the pure blood of white milk in colour. A.W.E.S.O.M.E !!!!!

that super high cable car ride which was superscaryshitless.

3rd PITSTOP: Kayyy-L
so did i shop till i did drop at the Y.E.S(year-end-sale). surprisingly, N.O. it has nothing to do with the range of gorgeous products or bad quality, but i guess i was spoiled for choices. i mean like hello! 1 utama have all my favourite shops in the whole entire universe can? forever21, topshop, MNG, you name it, they have it! not to mention klcc and the Curve. madness i tell you. BUT, you must not give petaling street a miss. you may haggle in discomfort but heck it cos the the fakes are too good to be true.*laughs.bargain!bargain! bargain! and of course how can i ever get enough of the kiddo-s? it was reallie nice to see mira,ishraq and haziq for three consecutive days.

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4th PITSTOP: who would expect that we extended one more day at Damansara???
uhhuh. so, it all begins when we have alraedy checked out of the the hotel from kl and wanted to have lunch before we leave for singapore. we headed off to the Curve to have marche' and what do you know? FOOD PARADISE! you turn left, you have little penang cafe, you turn right you have TGI FRIDAY'S, you go straight you have baskin robins. you turn back, you make a decision that you will regret for your whole entire life of not stayin over for one more night to explore further! and so, we hit the pooooool upon checking in and i swear i was laughing hysterically looking at how adorable my dad looked like in his berms. since damansara is far far away from singapore, who would bump into us in those funny swimming costumes. suddenly, from voice a far, we heard, "CIKGU HASAN, CIKGU HASAN!"

hahahahah. it was daddy's ex-student from Bartley(yes yes my sec sch too!) AND the main singer from 2D, rifa'ah. haha. he was on his vacation with his in-laws(yes i din know he is married) and was doing a show. how cool is that. oh well that one more night was great! and it was even sweeter when i found out that there was flea market just outside of the hotel lobby. i couldn't be anymore happier.
oh wells, 9 loooong days in Malaysia was all i need to rejuvente myself from the slumps back home. the pimplesirrinoying NAK MAMPOS is healing but i am still paranoid about it. there were obviously lots of UPPPSSSS and dowwnss with the family but redha and zikry was definitely my immediate remedy. so, tommorrow, back to hitting booooooooooooooooooooooooks and reseach beacause i have less than a 100 days to the MAJOR EXAMS. *sigh.

so, dear life,
can i lock myself in time and never go forward?
THAT nine days away from home was maybe just what i need forever.

dream on Auntie Sofi!lots of school work to catch up and do:)))
so mugmugmug!haha=P
that OT ASS-signment done, which means, now it is SOFI's time.(*laughs. i know. perasaan nak mampos)
so anyway, I am FINALLY back, 9 straight days solely in Malaysia with the family. well, of course we went to different parts of Malaysia; Sungei Buloh, Langkawi, KL and Damansara. Despite the fact that we went to Malaysia innumerable times, THAT trip made us feel almost like the virigintourists of Malaysia.
1st PITSTOP: Sungei Bu-Lorrr.
"Oh what fun it is to ride with two boys on the way. hey!"
The journey to Sungei Buloh was definitely fun with redha and zikry. Without them, i would have probably die-ED seeing plantations after plantations. But, seeing mira, haziq and ishraq made it all so wonderful! talk about outstantious living. the cousin's humoungous house has an airwell where you can see the moon from inside the house and a big big open concept jacuzzi which is probably what you yearn for your honeymoon. gorgeous i tell you!

moi favourito!!!

2nd PITSOP: Langka-wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
if you ever plan to drive up to Langkawi then take a ferry from kuala kedah. here is a word of advice: DON'T. that trip up north from sungei buloh which feels like 5867856705760376 years was the looongest ride in the car EVER. My bum hurts like mad( doesn't help the fact that it makes the pantat flatter. haha!) AND so as my eyes. i don't know how did daddy survive driving safely, bu ti swear it took forver to reach there. i'm saying from a kl-s'pore-journey-is-not-bad-point-of-view. so, safe yourself. but other than that, langkawi is ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh heaven is a place on earth!. i simply lovelovelovelovevloe the sandy beaches, hilly areas(that horri-terrifying cable car ride) and the awesome history of mahsuri and the pure blood of white milk in colour. A.W.E.S.O.M.E !!!!!

that super high cable car ride which was superscaryshitless.

3rd PITSTOP: Kayyy-L
so did i shop till i did drop at the Y.E.S(year-end-sale). surprisingly, N.O. it has nothing to do with the range of gorgeous products or bad quality, but i guess i was spoiled for choices. i mean like hello! 1 utama have all my favourite shops in the whole entire universe can? forever21, topshop, MNG, you name it, they have it! not to mention klcc and the Curve. madness i tell you. BUT, you must not give petaling street a miss. you may haggle in discomfort but heck it cos the the fakes are too good to be true.*laughs.bargain!bargain! bargain! and of course how can i ever get enough of the kiddo-s? it was reallie nice to see mira,ishraq and haziq for three consecutive days.

4th PITSTOP: who would expect that we extended one more day at Damansara???
uhhuh. so, it all begins when we have alraedy checked out of the the hotel from kl and wanted to have lunch before we leave for singapore. we headed off to the Curve to have marche' and what do you know? FOOD PARADISE! you turn left, you have little penang cafe, you turn right you have TGI FRIDAY'S, you go straight you have baskin robins. you turn back, you make a decision that you will regret for your whole entire life of not stayin over for one more night to explore further! and so, we hit the pooooool upon checking in and i swear i was laughing hysterically looking at how adorable my dad looked like in his berms. since damansara is far far away from singapore, who would bump into us in those funny swimming costumes. suddenly, from voice a far, we heard, "CIKGU HASAN, CIKGU HASAN!"

hahahahah. it was daddy's ex-student from Bartley(yes yes my sec sch too!) AND the main singer from 2D, rifa'ah. haha. he was on his vacation with his in-laws(yes i din know he is married) and was doing a show. how cool is that. oh well that one more night was great! and it was even sweeter when i found out that there was flea market just outside of the hotel lobby. i couldn't be anymore happier.
oh wells, 9 loooong days in Malaysia was all i need to rejuvente myself from the slumps back home. the pimplesirrinoying NAK MAMPOS is healing but i am still paranoid about it. there were obviously lots of UPPPSSSS and dowwnss with the family but redha and zikry was definitely my immediate remedy. so, tommorrow, back to hitting booooooooooooooooooooooooks and reseach beacause i have less than a 100 days to the MAJOR EXAMS. *sigh.

so, dear life,
can i lock myself in time and never go forward?
THAT nine days away from home was maybe just what i need forever.

dream on Auntie Sofi!lots of school work to catch up and do:)))
so mugmugmug!haha=P
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