Thursday, February 22, 2007
10:39 pm - LeBon's my man;)..
excerpts from SIM's "The Psychological Journal":Big brain,Small brain theory: Dr.Sofy, 2007according to the study done by afore-mentioned world-renowned pychologist ( =nutcase), people with bigger brain tend to be smarter than people whose brains are smaller. thus, smaller-brained people will have to work harder to be on par with bigger-brained people. another observation done on Dr.Sofy's part is that, bigger-brained people usually put their smarts to waste by not working as hard as the smaller-brained people thus, letting smaller-brained people reduce their cognitive dissonance; which arises from the fact that they have smaller brains = lesser smarts, through sheer hard work.
.criticism: Dr.Shit, another established nutcase,i mean, pyschologist, has pointed out the fact that bigger brains does not necessarily equate to greater database for knowledge: smarts. bigger brains may just consist of more grey matter, which we all know, equates to rubbish. she has managed to prove this point by donating her own big,grey brain for research.
current mood: crazy
first and foremost, my name is SOFI or soFIELD(micheal called me this. haha!). not Sofy or Dr. Sofy. tee-hehehe and i didn't mean it literally u cuckoo!!! if that's the case, frankenstein would have been the smartest ass in the whole wide world la. and this time round shidah, i will whip you cos you misbehaved!!!!
so so merepek la. but really really, studying has never been so fun with shidah, mudd, sinping, agnes and the rest. i used to hate to study in a group because i never find it fruitful or productive as most of us talk about random nonsensical stuff. but, i guess now, since we are older and more matured, we get it going and do things right(i think!haha). clarrified our doubts almost immediately, and debate about ESAP or accounts or ME and and and come break time, we let our hair down with the crazzyyy people with 489685070587605780 theories of our own!!! i like it:) and it is such a huge difference from last ear when i give su,wazzy,ili and whoever that consoled me, an earache. nevertheless, i can't thank you enough for that and i loooove you guys, BANYAK BANYAK.
anyways, this week has been quite rough for my family, especially my mother. mum lost a very dear friend from indonesia when she met with a very brutal accident on the way home from singapore. it felt like a nightmare because a few hours before the newsbreak, my whole family sent her off to the airport and bid our farewells. little did we know that was goign to be the last goodbye. it's pretty shocking how the accident happened because miraculously, the driver and the three other passengers survived with minor bruises. can you imagine, you just met your loved ones yesterday and he/she is gone forever the next minute? all the last few word, face-to-face,phone,msn or text messaging? the smiles, the good deeds, the happy memories together.the way he/she spreads the jam, bun up the hair, wear a tie and all the daily routine that they did is all gone. it must have been heartbreaking for the family and my heartfelt symphathy goes all out for them. what's written is already written and the fate is in the hands of ALLAH. so sofi, let's be strong and patient upon receiving challenges in life because you will never know what happens in the next very minute. Insyallah.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
i don't think the party would not be as fun without these people! thanks seetal and isk for that awesome night:)

Ok that was my 5th Indian party i have attended and needless to say that all of it was seriously larger than life. Shinder had relatives from India and Canada to attend to her 21st birthday party and the decorations was extravagant. You see glitters and lots and lots of diamante accesories. not to forget, a few eye candies at the party=P i swear the atmosphere was similar to my bro's wedding except the fact that there were fewer people. But nevertheless, one of those indian nights which makes me wanna watch KKKG and make me sappy all over again. haha. oh well, that has to come after the mock exams though.-sigh-
Friday, February 16, 2007
can someone grant me more than 24 hours a day please? i swear sometimes my time management is horri-terrible! i can waste time because of a stooooopid mistake i make or merely due to priortising the wrong issues at hand. bad bad sofi. but oh wells, whatever it is, i must must avoid self-handicapping and F.O.C.U.S.
so, anyway people, meet my sweet valentine, Redha a.k.a Lincoln Burrows. hahaha. how can anyone resist Lincoln right? ok fine fine. redha!!! i haven't seen the nephews for sooo long due to schoolwork made me missed them like hell. redha is baby-talking now and zikry's new addiction is cicakman,which i have yet to find out the meaning of it. to us, it could be some kind of cartoon character but to him, it could mean a million and one things. oh! kids and their wild imagination:)and so, the next day, i celebrated Paul's birthday along with al,kat,melvin,jay and agnes at the mindcafe'@prinsepstreet. i have never been there,but with alecia and kat's assurance that the games are 100% guranteed fun, i couldn't be more excited:) and true enough the uglydoll made us berserk and plausibly the loudest group in the cafe! orgasmic fun, i tell you!

but sadly, i didn't stay that long because i wanted to meet these babes badly too! we were high on sugar content of ben&jerry's and tell me. what's the difference between spastic people and wazzy,farah&me?
Sunday, February 11, 2007
nice setting right? but no no no,no tiger. REALLIE!
and and and, i'm really happy for my two tuition kids who got their o-level results yesterday. i swear i was so pessimistic about everything. afterall, "we are corrupting the future of the nation right, shidah?" haha just kidding la tey-ney-ney.but alhamdulilah, they did better than i expected:)
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
it's about time i hit the books real hard
it's about time the brother got married!!!!!!!!
yes yes yes!!! finally, after 30 years living on this planet earth, he finally found his princess(and i literally mean it!. haha!)
so the whole month of january was seriously kecohnakmampos over at my place starting from wrapping the berkat from scratch and MASSIVE spring cleaning. but of course, the ultimate was last weekend:) feeling exhauted was definitely an understatement from little redha to granny nyai. we had a wailing girl searching for her blardy phone, she thought she had lost during the nikah, running towards the finishing line of amazing race when we forgot to bring the bunga rampai to give the girls' side, "OLE-OLEing" on sunday night at my place till some of the cousins did not go school the day after, waiting for half-an-hour the pengantin perempuan to finish siap when the rombongan lelaki has already arrived! haha. but no matter how tired i was, i was having fun at the wedding. not to mention that i have my favourite cousins from malaysia and favourite friends to sacrifice their sundays for the wedding. for that i thank you. hugsss. and so, i have a new sister-in-law. i like her. but, i like her pelamin more though(haha! just kidding kak liza!) and the most wonderful thing that comes out of this is, she just might be the key for me to communicate better with my brother. alhamdulilah:)
but reallie reallie. her pelamin definitely had the WOW effect. it's HUMONGOUS for one thing and it has a blardy waterfall for god's sake! no wonder little redha refuses to look in front and show the camera his BOTAK head cos he was so fascinated by it! i would too! haha. not to forget tha wedding car which is freaking HOT. of course, they received road attention. i mean, like hello! how often do you get to see the bride and the groom in a red hot corvetible? i'm just glad that kak liza's cucuk sanggul is still on her head though.and and i lovvvveeee the hantaran that was from the girls' side. the chocalate cake was finger lickin good. and decorations was so so pretty and marks&spencers goodies from london was delicious. everything was gorgeous i tell you:)i'm glad that abang's smile seemed more genuine this time round compared to the photo shoot that they took and kak liza? she's really beautiful. well, that was my last weekend and it was burned. did cover quite a bit on esap but i have 26 days before ME paper and i have yet to bang on it! how? how? how?
dah lah! aku pun nak kahwin la!
and pics will be up pretty soon yeah:)