and there's more:)
this is my favourito. i loveeee the setting, that's for sure(esp the london cab) and and and, bro finally gave a proper smile(wheeee!!!!)
i am seriosuly greeeeen with jealousy when i see this! haha. but this wedding custome is gorgeous isn't it?

nice setting right? but no no no,no tiger. REALLIE!
and the final wedding costume for the photo shoot.
and and and, i'm really happy for my two tuition kids who got their o-level results yesterday. i swear i was so pessimistic about everything. afterall, "we are corrupting the future of the nation right, shidah?" haha just kidding la tey-ney-ney.but alhamdulilah, they did better than i expected:)
nice setting right? but no no no,no tiger. REALLIE!
gorgeous i tell you. to see my brother looking smart is really a BIG DEAL. half of the time he would be wearing my t-shirts or slippers without him even realising it. thank god he has a wife now to look after him.haha can't wait for them to come back home though:))
anyway am quite happy with my progress in esap and me. thanks to rashidah, sinping and andie!!! and because of that, i allowed myself to have a mini treat after the study session with andie by watching BABEL. i still have yet to know the exact meaning of it though, but seriously, it's worth my 9 bucks. how far would we go to help someone in times of desperation? what do we do when we commit an honest mistake? why do the morrocans in rural areas act altruistically, when usually, people in the urban areas act pro-socially? i swear learning social psychology is making me think wayyyy too much. it doesn't help the fact that i'm inquisitive. but really really, babel. a-must-watch-movie and i like it:)
and and and, i'm really happy for my two tuition kids who got their o-level results yesterday. i swear i was so pessimistic about everything. afterall, "we are corrupting the future of the nation right, shidah?" haha just kidding la tey-ney-ney.but alhamdulilah, they did better than i expected:)
so with all the good vibes around me, i am hoping the very best that the momentum of studying stays with me. the faster the momentum the better it is. i have less than three weeks and panicking won't do me good right?insyallah, everything will be fine.
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