when sofi had the chance to wake up late today, not worrying about being late, not worrying about lesson plans for the day, not worrying about what to wear to work, her eyes automatically 'switched' wide open at 7.30.a.m.-s.p.o.i.l.e.r.- i would still be late if i wake up at that time tommorrow. but point being, i should have my beauty sleep now. but, noooooooo, the eyes refuses to shut it. and when it shouldn't be shutting it, it shuts at the most inappropriate places such as, in the MRT when i am standing and a 2 mins trip from the interchange to my house which is one stop away. sometimes, i can't comprehend how this whole body system works, be it the sleeping or the shitting. like how i can't comprehend how my wholeeeee family was all down at the Esplanade to watch baybeats. yes, mom and dad, included, alright. together with zikry, redha and two huge prams in a sea of black and white. haha. so yeap, not exactly the best family bonding location, but it was a fun, watching the drama-sss and whatever-nots.
seriously, why was i there again yesterday? haha. maybe, friday night would have been a better option with him if i agreed:P
oh! we took the boat ride too. haha. damn nice. to sleep laaa. haha. didn't bring the camera into the boat. learnt from past experience. -the phone in the toilet bowl-
thankfully, no one came up to him and said"Cikgu Hasan! Apa khabar?" cos trust me, he will unleash his lamest of the lamest joke of the year to them. haha. daddyrocks
the band from sweden. blindsign?blindsight?blindspot? sumpah aku tak tahu laaa
my patriotic hero for the night with kak irda! he held the flag for a good 30 mins. even i don't do that.
and the bro came shortly after.
with the sisinlorr.
the carbon copies of each other
and we chilled out at haagen daaz, after that.
where redha,again, couldnt take his eyes off the ice-cream.
while zikry was soundly asleep in the pram at one corner.
and here's to the chiangmai-korean-japanese lover, happy belated 22nd birthday nafadifi! more sakae dates with dee they all k! and yes nad din, izk and funny friends, when are we meeeeeeeeeeting? i want to laugh laugh with you guys too.wazzy, farah? too loong already! meet meet.*hugs.

I'm standing here until you make me move
I'm hanging by a moment here with you
I'm living for the only thing
I know I'm running and not quite sure where to go
And I don't know what I'm diving into
Just hanging by a moment here with you
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