If opposite really attracts in relationship, i have nothing to say, but to just look at my brother and sis-in-law. Well, my brother is not exactly the nicest brother that everyone wished for, but when 80 of us , both my mum &dad's side were invited to their 1st Anniversary, i knew it was my sis-in-law's idea. He doesn't even remember our birthdays to begin with! Not to mention wishes and presents or even a small talk. But that's the thing about the significant other. They are significantly enough to bring out the best in you. Whether it was a fight that challenges you to speak up or simply, neutralizing the bad-temper in you. If there is such theory, i sure need someone to calm me down each and every second, hear me rant and shut me up nicely with nice words or simply be like Hady Mirza. heh.

so, the 80 of us at
ki-ta-tak-man-di restaurant at furama hotel. haha. and did i mention that there were lucky draws too? its like a mini berkat.

with anika sofia! yeahhh! after that, the cousins went to simpang where khairul tried to be a
"step-garang abang sedara" when i was sitting with the sr guys for awhile.
kepala hotak dier la. malu kan aku jer. haha.

proton and neutron. haha. and yes, have fun in your second honeymoon at Copenhagen!

first it was kavee and then it was navin. i wonder how this two cartoons fell for my jokes about going out with Hady, though they were skeptical about it initially. i think i am getting better at
bedek-ing people now. but last sat, he was nice, sincere and really nice.heh. he totally won my heart the way he played with his nephew imran mirza and how that little tot went up the stage walking around the stage as though he owned it. so cute. but all in all, it was really nice. really really*laughs*

then i was asking zark whether whatever he potrayed up on stage, was really the real him or just the person he ought to be. he said that that you might never know since it's all under the category of "customer service" i couldn't agree more, but then again, he seemed like a very sincere person and i like nice guys with nice smiles. he totally fit the category with every sense of the word. how niceeeee:) thank you wazzy for the golden opportunity!! sayang wazzzzy and poor khai and zark had to teman us though they don't exactly want to watch it. but, c'mon you don't get to see Hady everyday and hear him sing berserah too.haha. i am so stupified by him man. but oh wells, who can you blame?i likeeeee......
and 24 days?
not very far.
but i am a believer
and i believe.
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