reallly. i don't see you as someone participating in my life anymore. all that you have done in the past is still etched in my mind and please don't make me revive it because it's either, one, you make me feel the dumbest person on earth, or, two, i am disgusted by it. i may be melodramatic about this whole issue but i cant help it because knowing the manipulativetwertbastard you, twisting your words is your thing. because when someone mentioned your name, i just happen to remember to remember those awful things. so don't potray the angel that you are not and don't try to outsmart others because as it is, you are the fool here. and the world would probably be much nicer place without you. well, at least inmy world.
okieeee. hola! sorry for the rather "LOUD" introduction in this entry. my mood meter was boiling "HOT" when a friend just told me some stuff. but i am much better now, thanks to micheal scoffield and lincoln burrows who is constantly in my mind. hahahaha. anways, i've been fine lately. as usual, there are days where i feel as though i am on top of the world while there are other days where i feel that i am down below. and in times like these, the best remedy has got to be watching prison break.( thanks minmin and sorry wazzy!) though i maybe suffering from suspense fatigue from season 2, i can never get sick of watching lincoln with his badguy look. hahaha. im quite surprised that im looking more at lincoln than micheal this time round. but whattheheck, they are still brothers and i soooo want them. hahahahahahahhahaha.
that aside, my house is a karung gani house. it's official, especially when the aunties came over and declared it. i swear i couldn't stop laughing when my aunt was surveying the house. mak lela was saying, "kiri, mainan zikry, kanan radio lama, depan tilam, macam mana nak jalan?" i have funny aunties. reallie. we can laugh all night long and get high on nothing. crazy families.
talking about crazy, i have crazy friends too! last week, when i met with nadi, faridah, izk and weimin for a short while, we literally went bonkers with lame jokes that cracked us up. i can't really tell you now because accordong to faridah, tellign the joke face to face would be mroe impactful than over the phone or blog. and true enough, when i tried. it failed, causing su to laugh 546890758970567 hours after that conversation.
well, what can i say? i guess i am surrounded by mad people. but, well of course birds of feathers flock together, which makes me equally as mad or maaaaaadeer than them. hhahaha. but i loike it. really. so, rock on people cos you are loved! hugssss*
Monday, January 29, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
as much as home is equivalent to heaven, it's driving me nuts every single day. yes little redha and zikry are oh-so-adorable. but let's not forget the fact that when they are demanding, they can literally drive you nuts too. well, little redha has fever due to teething and he demands to be carried all the time. little zikry can demand from going to vivocity at 8 o'clock in the morning to going night safari at 12 midnight. and so, when demands are not met, hell breaks loose. no matter how hard you try to immitate as one of the monkeys in the zoo or distract him from his wild imagination, it's a tough tough job handling zikry and redha. well, let's excuse redha because he is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo burmburm with his ketak-ketak flashing everywhere. but zikry. oh-zikry, he is special, as always. with that said, i am wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy behind schedules for managerial economics. funny how i always like the last few chapters compared to the first few. well, probably the elements of mathematics in market structure makes it easier. okie. nothing has changed. house still in a mess. room is a disaster-hit area and me, let my hair answer you for that la ah.... hahaha
i miss you too, people.
i miss you too, people.
Sunday, January 21, 2007

as of today, i am officially DHOOOM-ed! firstly,bro's wedding is super near and the house is still in a huge mess. the mock exams come soon after the celebrations which is soooo not fun!!! and thirdly, i am still super high because seetal's 21st party just now was a B.L.A.S.T!!!! *bang* and how can hrithik roshan be sooo hot(his dance moves especially!!!)? i mean noooo, he wasn't at seetal's party but all this bhangra, hindi songs are making me fall in love with him or any charismatic hot actors.
dhoom machale!!!
dhoom machale,
haha. anyways, yes yes its been eons since i last blogged and trust me there are soooo many things that i want to update but reallie reallie if only God grants me more than 24 hours a day i would happily putting all my worries behind. so till now, i will just upload pics from seetal's 21st party! i was really glad to be part of it given my tight schedule and seetal hun, happy advanced 21st birthday!!!!!!!!!! super fun and finally i had a taste of india clubbing! *laughs.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
1) i just bought a car
2) Korea was cool
3) school is love
4) love is in the air
5) i feel like slapping TT. Durai
6) cheating is a norm
7) i have 1 cent in my pocket
8) i still find you eek-y
9) marijuana was good.
10) redha is little haj.
11) i dyed my hair orange.
12) wentworth miller came to my place last sunday.
13) my grandmother can rap
14) green and yellow is my favourite colour
15) i like the tortoise better than the bunny
16) ignorance is a bliss
17) i miss someone this very moment
18) 3 bears was very entertaining
19) zikry can speak german fluently
20) balls are funner than boys.
where have i been? everywhere. frankly speaking, 2007 didn't really kicked off well for me. well, firstly, the freaking PC broke down( well, i won't specifically call it a PC anymore because it's seriously BOB-less), secondly, one of my tuition kids didn't want to continue because his family is not financially stable( after i gave up the other two kids!!!!), three, the gutt feeling that things just won't turn out right because Murphy's said so. what luck! and don't even make me start on my new year's resolution. -wails. oh wells, but at least there are a few things to look forward too. there is just too many to mention. but, just to keep it simple, i have got to give back what i owe. maybe it means swimming across seven seas, climbing mount everest but seriously seriously, it is serious.
i miss ranting on this public domain. but till i 'settle' the big big issues, daddy will tackle this minute problem to him, and there will be a new baby in the house.
2) Korea was cool
3) school is love
4) love is in the air
5) i feel like slapping TT. Durai
6) cheating is a norm
7) i have 1 cent in my pocket
8) i still find you eek-y
9) marijuana was good.
10) redha is little haj.
11) i dyed my hair orange.
12) wentworth miller came to my place last sunday.
13) my grandmother can rap
14) green and yellow is my favourite colour
15) i like the tortoise better than the bunny
16) ignorance is a bliss
17) i miss someone this very moment
18) 3 bears was very entertaining
19) zikry can speak german fluently
20) balls are funner than boys.
where have i been? everywhere. frankly speaking, 2007 didn't really kicked off well for me. well, firstly, the freaking PC broke down( well, i won't specifically call it a PC anymore because it's seriously BOB-less), secondly, one of my tuition kids didn't want to continue because his family is not financially stable( after i gave up the other two kids!!!!), three, the gutt feeling that things just won't turn out right because Murphy's said so. what luck! and don't even make me start on my new year's resolution. -wails. oh wells, but at least there are a few things to look forward too. there is just too many to mention. but, just to keep it simple, i have got to give back what i owe. maybe it means swimming across seven seas, climbing mount everest but seriously seriously, it is serious.
i miss ranting on this public domain. but till i 'settle' the big big issues, daddy will tackle this minute problem to him, and there will be a new baby in the house.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
i know i know. the spiders are already forming cobwebs all over this dormant blog. but let's just say that i am deprived of civilisation. pretty much for a kickASS new year huh? but, it won't take long for the ol' me to get back on my two feet.
till then, have a rockin' new year and cheers to more smiles and laughter for many many many more days, weeks and years to come.
aza aza fighting!!!!!
till then, have a rockin' new year and cheers to more smiles and laughter for many many many more days, weeks and years to come.
aza aza fighting!!!!!
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