Saturday, March 31, 2007
as of this moment, things are looking up and i hope it stays that way. got back my esap paper and alhamdulilah, it went fine. i really didn't expect it, but complacency is the last thing i should feel right now. and just now, i have never felt sexier driving in daddy's car, though i still got to get used to the futile left leg. and as of this instant, i better hit the bed before the bed hits me in the lecture theatre tommorrow. i shall not be a complain queen and just count my blessings as of now. i am so happy right now that i can eat a whole tub of ben&jerry's fossil fuels without feeling guilty. so, yupp, hopefully this mood meter of 10 stays the same though i still believe in balance. well, let's not think about tt now yarhh and enjoy the good vibes! so... let's zooooooooooooom people!:)))
Monday, March 19, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
and just now, on a beautiful SUNDAY morning(*wails), i had to wake up early in the morning to listen to the melodious voice of baldwin and ting which only ended at 5.35p.m. so, sunday is the new monday and a week later, saturday will be friday and so on so forth. which basically means, weekends=weekdays! don't ask me how the system works, because it is just the way it is, but all i want right now zero distraction. yes. distractions that will make my imagination go wild and out. distractions that will make me paranoid as i can be. distractions that will make my eyes wide open even i am in the deepest of sleep. but, even if the biggest wave of distractions hit me, i guess 2006 had trained me well to deal with it. Insyallah:):):)
and how about distractions that cannot be controlled? i am still going to date scoffield, i am still on the mission to save the world and i don't even care if Dr. Bailey screams at me if i misbehave! and and i am still taking my daily, no, hourly, no, nanoly, dosage of friends, families and friends and families and friends and families! haha!
but i got to admit the revision classes was really good. though ME lecture was scheduled till around 4.30pm. i had a feeling ting was going to extend till 5.00p.m and true enough, he was on a roll with auctions and bidding it strecthed all the way till 5.35p.m the funny thing was, i didn't feel restless or whined my way through thinkning that it would be the longest lecture ever. probably audrey was the main reason why as she was a really good companion as always, and made me oblivious of the time. too bad angie couldn't come though:( but, anyways, looking forward to tommorrow night though:)
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
i like how the weekends went-by without worrying too much about school. and THIS weekend, redha is THE MAN.
here's why......
he loves to say atak!atak!
he dances like wade robson
he drives everyone crazyyyy with his slumber-look.(LOOK ABOVE! sinping said redha looks like EUNUCH from some china tv show)
reallllliiiiieeeeee. and just now, after so so many weeks of not laughing hysterically, my aunt just had to make me visualize something OUT OF THE BLUE.
me: wandi, this polo shirt will look so adorable of redha rite?
wandi: eh eh, nanti (keke!) kiter pakai kan redha kain pelekat (keke!)dengan singlet macam pak haris nak(keke!)?
oooohhhmmmyygoooddd. i swear throughout the day, kak jun and me had our own versions of redha looking like tok-haji la, pak-penghulu, cikgu hasan junior la and all the baldies you can think of with ermmm,a very sexy tummy. haha! we even imagined redha walking terkedek-kedek with his kain pelekat and songkok haji saying, " eh eh! wandi datang eh.... silakan masuk!" we have yet to execute our plan but reallie, we would love to do it and once that done. i swear he is going to be the ladies man and don't worry, he will be in the news headline=P!
Friday, March 09, 2007
so, anyway, i am loving channel 5 more more everyday because desperate housewives is back!!!!!! i swear it cannot get any more crazier with susan's hilarious antics, gab's bitchiness(i loike!), brie's perfection and lynette's seriously desperate actions. it's driving me insane that i would love to go wisteria lane to experience it myself and wonder what other secrets i can unravel. oooooooooooooohhhhhhh and and ugly betty? i so so so love it. i can't help but to laugh at how klutz-y she can be because i can so relate to her. rite su?nadi?wazzy? haha. and trust me i am worse than her. reallie!haha. but i am still wondering when grey's anatomy is coming back though i know there are other ways to watch it(tee-hee-hee) i am being very patient to the persistent question of who will meredith choose in the end??? whatever her ultimate decison may be, i hope to see my McSteamy in season three -bigFATgrin-
i sooo do not want to think about school right but how can i not be pissed when i have school next very sunday??!??!?!! my timetable for e-REV sucks big time this time round because i have 3 consecutive weekends burned!!-wails- i guess i can't complain much because if you really want help from the london lecturers, you've got to sacrifice your time. oh wells. double boooooo!!!haha.