1) last saturday, auntie sofi went for her friend's 21st party at aloha changi. she said she was weeellie high on sugar that she couldn't sleep the whole night. then, she asked me to guess how much it cost and i said, fifty cents! she gave me a look and said, noooooooooo, you need to times one thousand to that amount, redha. that is $500! i want that for my 1st party too!
and there were pretty cupcakes too! the last time i saw cupcakes was when i watched disney playhouse about eleven months ago. i was probably one month old and it was featured in the show strawberry cupcakes. i didn't want to watch it but kakak min and sara wanted too and so, me and adam cried and got titis instead.
i tried counting the flowers and there were altogether 42 flowers. dracula from sesame street is going to be so proud of me!!! and is she 42 years old? but auntie sofi told me she's 21!! oh no... maybe i counted wrongly. okie i am going to count again. one, two, three.....
auntie sofi told me that those were cupcakes. but i find it so hard to believe because kakak min and sara always play with them in the toyroom. that's not fair! how come winnie the pooh bear doesnt come to life when i play with it? boo!
she said that flowers make her happy too. and so as abang zikry, wanbuk, yai and everyone else, especially meeeeeeeeeeee!!
lastly, she was so thankful that auntie alecia was there to boogey the night away. i still think she should have brought me along. okie. happy birthday auntie aimin!
2)last friday, auntie sofi's friend anushia graduated! she said that the three of them are reallie good frens because of the evil twins. u mean there are bad ppl out there? oh no... but dun worry, mama always says that Allah will protect us. so it will protect you too!
3)then on good friday the other day, i saw all the wan-s and the om-s. i wanted to play at the beach and play with the sand so that i can hide my feet but i came a little bit and didn't get to play.
and there were so many people there and abang afif loves taking pictures too like auntie sofi! hello abang afif.
rifqy! is my favourite cousin. and we are playing soccer this weekend at neverneverland. auntie diana and abang faris will probably win because we have small feet.
then that night, auntie sofi told me that they met a very pretty girl who was lost. i got scared and didn't dare to ask her. but auntie sofi and uncle isk and everyone else had fun too
i love my yai because everyone says that i look like him. i didn't know that i was cute. hello yai!
oh look! its meeeeeeeeeee. auntie sofi took this picture because mama didn't let me eat the mini cornetto. so i imagined i had an ice-cream in my hand. yummmy!
and i finally get to see auntie liza after so long. auntie sofi said that the whole family should travel again one day just like the other day. i weeliee had fun in langkawi!
4) and end of last month, auntie sofi and her friends celebrated auntie alecia's birthday! she said auntie alecia is 22 going to 2! yeah! auntie alecia can be my closest friend too! i am turning 1 next week!
5) auntie sofi is so happy that auntie wazyy is back from vietnam and she told me that i should meet up with danish one day! so when can i meet him auntie wazzy?
5) auntie sofi is so happy that auntie wazyy is back from vietnam and she told me that i should meet up with danish one day! so when can i meet him auntie wazzy?
6) auntie sofi said the tagborad is sick and needed to go to the doctor real sooon. so that you can tag, but don't run away. so hello!!
7) she also said the world is a small place, surrounded by nice people and we need to look at the bright side of life. if that doesn't help, she says, tap you feet like happy feet! i don't understand, auntie su, please explain.
8) i can't wemember anymore.... but if i do... i will update more okie?
oh noooo... its getting late. i have to be at wanbuk's house early tom. okie dokie. goodnight everyone and goodnigth barney!=))
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