for the past three weeks or so,

i finally found the time to visit isk's hall.

wanted to surprise isk, but ended up surprising su instead.

i remembered vividly the conversation su had with isk saying that i was a "super bitch" for cancelling on them; which was part of my surprise plan! grrr...(
kau baik mintak ampun dengan aku hari raya ini tauu!haha=P)

according to isk, i was so excited that i was hyper-vantilating.
bedekk sey isk! haha. and su was stoned-ly surprised because she slept quite the night before. but wheeeeee.... at least i am managed to keep the surprise long enough and unexpected! oh trust me, i always cock up surprises. haha.

then we went to the next
wave@ucc one of those sats. created our own rendition of the next wave, which we can call the
of elephant legs, su's yoga dance and isk lari anak-anak(
or is it lari-lari anak? my dad better not be reading this. i can just imagine him saying, sia-sia ejer jadi anak cikgu! haha).

but of course, raz's performace was still the best with tights and whatever-nots. hahaha

we bid coach kenny farewell and a safe trip where we imagine coach terence in orange cloth and botak head. i can never see him in the same light, thanks to coach siti. haha.

went to sahara to celebrate di and nad's bdae. i swear their birthday is everyday, everywhere,

and every minute laaaa!!!

and shah turns 21!!!! @ seoul garden and wazzy received a lovely surprise. and kana!!! happy 21st to you too dear. sat sat! but u must puasa k!hahahaha

all the bibik's

and om's buka-ed @ nyai's place and had a rollin' good time

of riding&driving and my lucky $1 coin,

got the cubic, not rectangular spongebob, where bibik syikin better hang it in her daddy's car=P
it's all good,
it's all good, i supposed.
but, i can't. i don't want to.
definitely not now.
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