I think i am getting better at managing my emotions, as well as my students' during tuition especially in times when you are on the verge of giving up. I believe that I am STRICTER and adopting a million and one strategies to focus their attention, whether it means being animated or giving that fierce tone. But just now was a test and I guess a large part of communication also depends on body language and not only the tone of my voice. I know I learned this last year in psychology, in effective communications, but i have never really put it in thought and applying the concepts in real-life, except when i am freaking out or really pissed off. oh wells, the wonders of psychology*su must be gleaming now* haha. but 3 years of tuition with VERY playful kids, particularly boys? I must thank them for making me managing my emotions better. well, of course, in a perfect world, you would want a kid who is perfect with perfect grades. but in reality, it's definitely not like that and what's more in dog eat dog kinda world? grrrr... no doubt i am scared, but funnily, i am just thankful that these kids will somehow prepare me for the unpredictable world ahead.
so, officially, as of tomorrow, i wouldn't have to stick the kueh lopez on the screen of the car and i can bully the newbiesss! haha. -KIDDING!- but honestly, throughout my 365 days under probation, i still suck at PARKING, especially parallel parking. there are times when i want to fold the car into small pieces and keep inside my pocket. REALLLLLY. but i don't feel that horrible because i know my sis still can't parallel park properly too after 98598345983 years of experience!hee...
and the UOL lecturers have been great, so far. every single word that comes out of their mouth is easily understood albeit the large amount of information. their accent is not that strong, well , except for my cf lecturer who is probably an Italian who speaks with a lil bit of S'porean accent. errrrr...... okay nvm. haha. but he is great, really. and you were right about haider. he is the God of marketing where he can easily give precise explanations with precise examples, just.like.that. oh wells, they didn't earn the tittle of a being a lecturer for nothing. amazing. but really? i want the revision lectures to END asap so that i can consolidate all the notes and chiong(is tt how you spell it? HAHA) ALL THE WAY. but sadly, i still have about 3 weeks or so before school ends, and making my way all the way to level 5 just to pee. tee-hee. I am definitely going to miss school like kerazee, but let's focus on what needs to be done now yea? and to think tt this weekend i have classes till 5 and tuition after that.....I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO LOOKING FORWARD TO MONDAY!!!! weeeeeeeeeeee. wazzy!!! jom jom! haha.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
despite what happened last friday and many many times before, i will still come ON TIME to meet you in future, unless you,
1) don't make me wait for SO long.
2) don't make me wait for SOO long.
3) don't make me wait for SOOO long.
4) belanja me ice-cream or something for making me wait for SOOOO long.
okay okay? set! damn kodok you know, sinping. *grrrrr... haha.
Who would have remembered the purple creature's name is gremis and the place where ronald macdonalds' live is at macdonalds land. sharon was definitely a hard-core supporter man. and al, you look so cute, like that. awesome party. seriously.
i think paul was being such a sweet boy by being so involved in choosing alecia's presents, while mel being so helpful in doing her orange-shaped card and aaron being idiotic as always.
it's just nice to see boys at work for once, instead of the girls. so sweet la.
1) don't make me wait for SO long.
2) don't make me wait for SOO long.
3) don't make me wait for SOOO long.
4) belanja me ice-cream or something for making me wait for SOOOO long.
okay okay? set! damn kodok you know, sinping. *grrrrr... haha.
ANYWAY, alecia's 23rd or 3rd party(HAHA!) at MacD was great. All of us, was being a kid, think like one and act like one which makes the host(who did an execellent job, btw) so so much easier. We did great too:)
it's just nice to see boys at work for once, instead of the girls. so sweet la.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Which is the best example to follow?
Dov Beer of Mezeritch was asked:
‘Which is the best example to follow? That of the pious man who dedicates his life to God without ever asking why, or that of the erudite man, who tries to understand the will of the Almighty?’
‘The best example to follow is that of the child,’ replied Dov Beer.
‘But a child knows nothing. It doesn’t even understand what reality is!’ was the general response.
‘There you are much mistaken, because the child has four qualities that we should never forget.
A child is always happy for no reason.
A child is always busy.
When a child wants something, he or she shows great persistence and determination in demanding that thing.
Lastly, a child is always very quick to stop crying.’

and ,
when I grow up, I want to be a child.
like, totally.
Dov Beer of Mezeritch was asked:
‘Which is the best example to follow? That of the pious man who dedicates his life to God without ever asking why, or that of the erudite man, who tries to understand the will of the Almighty?’
‘The best example to follow is that of the child,’ replied Dov Beer.
‘But a child knows nothing. It doesn’t even understand what reality is!’ was the general response.
‘There you are much mistaken, because the child has four qualities that we should never forget.
A child is always happy for no reason.
A child is always busy.
When a child wants something, he or she shows great persistence and determination in demanding that thing.
Lastly, a child is always very quick to stop crying.’

when I grow up, I want to be a child.
like, totally.
Monday, March 17, 2008
this is my favouriteeeeeeeeeeee episode of UPIN&IPIN.
especially the part where mei mei said
"tak bolehhhhh lu punya tuhan tahu oooooooo!"
and they are so cute that most of my aunties and cousins have all six episodes in their phones, including MAMA CAREY and CRYSTAL ZEE.(i know, what the heaven rite? haha)
and they are so cute that i imagine redha talking to his imaginary twin brother too.
but thanks to UPIN&IPIN, zikry is talking a little bit more of malay now.
"mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... sedapnye bauuuuuu!"
especially the part where mei mei said
"tak bolehhhhh lu punya tuhan tahu oooooooo!"
and they are so cute that most of my aunties and cousins have all six episodes in their phones, including MAMA CAREY and CRYSTAL ZEE.(i know, what the heaven rite? haha)
and they are so cute that i imagine redha talking to his imaginary twin brother too.
but thanks to UPIN&IPIN, zikry is talking a little bit more of malay now.
"mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... sedapnye bauuuuuu!"
Friday, March 14, 2008
right after MSM mock paper, she unwinds by:
1) eating ban-mian at bugis. not the best, but would love to eat again at the same place or elsewhere that sells really good hand-made noodles.
2) did a little teeny-weenie shopping at like-duh-uh-where-else-can-she-shop-at:)
3) watching two episodes of Private Practice, since it's a spin-off from Grey's. not bad, because i love baby drama-s:)
4) watching UPIN&IPIN at sis house for awhile. super-duper cute. love the part where Ipin said, "alahhh... lima minit awal jerrr" when Upin said that he was the abang. so so cute can!
5) getting psych-ed up for our grad trip in June or July or both. haha. LIKE TOTALLY LAAA.
6) listening to flo rida singing low for the 9498574359734985 times because of step up 2.
c'mon lets SING
7) and wahhh, this one ze best so far, celebrating aisyah's birthday, BUT,without her. -wails- we totally me-LALAK like kerazeee and the rain got heavier till the birthday girl couldn't make it on time to celebrate her birthday karaok-ing. haha. poor aisyah, but hopefully she likes the crocs, (okay okay, sorry, aku tahu aku kental,kay?HAHA!) or her presents very much!
don't ask me what the hell azura did because she is gila, LIKE THAT.
supposed to do stupid faces but THIS KAKAK SYIRIN always, ALWAYS SPOIL the picture.=P haha.
again. don't ask me what azura did. but i think we were beginning to feel really high on err.. malay jiwang songs... i know! the one that has , "MECAMPAKKAN!" word in that song! by ella! haha
we literally joget joget on funny songs like, " jong-jong inai..... rajawali!" by awie. okayyy i sooo cannot remember the song title and "achi achi buka pintu!" and DANGDUT!so giler i tell you. and syirin. STOP LOOKING SO INNOCENT CAN! haha. she's the one choosing all the merepek songs and dance moves. like O.M.G lorrr. haha.

ahh. this picture rite, i think we look like lesbian partners. haha. so syirin, you don't really look that innocent, afterall. hahahahaha

and babesies, totally today was so stress-relieving and i really thank you for the sumpah merepek nak mampos karaoke sessions.*HUGGIES! so yeap, we have like about two more months to go for war. so jiayou okay! we all can do this together! and come tommorrow or soon enough, i think most of us will start hitting the books back again for revision classes.
8) and more to come!!!
so let's MEET people:) we can always study or eat! mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. haha. and come 3rd June 2008, we can only eat! haha. so yeahhh!!
1) eating ban-mian at bugis. not the best, but would love to eat again at the same place or elsewhere that sells really good hand-made noodles.
2) did a little teeny-weenie shopping at like-duh-uh-where-else-can-she-shop-at:)
3) watching two episodes of Private Practice, since it's a spin-off from Grey's. not bad, because i love baby drama-s:)
4) watching UPIN&IPIN at sis house for awhile. super-duper cute. love the part where Ipin said, "alahhh... lima minit awal jerrr" when Upin said that he was the abang. so so cute can!
5) getting psych-ed up for our grad trip in June or July or both. haha. LIKE TOTALLY LAAA.
6) listening to flo rida singing low for the 9498574359734985 times because of step up 2.
c'mon lets SING
" Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans [Jeans] Boots with the fur [With the fur] The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo [She hit the flo] Next thing you know Shawty got low low low low low low low low"
7) and wahhh, this one ze best so far, celebrating aisyah's birthday, BUT,without her. -wails- we totally me-LALAK like kerazeee and the rain got heavier till the birthday girl couldn't make it on time to celebrate her birthday karaok-ing. haha. poor aisyah, but hopefully she likes the crocs, (okay okay, sorry, aku tahu aku kental,kay?HAHA!) or her presents very much!
aku sayang korang GILER BABI kan!
farisha's yummmmmmilicious muffins. really really sedap NAK MAMPOS eh. thanks for baking for us dear!
supposed to do stupid faces but THIS KAKAK SYIRIN always, ALWAYS SPOIL the picture.=P haha.
ahh. this picture rite, i think we look like lesbian partners. haha. so syirin, you don't really look that innocent, afterall. hahahahaha
and babesies, totally today was so stress-relieving and i really thank you for the sumpah merepek nak mampos karaoke sessions.*HUGGIES! so yeap, we have like about two more months to go for war. so jiayou okay! we all can do this together! and come tommorrow or soon enough, i think most of us will start hitting the books back again for revision classes.
so let's MEET people:) we can always study or eat! mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. haha. and come 3rd June 2008, we can only eat! haha. so yeahhh!!
Saturday, March 08, 2008

on the 8th of March 2008,
we celebrate being a woman,
whether it means having those unbearable periods, giving births and injecting tonnes of epidurals in our body system, crying our hearts out when making undying sacrifices for others,
for all the effort, toil and hard work,
we deserve to be recognised,
we deserve to be appreciated,
and we deserve to be loved.
and within us, we definitely have more
confidence in
in our ability
and in our potential.
Happy International Women's Day.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Sunday, March 02, 2008
onraet road.
yes, we went to onraet road, on a saturday night. in a mission, hopingggg to find a glimpse of the most wanted man in Singapore, or hopingggg to find at least how WRC looks like. and only to find out that we were a few metres away from the entrance before three policemen shone their torchlights to our car and quickly reversed away. LOL. that was a mini adventure and i salute my sisteria for doing that. haha. already in the car, packed like sardines with zikry and redha sleeping sooo soundly, me reciting prayers because the area was really spooky while wandi and the rest was scaring us away saying things like "he could just appear rite.in.front.of.the.car" haha. but we are still safe and sound here in our cosy home and hoping that the police will nabbed this soooo tak selamat guy asap.
since my next paper will be on thurs and then, sat, i thought i could play for awhile on friday. little did i know the kodoks really brought me to the playpen and i have neverrr felt so MENTEL before in my whole entire life. so we went to the army career fair at marina square as one (or rather two) of our friends wanted to join the army. NO.KIDDING. i salute her for that because really really, she's not that kind of person to be messed around with. and sooooo, after filling up the application form , we took pictures with the POKOK-POKOK and the goggleman. the cameraman was so friendly and took many pics and they developed the pics instantaneously for free! and so yanie said,"mestilah mentel! if you bring me to this kind of place, confirm mentel one!LOL" so funnny!!!!
look at SIRIN! and abul had to say, "but that's what i like about you" so sweet can! hahah
look look at TTM! showing off her new set of teeth! so straight rite!

haider trying to grow shorter!
OMG! the day wanie theorised that....... and syring sang, " i must, i must, i must! ............. ....... ....."
abul the bus conductor and haider the shy shy boy trying to show off their most masculine pose everrr. LOL.
and back to the grave issue.
applying for a job. and so, saturday morning, went for mendaki as usual and bumped into my senior in SIM-UOL. i am so glad that she's doing so well and got a few advice from her. all in all, she said, "you must really know what you want to do, rather than keeping it very open." honestly, i myself have yet to pin down which path to take and all, but i do know for sure teaching would be a last resort.
maybe under the management side? or the banking sector?
oh dear, i am getting so worried but then again,
i seriously can't WAIT to be financially independent!
please shine me some light
yes, we went to onraet road, on a saturday night. in a mission, hopingggg to find a glimpse of the most wanted man in Singapore, or hopingggg to find at least how WRC looks like. and only to find out that we were a few metres away from the entrance before three policemen shone their torchlights to our car and quickly reversed away. LOL. that was a mini adventure and i salute my sisteria for doing that. haha. already in the car, packed like sardines with zikry and redha sleeping sooo soundly, me reciting prayers because the area was really spooky while wandi and the rest was scaring us away saying things like "he could just appear rite.in.front.of.the.car" haha. but we are still safe and sound here in our cosy home and hoping that the police will nabbed this soooo tak selamat guy asap.
since my next paper will be on thurs and then, sat, i thought i could play for awhile on friday. little did i know the kodoks really brought me to the playpen and i have neverrr felt so MENTEL before in my whole entire life. so we went to the army career fair at marina square as one (or rather two) of our friends wanted to join the army. NO.KIDDING. i salute her for that because really really, she's not that kind of person to be messed around with. and sooooo, after filling up the application form , we took pictures with the POKOK-POKOK and the goggleman. the cameraman was so friendly and took many pics and they developed the pics instantaneously for free! and so yanie said,"mestilah mentel! if you bring me to this kind of place, confirm mentel one!LOL" so funnny!!!!

and back to the grave issue.
applying for a job. and so, saturday morning, went for mendaki as usual and bumped into my senior in SIM-UOL. i am so glad that she's doing so well and got a few advice from her. all in all, she said, "you must really know what you want to do, rather than keeping it very open." honestly, i myself have yet to pin down which path to take and all, but i do know for sure teaching would be a last resort.
maybe under the management side? or the banking sector?
oh dear, i am getting so worried but then again,
i seriously can't WAIT to be financially independent!
please shine me some light
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