onraet road.
yes, we went to onraet road, on a saturday night. in a mission, hopingggg to find a glimpse of the most wanted man in Singapore, or hopingggg to find at least how WRC looks like. and only to find out that we were a few metres away from the entrance before three policemen shone their torchlights to our car and quickly reversed away. LOL. that was a mini adventure and i salute my sisteria for doing that. haha. already in the car, packed like sardines with zikry and redha sleeping sooo soundly, me reciting prayers because the area was really spooky while wandi and the rest was scaring us away saying things like "he could just appear rite.in.front.of.the.car" haha. but we are still safe and sound here in our cosy home and hoping that the police will nabbed this soooo tak selamat guy asap.
since my next paper will be on thurs and then, sat, i thought i could play for awhile on friday. little did i know the kodoks really brought me to the playpen and i have neverrr felt so MENTEL before in my whole entire life. so we went to the army career fair at marina square as one (or rather two) of our friends wanted to join the army. NO.KIDDING. i salute her for that because really really, she's not that kind of person to be messed around with. and sooooo, after filling up the application form , we took pictures with the POKOK-POKOK and the goggleman. the cameraman was so friendly and took many pics and they developed the pics instantaneously for free! and so yanie said,"mestilah mentel! if you bring me to this kind of place, confirm mentel one!LOL" so funnny!!!!
look at SIRIN! and abul had to say, "but that's what i like about you" so sweet can! hahah
look look at TTM! showing off her new set of teeth! so straight rite!

haider trying to grow shorter!
OMG! the day wanie theorised that....... and syring sang, " i must, i must, i must! ............. ....... ....."
abul the bus conductor and haider the shy shy boy trying to show off their most masculine pose everrr. LOL.
and back to the grave issue.
applying for a job. and so, saturday morning, went for mendaki as usual and bumped into my senior in SIM-UOL. i am so glad that she's doing so well and got a few advice from her. all in all, she said, "you must really know what you want to do, rather than keeping it very open." honestly, i myself have yet to pin down which path to take and all, but i do know for sure teaching would be a last resort.
maybe under the management side? or the banking sector?
oh dear, i am getting so worried but then again,
i seriously can't WAIT to be financially independent!
please shine me some light
yes, we went to onraet road, on a saturday night. in a mission, hopingggg to find a glimpse of the most wanted man in Singapore, or hopingggg to find at least how WRC looks like. and only to find out that we were a few metres away from the entrance before three policemen shone their torchlights to our car and quickly reversed away. LOL. that was a mini adventure and i salute my sisteria for doing that. haha. already in the car, packed like sardines with zikry and redha sleeping sooo soundly, me reciting prayers because the area was really spooky while wandi and the rest was scaring us away saying things like "he could just appear rite.in.front.of.the.car" haha. but we are still safe and sound here in our cosy home and hoping that the police will nabbed this soooo tak selamat guy asap.
since my next paper will be on thurs and then, sat, i thought i could play for awhile on friday. little did i know the kodoks really brought me to the playpen and i have neverrr felt so MENTEL before in my whole entire life. so we went to the army career fair at marina square as one (or rather two) of our friends wanted to join the army. NO.KIDDING. i salute her for that because really really, she's not that kind of person to be messed around with. and sooooo, after filling up the application form , we took pictures with the POKOK-POKOK and the goggleman. the cameraman was so friendly and took many pics and they developed the pics instantaneously for free! and so yanie said,"mestilah mentel! if you bring me to this kind of place, confirm mentel one!LOL" so funnny!!!!

and back to the grave issue.
applying for a job. and so, saturday morning, went for mendaki as usual and bumped into my senior in SIM-UOL. i am so glad that she's doing so well and got a few advice from her. all in all, she said, "you must really know what you want to do, rather than keeping it very open." honestly, i myself have yet to pin down which path to take and all, but i do know for sure teaching would be a last resort.
maybe under the management side? or the banking sector?
oh dear, i am getting so worried but then again,
i seriously can't WAIT to be financially independent!
please shine me some light
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