oh happy days and more to come:)
1) level
camp@labrador with 18 coaches and herding 20 kids is not bad as it seems:)

considering the fact that the kids are really enthusiastic, caringgggg
(till the point that they care too much about my personal life and wants me to be with coach zak, and not zak. *slaps forehead*LOL!) and very manjaaaaaaaaaaa la!

su octopus to entertain anyone, anytime, anywhere.
omgggggggg. especially when the coaches played our own ice-breaker games.
you have to watch syirin and abul play the ice-breaker games with the rest. you will die laughing.
my favourite!
damn fun! the more aggresive, the BETTER! haha.
where the kids sabo-ed sham, syirin and me. su got away from sham so quickly. damn it!
dog and bone game.
coach sham: all the even numbers! go to coach abul and hug him!
LOL. it was damn chaotic and i don't know how abul got away faster when that IDIOT did the same thing to me.HAHA.
but the best wwas on the last NIGHT of the camp, mindless coach sham,abul,syirin,su,zak and myself went to geylang,ecp and sentosa and stayed in the car. laughed at each others antics every single second with eyes closed. no idea how we did it, but OHMYGOD, korang GEREK NAK MAMPOS LAAA! haha.
more more more!

2) KL trip with sister's family and friends was errr.... unexpectedly, motivational and emotional. haha. love every single second of it. with redha and zikry to hug,kiss and bully. HAHA. all the kakaks to talk about LIFE:)

my hensem redha.

met nad!!!!! so heh-py

and go
sogo@masjid india k. the deals are really good! and that HULK THING that zikry puts on weighs heavier than me ahhhhh. so cute la zik.

3) Om hakim's 23rd birthday surprise. too bad we didn't record hakim's nonsensical actions from town all the way to amirah's grill! super funny i tell you! walk ter-kedek-kedek with butt sticking out all.

om mad irritating nak mampos with his teeth like that. and i miss you la om-s and bibik!

4) min min farewell's
party@mos, where i was there for 20 mins, before mother sang the ULTIMATE music. haha

minminiminimin. have a safe trip and we are going to miss you!

while you! stop smiling and START snoring! LOL. haha. can't believe coach abul actually recorded him snoring at night for a good 30 secs.
kesian dier tau.haha.
oh happy days! MORE MORE MORE!:)
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