from noon till about eleven-ish or so, we were "attacked" consistently from one big adams family to another. brother had to warn us and say, "ANOTHER ONE! INCOMING! GET READY!" go go go!! haha. as usual, it was quite chaotic but really REALLY, sometimes i wish my mum stays out of the kitchen, entertain the guests ONLY and leaves me alone, to do the serving. i know what to do, more of, i know what SHE SPECIFICALLY WANTS me to do. and if its not her way, hell breaks loose:/ i think hosting an open house is a better option for us, but then again, dad loves people consistently coming to his place. it keeps the house lively:) so, mari-mari datang rumah happy raya ohkayyyyyy! haha.
so, yes, bik nana's HUGE family came on sunday and we tried taking pics of the third generation. coincidentally, most of the kiddos wore checked that day. and this is what we get.
adam cried because he accidentally dropped his mummy's phone under that big fat red sofa at my house. riskin showed a forced smile. haris, checking out on riskin and afif, being a protective brother.
almost perfect. buttttttt incomplete!
now, better, but only yasmin is picture-approved!
more of my camera couldnt take it anymore and the kids waved the white flag and obviously, my camera sucks. haha
butttttttt, i think this was a good shot of baby haidar.
baby model.
handsome giler ahh.
and his eyes. and his everything. can i be yours haidar?haha
anyway, i've said this before, and im going so say it again, WHY CAN'T THERE BE MORE THAN 24 hours in a day?
superwoman, inspire me PLEASE.
superwoman, inspire me PLEASE.
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