i think because my mum cooked the rendang three days in advance and we were on the ball in cleaning up the house, i am glad to say that this year's raya is much MUCH less hectic than the past few years! everything was on time and perfect. EXCEPT the cushion covers which my mum particularly wants to search it on her own. food was good, EXCEPT for the fact that, as of now, it's my fourth time going to the toilet to
berak:(( my mum had this idea that my stomach is
"terperanjat" after fasting for a month or so and thus, adjusting to eating three meals a day. but seriously, i think all i could remember was "sumbating", yes, NOT eating, SUMBATING, sambal goreng mak enah which is SO SEDAP NAK MAMPOS ah. oh wells, but for all that's worth, the food was seriously SERIOUSLY good.
anyway, i think the best part about raya is meeting people. meeting far far away relatives&friends and listening to interesting stories about them. like how i met my second/third cousin who works at singapore zoo and got bitten by a python! you should have seen the marks and stitches on her hand and how she looked so cool and calm about it. and of course! babiesssssss. oooooh how fast they have grown. baby marsha who is already SIX months old!so so gerammm la!

mumsie and baby marsha!

my favourite boysss. yes, including the SEBOK one in the middle who is 63 years old.

my kids:)
and yes, if you think the SEBOK boy in the middle looks small in the second pic, LOOK again. haha.
dadsterrrrr, you are ze best laaaaaa.
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