Thursday, May 07, 2009

" gloryyyy glorryyy man uniteddddd...................................................."

to have zak singing that to me in the middle of the night, i swear to God i thought he was mengigau-ingggg ahhh, when he called me. but this very boy converted me into a man-u supporter, unintentionally and not forjetting a minah-scrambler too. i really macam PAHAM know bout them winning the second leg semi-final and going to rome and alll that, padahallll satu kacanggg putehhh pon tak tahu! haha. as the saying goes, suit the burger laaa. but to have the newsfeed from zak and my prospects,the soccer world is not that bad eyy? but i still think watching the guys reaction when they watch soccer is much more interesting then watching the whole 90 mins game. haha. much much much more dramaa.

anywayyyyy, my su happy feet had her last paper of her entire life just now and she's soon going to be a graduate! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! shackle is off and now she can run free baby! and this woman, without a doubt will succeed in the social university as well la, especially with her nowist,jiayou suuu!:)

yes, now now now now nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

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