"Don't Give Up"- D'Masiv
Tak ada manusia
Yang terlahir sempurnaJangan kau sesali
Segala yang telah terjadiKita pasti pernah
Dapatkan cobaan yang beratSeakan hidup ini
Tak ada artinya lagiSyukuri apa yang ada
Hidup adalah anugerahTetap jalani hidup ini
Melakukan yang terbaikTak ada manusia
Yang terlahir sempurnaJangan kau sesali
Segala yang telah terjadiTuhan pasti kan menunjukkan
Kebesaran dan kuasanya
Bagi hambanya yang sabarKebesaran dan kuasanya
Dan tak kenal putus asa
Ironic how zak needs to here those words the mostttttt when he is there all by yourself,with no internet, no friends and no basic laundry.Anyway,It is really a lovely song and how meaningful it is to me. Coincidentally it was in line with what su octopus shared with me that day, "Jangan kau sesali segala yang telah terjadi" Two days after tt he texted me to listen to "Jangan Menyerah-Dont give up" by D'masiv"
So, this wak bali has been very much a mat bali that he is picking up fast. besides the fact that he is watching sinetron-cinta fitri every single second, he sent me a msg saying, "aku butuh kamu" Honestly, i really really thought it was a baddd word that i maki-ed him back. little did i know that it means "need" and he was like, no wonderr kau maki-hamun aku eh.. haha. oh wells, sorry laaa but tts the closest i could find that i even googled a kamus bali to convert the word! so glad tt his condition is better with no complications.he is taking the swab test tom morning and hopefully the result is negative. furthermore they wont let him stay there for more than 7 days. so fight the virus zak! fight!!!!!
and yes, so for the past few days or so, i had slight cough and ohhhhhhhmyyyyyygoddd you dont have any idea how singaporeans look at you and get their eyes locked at you just because you are coughingggg. i mean c'mon. i closed my mouth when i coughed anddddddddd i wiped it w antispetic wipes(yes i bought them) too. i was so shocked at their expression that seriously i will cough with my mouth closed and show a puffer fish face(sofish) haha, but really reallly. even if you are slightly sick, go get the medication okayyyyyyyy. so take care of yourself and *hugs.
im coming home k baby.real soon.
I read ur post and then i miss bali all over again. I just got back today and already i miss it! 2 weeks is seriously not enough....
LETS GO BALI! that will make it 7 times for me!! hahha
makkk. lyd. i know. tt place is addictive!2 weeeekkssss and 7 times!!!!??!?!?! gerek keperrrr. haha. well, anytime babeee. kau ajak aku aku go punyerr, kalau kau nak sponsor. haha!
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