okay. i sayang-sayangggg my family. and last weekend was just super kecohhhh ah. i think dad's gesture of asking nyai to sleepover at swissotel and enjoy fireworks was simply sweet despite the fact that my nyai is wheel-chair bound. and one thing i realised that after 22 years dad still calls me, "eh soupy! kau teman nyai tidur hotel ari ini ehhh..." some things never change la ehh. anywayy, the view from the two hotel rooms was spectacular though e balcony was overload w kids and veryyy overgrown kidss. i stole the pictures from husni's friend who took from us and the pictures were awesome. i didn't really get to see the fireworks much though as i was calming my little nephew down but nevertheless, i think everyone had their share of fun.
so zak is back and healthy. he still had the bali smell which i wonder.did he really mandi after he went back and meet me. haha. i don't exactly know how to describe it. but its just one of a kinddd. the addictive kind. photos of bali were uploaded and damnit mannn there were so many places tt we should have gone tt me and syirin didnt get to go. but the boyssss had fun with evidences of incriminating photos. tsk tsk. haha. and i totally agree with syirin when she said, "the trip wouldnt be that seruuu without us eh syirin!" haha. amiacaim syirinn. next trip, dohaaa ah babe. haha. kesian kauu.
and omggg. yesterday i was so high on laughter with su octopus, laughing and laughing about god knows what la. really wished tt cilin would be there or we had skype or somethinggg. i miss having that moments. that kind of feeling where you just feel full of life. filled with joy and laughter and lovely moments. it makes a hell lot of difference than jjust sitting down and staring into the blank space not doing or thinking too much about something. *hugs and never letting go*
so, i so need to get ready for work and i know its going to be an awesome AWESOME AWESOME week this week, next week and many many more weeks to come! so, go away babi flu, go away teneyneyyy and come joy and laughterrr okay!*hugs
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