but, here are two very very contrasting stories about two-year old children.
one, a girl, Ella, from America who brings about smiles and laughter to people, singing "baby" by Justin Bieber. and the normal reaction of pple would be. "awwww... isn't she adorableeee?"

can you imagine??? she have yet to even say a sentence and there she goes singing the whole song! super super cute.
but, the next one is rather disturbing in so many different levels. it is about a boy, Ardi, same age as Ella, smoking like a chimney, 40, yes, 40 sticks a day. my heart broke into pieces when i read on my twitter/news. i was furious, sad and very much affected by it because hours before that i was watching Ella. In addition, that wasn't the first time i saw a video of a very very young Indonesian boy smoking a lot of ciggies in a day.

so who is responsible for it? the parents? the ciggies? advertisement? government? tobacco companies? everyone has a role to play in it. it has only strengthened my dislike towards ciggies, especially when it involves innocent toddlers. before you light a cigg, think, what impact will it have on you? how will it affect your family? how can it also affect the rest of the world? poor indonesian kids. you really do not deserve this. you should be showered with love, care and concern in the right way.
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