Agnes, your grandma just won the CUTE-est grandma award laaaa....
@ the com lab looking thru Agnes's friendster's photo gallery after lunch.
Sofi: Agnes, your grandma is so adorable in this picture laaa...(laughs)
Agnes: i love my grandma very much ok. she's very funny...dementia and all that. her antics are extra-cute now! that pic is a prove.
Sofi: errr....ok...
Agnes: but you have yet to know the story behind it. it happened last year,during christmas, i was helping her to sit comfortably on the sofa beside the christmas tree so that she can see the lights on the tree, when it's switched on. and guess WHAT happened when i switched it on? she cried and got worried.
Sofi : OMG. why?????
Agnes: Because she thought the tree was ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i am still laughing hysterically abt it now! poor su had to layan me on the phone so that i won't look psychotic when i laugh my ass off in the bus. and Agnes dear, you rock laaa.. boy! i am so glad to have you as one of my most rational friends to help me see problems in a different light(to think tt i live in lalalala land most of the time)anyway, that was a great stress reliver from my accounts paper man. not that paper was a ridiculously difficult and there wasn't enough time. It's just that the accounts didn't balance! and at that point, that has got to be the worst feeling on planet earth, for me. oh well, i am just hoping to get what i deserve for this. so, good luck Sofi:) insyaAllah. OT paper on monday. and i will probably die if i don;t start remembering the classical theories and paradigms. *screamsssssss
so the family is already busy preparing the brother's wedding in feb. as much as i don't really care when's the date and everything,(cos i know whatever it is, family comes first though exams are around the corner) the nikah date, 3rd Feb is just tooo familiar. toooo familiar for my own gooood. good or bad? both. a lesson to be learned boy.those mistakes i made, i made them again, should be remembered & not forgotten.and not only the date is significant, but the whole month too. oh well, what are friends for am i rite? through UPSSSS and DOOWWWNNSSSS. teresa!wazzy!tatia!su! etcc..... you know who you are. thanks for putting up with me all this while.really really *hugs.
and yes yes, PSLE results are out. Shab did fairly well.she tried her very best and DID her very BEST too. but, i guess some people tend to bloom a little bit later than others, because deep deep inside her, i know she is a really bright girl. all the best dear.*hugs.
and oh oh! cousins from malaysia are in townnnn!!! so yipppieeeee:))
and fafafafarafah!!!!!! happy 20th birthday girl:))))))))))))))))))
we all love you banyak-banyak k! and sooon we will get the license and the car AND take ridiculous amount of pics with the rest yea? so exciGting nak mampos la*laughs

i see your true colours, shinning through
i see your through colours, that's why i love you.
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