LOVE, is definitely all around.
Be it in London, Australia and Singapore.
From the past or the future.
and from the beloved family and loving friends:)))))))
so, welcome aboard Sofi to club 20!!!*laughs. and i swear i am STILL so high on sugarcontent and laughter after what happened yesterday.
Happy Birthday Afiq!
Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse!
and, Happy Birthday me!*laughs.
for those who wished me thru calling, sms-ing, msn-ing and caught me by surprise, i sincerely thank you for everything. it was really sweet of you guys to have done that.
and i love you too.*hugs.
part one.
on friday night, went out with the sister, bro-in-law and the kids to vivOcity and tried to look for mummy's present.(the irony.*laughs) we wanted to buy her a sweet, dainty watch with litte diamonds on it. but sadly, we can't find anything of tt sort with a reasonable price. they either cost a few thousand dollars or sixty plus dollars. fruitless shopping-spree? HELL NO! because *drumrolls* i saw taufik batisah!omg. everysinglething about him is effing hot la. his height. his nerd specs. his clothes. his style. everything. and that was the first time that my sister and i went crazyy, goo-gagaing over the SAME guy!*laughs. so much fun! and then, we proceed to swensen's@crown prince hotel to have our supper. we were all feeling tired and hungry at the same time and definitely not in a mood for celebration. suddenly, the managers of swensen's was behind me with a balloon and the firhouse ice-cream! it was so unexpected and gotta say tt my sister acted very well. thank you!*hugs.

part two.
My parents and I had a heavy breakfast at the airport canteen eating Nasi Jenganan. One of my favourite dishes in the East area, besides, nasi lemak&nasi sambal goreng@Afganistan. nadi called me all the wayyyy from London and said, "shit. did i call at the right time?... it's already the 18th of Nov rite?" *laughs. it was so funny. and and she told me she bought redha a long sleeve rompers saying. "CHICKS, DIG ME!" omg... can u imagine burm burm in tt?? really really. hahaha. anyway, during tuition time, my tuition kid was very naughty and "sabo-ed" me with powder! knowing that it was the last tuiton lesson and co-incidentally my birthday, he took advantage of that it was good:)
part three.
Did i mention that i have one of the loveliest friends on this planet earth and saturn and mars and venus? WAZZY!!!!!! the birthday surprise was really sweet. and i didn't see it coming at all! she made one of my birthday wishes come true by having a surprise party!*hugs.thank god zikry and redha was at my place at tt time to entertain her because my room just got hit by a tornado.*laughs.

part four.
absolute madness times infinity. at vivO, su,isk,raz,adleen,POOH(a new found friend) and me had dinner@fig&olive. the food there was relatively alright. but the company was all goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood:). again, i was oblivious around my surroundings and they surprised me with another birthday cake!! how sweet. and adleen! i love the butterfly necklace and su,isk and raz, i will get the bag sooon!*hugs. and how can you NOT love POOH? so adorable isn't he?

and, seetal(with shakti) could come afterall!!!i was so so glad to see her after sooo looooong. reallie pleasant surprise:))which means the rest of the buttsisters, soon okie! sooon!

and, you SO do NOT want to know what happened after that.
all of us headed off to forever21 for a quick shopping where i bought a dress. the queue was amazingly long forming a beeline up to the middle part of the shop. while me and seetal was in the queue and the rest were waiting, su had an AMAZING idea to offer chocalates(tt i bought for them) to the patrons and the sales assistant. that idea, was then executed. i swear i was looking for a hole to dig my head into it. damn embarassing!!! but sweet kinda thing.thanks su for that.
*nervous laughter.
and true enough, they made me wear that new dress that i just bought AND made me go to MOS. i knew i was putting myself in a HOT and SPICY soup cos mum is sooo goign to kill me if i come back after twelve. but, i did go afterall. from 1030pm to 1130pm. and got home just a min before twelve. i was thanking god that shakti was driving, the question is, how did 7 ppl(including su,nigel's friend) fit into shakti's car? we practically squeezed into the car and got sooo high on laughter(su!!!) and the fact tt shakti was blasting bhangra music and driving at the speed of light was madness. notice that i was holding on to the belt for safety reason eventhough it wasn't buckled up. *laughs.

and so, that was my 18th November 2006. my 20th Birthday. filled with wonderful memories, joy and laughter. thank you people for everthing.*AGREATBIGGGHUGGGG*
pictures of 18112006 uploaded.
and reena! thanks for the helping me change the blogskin! i wuv it! and describes me as well! a misconstrued girl who probably will(probably) never grow up.*laughs.
and how did i fair on my first test of being a 20year-old WOMAN. horrible. really really. today was the consequence of having too much fun yesterday. such a thoery? i guess so. KARMA. i'm really really sorry about the whole thing. really. hope things are much better now.*hugs.
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