i'm so so sorry dear i've let you down:((
but there's always this sunday!:)
anyway, sunny goh is magic. and i don't even care if he drags the lecture to 3.5 hours. that's how entertaining he is. and what i've learned today, is that OT is very much entrenched in own today's society. i still ponder as to which paradigm i belong to. the functionalist or the intrepretivist? after much consideration, someone who is very structured and objective in her thinking, the functionalist paradigm suits me best. and that's why, when little things are shaken, i fall into pieces. easily. sheesh. that's where the interpretivist comes in, to console and make me think rationally, i think wazzy,su and isk belong to this paradigm and they have done an excellent job in that area.*hugs. thanks dearies for everything and i love you-s. and we also have another paradigm, the radical humanist whom can be of two extremes. one is the losers, while the other is the genuises. and who belongs to this category? the one and only miss alecia. guess where is she right now? australia, despite the fact that is still not holdays yet! haha. but, of course she belongs to the genuises category. so al, please come home sooon!!! you have lotsa lotsa things to catch up on! miss you hun. how bout tatia? yes, she is categorised under the same paradigm as me!(i think!) well, that's why she's my tweenie!:)and so, many many more intereseting topics to learn in OT and i am so so looking forward to it:) buttt.. the sad thing is, the interesting part of OT starts only in section B. frankly, i don't really like section A of OT because it's regurgitating IBM all over again. and it makes me remind of nageb:(( yes he is a good lecturer. yes he captures you aattention. but he is too long-winded for his own good. but thank god i don't have to see him ever again, unless i take certain modules in my last year in uni. god, please save me.
anyway, school aside,my weekends was reallie reallie packed with tution, POA assignment, open house-SSS AND nadi's farewell. so, they said the paper was doable. hopefully they won't make ridiculouslycareless mistakes for the O levels maths paper 1, insyallah.
so, what else? pigs! pigs! oh oooops. i mean, PICS! PICS!!! haha.
(and yess dearie-sssssss, i will send you guys the pics asap!sorryy)
@eri's place:)

@annisa's place

and here's is my whooole family( mummy's side) minus one uncle and my sister and a few of them

friends, likewise.

bid (sob sob)

for her study trip to london and paris.
for.... *drumrolls*
merely a month!!!!
hahahahaha. yes. and yes. nadi got what she wanted. friends AND family to be there on her departure to UK. so, there were almost 30 of us, who sacrificed our time to bid her farewell. me from open house-SSS and tuition. sabila from school camp who took time off, baby rifqi who is turning a month old in a few months time and dee!!!! who has stomach cramps but still came! *laughs*. i love my family. weird weird family. but, they are reallie fun-loving people. so nadi baby, enjoy yourself there alright? and you have to miss win's birthday and my birthday for the second time! -wails- oh well, i still love you. so as redha. so bubbye auntie nadia. come home soooon!

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