and did i say Jordin rocked the stage during the finals??? i am effing proud of her! and at the age of 17, that's definitely an amazing talent. all that i can remember when i was 17 was probably suffering in C Maths with Mr Tan and running 2.4. haha.

anyway, hola people! :)) the 'studyin camp' has been quite fruitful and fun i must say. met a couple of new friends and friends-friend. some papers were tey-ney-ney but others were not too bad. i am really hoping that my last paper would be nice and not evil. so, all the best to you too!:)

so, nad and ash are graduating this year, which means i don't get to see them as often. -wails- but it's alright, those days ROCK-ed, even with the most boring activity and tom,dick or harry can think of, studying!!!!

on the 22nd May, lil zikry. a.k.a lil rascal turned 5 and celebrated his
mailto:birthday@swensens. and i especially love this picture because lil redha a.k.a lil buddha was focusing on the ice-cream and lil zikry was trying his best to focus his eyes on the camera. can you imagine if redha could talk by now? he would probably be saying,
"Hey bro! get your hands off my neck and ice-cream! this is mine! all mine!!!!" which somehow leads to the question who is the bigger brother? oooooooooh. u don't know what that lil budha is very capable of. haha!!!

see! i told you! just look at the expression on redha's face! geram!
and he turned 1 too on the 25th April where we
celebrated@ShahiMaharani. it was amazing to see how somehow or rather this lil redha a.k.a lil buddha knows that it we were celebrating his birthday. he was very well-behaved, grooved to the hindustani music(which was very entertaining) and he practically ate everything from one end of the table to the other end! but what i love most is of course the live-band of hindustani music which was very soothing to my ears. so so watching more hindi films after ESAP!

sayang banget!

very extra! we know! haha

i know this entry is super-lambatnakmampos. but i still luv u! and i know u still luv me! happpie 21st tya! that pizza hut incident with the waiter was classic. okie, here we go again.

semua hadirin hadirat sekalian, saya akan pergi jauh dari sini sementara, oleh kerana sudah lambat mahu ketemui encik rashida untuk mempelajari psikologi. baiklah, say akan minta ampun dan minta diri dahulu. moga-moga bahagia selalu. rindu banget sama semua.
haha. damn rojak la my malay. i know i know. such a shame to my dad. what kind of prodigy he has. but oh wells, till wed, last paper last paper!!!!!!!! wheeeeeee:)))))
tagborad board under-renovation. and tey-ney-ney-ney la.
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