:) highlight of the this week got to be that my long-awaited final paper for year two is finally over. esap paper was alright though i was kinda paranoid initially(ask shidah. haha) don't make me talk about accounts. i felt a little bit cheated with the level of difficulty, with FIFO and LIFO all in the balance sheet:(( but oh wells, whatever it is, i am glad it's over. so so over!!! :)

so, my academic year for year 2 has come to an end. i think it was been a BOMBastic year, especially every wednesdays and thursdays(MacIdon!!) of the week. i really dun know how will i fair for my exams this time round but one thing for sure, i definitely enjoyed year 2 in every single way more than year 1. made more wonderful friends, loving the units tt i did( and learned that sinping has a new name, dum dum! (haha! no la.. just kidding dearie. i still love u! you can smack shidah now:p) but thank you alecia, kat, sinping, agnes, shidah,sharon,yanieee,lydia,nad,ash and manymanymany more of you-ssssss for the kick-ass year. HUGGIES!!
and for those of you who have been reading the papers regarding the blunder in soci paper, i am not affected by it. but sadly, most of the year 1's are. UOL ommitted 2 questions in the last section in the soci paper which i think was quite unprofessional. it's quite sad for those who studied real hard for the last section and hoping to see that ray of light from there but for those who didn't, i guess they can shake their booty! haha. oh wells, let's hope it doesn't happen again in the future though marks won't be penalized for the mistake UOL made. Insya'Allah.

so, since it was the last paper, i thought i was going to be all healthy and pink. but nooooooo...... a few hours before the paper i was sneezing my ass off non-stop and disturbing practically everyone in the exam hall. so so irri-noying! little did i know syirin had a bad flu too. so after the paper, i saw some happy faces,while some sad. me and syirin looked as though we just came back from post-mortem with our pale, white faces. buttt, i felt better much better when i met aziela after the paper. we talked, of course, about a lot of stuffs. stuffs that makes me question why, how and what this and that. but hopefully, things will be better in the future for her and for me. as what she said, tough times don't last, tough woman do in every single way! so you go girl! :)

that very same night, met the study
buddies@arabstreet and went to ambrosia at 11pm. of course i went home first, get changed after i met aziela, since she went for netball training. nad and ash wanted to go elsewhere but since her cousin was there so we hung out there for awhile before we hit supper. it was super nice to see them again though i had to wait for 45 mins for them to siap! haha.

ash being so mentel, oblivious to the people at kampong glam cafe who was trying to figure out what in the world this sexy lady is doing. haha.

on the steps of ambrosia. i love the biji-biji langsir or whatever you call it la. haha

and the star decor looks like what i bought for wazzy for her birthday. i think the star that i bought for her is nicer.

@3am. heh.

and tt sums up the day or night of my 1st day of exam-freee freedom! exams are over and now i can come out and play!!! so excigiting.

so the next day, i met up with farah and wazzy. i was practically screaming and jumping at that saying "exams are over!!!" and i got two different responses.
farah: orang dah lamer dah dabis la.... hahahahaha
wazzy: wha... thanks ah. my term test is next week..... hahahaha.
yes yes, my school exam schedule is so spread out that i can grow a beard then. it's not necessarily good or bad but whatever it is, EXAMS ARE OVER. lalalalalala! haha. okay wazzy, don't kill me. don't worry dear, you will do fine!!! it's going to be over in 6 days time! so gambatte misaki sitoshi (is tt how u spell it? haha. sorry if i spelt it wrongly hun)

then we penyet-penyet the ayam together @luckyplaza. so sedapppppppp i tell you but i so cannot tahan the pedas that i almost finished my chendol first after 2 spoonful of the rice, sambal and ayam. haha. and wazzy was telling me about her traumatizing experience of ayam penyet in her school that the makcik vendor literally penyet the ayam or smashed the ayam. do they really do tt???? i thought it was just a tittle. haha

:)))) and so, after tt fiery meal, we shopped till i almost dropped because the GSS is just so so crazyyyy. not to mention tt it was filled with ppl, but shiok too! haha spent mostly on dresses, not sure whether it's of practical use for any of my jobs currently or in the future. but i love them, who cares haha!*gulps* right sofi. better save up soon. then i met
nat@starbucks for awhile and god! i miss tt girl to atoms. glad we are meeting on wed next week before i meet the rest! yeahh!!! and then, i met nadi after 98579428759374893 years. yes, she's busy with her careeer now and me with school. yes, stuck in school and yes, nadi working, full-time. very FULL-time which means i only get to meet her after work or go to her workplace just like su. miss banyak banyak!

then me and nadi head off to the weding @samar with all the mak-sss. me and nadi was like UN when mak adi was USA and mak lela&mak ati was Iraq. damn hilarious laaa they merajok-merajok. my aunts can be very good in acting i tell you. well, the decorations was beautiful and different. they had arab music and dancers. no no, not belly dancers, but more of lompat-lompat dancing. (
haha. is tt how you describe it? i'm just guessing.haha.)

couldn't really capture the bride cos there were so many people, inside and outside. but you can see my cousin who's my tuition kid in red. funny guy. no. funny pakcik but, fun to teach though he can be irri-noying at times too.
i know it's already a lonng entry but there's so much i want to say. and i am quite lazzyyy to write already. but basically, in a nutshell,
1) i love my part-job, love the people that i am working with, nice&funny people, funny, cheeky kids.
2) mummy and daddy are in Damascus, Syria and will go Dubai after that trip. hopefully they find me a nice husband there. wakakakakaka. right sofi. and they left the
car@home. duhhh!!!! yes yes, i know what you are thinking. but sis won't let me drive alone especially after midnight and till i mastered my driving.
3) me and minmin are going crazy cos my parents are not in town for the next 10 days and she can have the car after midnight. so, WOOOOHOOOOO!!!
4) i need to find a job asap. not those simple good-money jobs. but a 9-5 job job. probably going to job agency on monday. and salmah!! come back from indon soon k! then we can job hunt tog alogn with minmin:)
5) i miss you, yes you and you. so, su!!! i will keep tt day for you whenever you are free okay. tatia!! jiayou in exams. and the rest of you, we will meet pretty soon k!*AGREATBIGHUG*
oh oh!
sayang banyak-banyak!!!
ok, dah.
tu ajer
teyneyneyney la! hmprh!
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