okay. this is a super-long entry filled with pictures and happy moments. so just bear with it for awhile yeah?
and most importantly, enjoy!!!=)
this is my two sayangs. nadi, mai dai mai dai; which i have no idea what it means in thai. and ahmad!!! the cutest tuition kiddo/cousin you can ever ask for.
his love for animals and not forgetting food. 5 plates of spaggeties? hands down. champion of the guinness world record.
dee and nadi insisted on me going to their cikgu's house at bedok. super paisey because i was obviously not from kc. and this nadi cartoon said, "never mind, never mind, can talk about you dad one! sure got connections" and whaddayanoe. its a small world. she does not only know my dad but my mom too. LOL. and i seriously dont mind going her place again next time! haha
so, while waiting for cikgu fatimah to come back, we did the unthinkable. wash&blow the hair for ten bucks. damn shiok la! haha while ahmad entertained himself with my w880i, blasting irwansyah's "pencinta wanita" LOL
our hair turned out to be flat and lepeh(is tt how u spell it?)haha. but we kinda like it!=)
and we went to din's house! wish nad was there to relive those good ol' times! but oh well, soon k babe! and din! betul punya HAPPY kau eh. haha.
on monday, after msm lecture, the kodoks went out for raya along with sinping darling, or also known as, siti. haha.
she said zikry looked like pirahna when he smiles! super cute!
yanie doing her thing at her place!
ok fine fine. i looked like a fish here. hence, according to shidah, so-fish! but i wanna be sofField.haha
shidah has the enitre pool table at her place. and if i were to play again,i will surely lose. gurantee plus chop one! haha
and spot shidah!!!!
cacat to the max!
and with mailto:shali@shidah place=))
then we went to sim perjumpaan hari raya. all srjcians unite. well, i think this is only a handfull of them. more actually. LOL
dzar doing his mengarut-ing which was so goddamn hilarious la!!!
and i kena sabo from maya for the ratu sehari. sehari sahaja. LOL. i swear i wanted to run far farrrr away when i was on the stage. super embarrassing cannn!!
and coincidentally, rose's boyfriend won the raja sehari too. haha. so funny!!
ahh. this one mat cool. don't want to take mrt or bus cos tak cool so pakai sunglasses naik taxi lagi cool. baik ah zark. haha.
sat on wazzy's armchair which was so comfortable and fell asleep before we took this pic.
and how can i possibly not raya with my tj girls !!! salmah did this finger-linkin good pudding and she tried to spell TJ with the ingredients. it was reallie nice dear=)
"di temasek di temasek, ada kita, ada kita, sungguh cantik sunguh cantik, sungguh lawa, sungguh lawa" haha. HIDUP TEMASEK!!!=)