BUTTSISTAS went wild @ DG on 19th July 2008!
su happy feet was really hungry and immeasurably ecstatic.
i won this game! wheeeeeeeeeee:)))), but not the jungle freeze game:( LOL!
PAPARAZZI! PAPARAZZI! very action laaa birthday girlssssss..
the face game with impressions & it was damn hilarious laaaa!
bariah's: the one who snorts instead of laughing.OMGGG. so true! haha. love u la minah.
seethal, don't be retarded and get yourself a blog k. love youuu!:)
kana love, whatever it is, we are here if you need anyone to lean on okay?*hugs. go and KICK-BUTT for your TP okay hun?:)
and THEN, su octopus called up randomly to meet up.
went to NUM and su went "over the top" with zak's SR classmate whom zak can't even remember his name, but i do!!haha( i know, zak kental haloba!haha)
the walk from PS to Cine was super kelakar nak mampos especially having my arms locked with su on my left, and zak on my right.made our way to labrador adventure camp to hang out with coach syirin, coach wanie and the rest.
abul, kau PerangaiMacamSial(PMS).MASIH ader scrambler, suruh zak ambik from labrador park alll to way to kau punya palace laaaa, and BACK to labrador park laaaaa. haha!
and then, still can be FASHIONABLY LATE because "nak carik wax untuk rambut"
You deserve to be smack la eh abul!
met this super jambu budak ite.
MAMPOS! haha. cilin! sayang kau gils babs:)
Love is a much more barbaric emotion than we think.
It doesn't civilise or soften the edges of life at all,
but what i do strongly believe in is that,
Love, is always all around, and always there:)
i love you. i seriously do:)
thank you guys.*hugs
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