and so, i thought dropping-the-phone-in-the-toilet-bowl incident can only happen on tv UNTIL it happened to me. needless to say i am a klutz, though at times i am really careful about the nitty-gritty things in such places. -sheesh- but shit happens. and it just have to happen at the correct time and literally at the correct place. but oh well, i just bought a new phone, at a shocking price of 88 bucks cos of my $100 voucher and daddy's redemption points. and i still wonder for a person with fat fingers, what the hell am i doing with a small button keypads. sigh. can't complain much cos 88 bucks for w880i? i think it's quite a good buy for now.
anyway, one minute silent for the demise of my k800i. shhhhhhh! i mean it!!! haha. ok ok fine fine. but that was a good phone! i mean c'mon for a camwhore like me, a cybershot phone, it's practically my boyfriend. the songs in it, its my freaking mp3! and errrr.. a million and one memories in that phone! heartpain sial!(haha isk!!!)oh well, new phone new memories i guess. haha
and now, let's play some game!:) haha.
tagged by farah and wazzy.
Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself.People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
1) need i say more from the above? haha. well, that is just the beginning. hahahaha
2) i don't know how to put on make-up. on bad days, one part of my face might be darker than the other or the eye-shadow will be slighter more on one part than the other. my uncle thought my eyes was "tembel"(swollen) when it was actually a golden-coloured eye-shadow. on good days, when i tell people that i put on make-up, their normal reaction would be, " you put on MAKE-UP?"
3) i do not like talcum face powder. i feel as though i find it hard to breathe and i would die of insufficient oxygen in the air.haha. given a choice i would take a bath by hook or by crook. or worse come to worse, my mum would put it on for me or i would wash my hands immediately after that. which boils down to the question, how am i going to dress my kid up in future. nyeh.
4) i am so blind that i said "HELLO!" to 89802804894 wrong person and humiliate myself again and again just because i don't like to wear specs permanently and fear of wearing contact lens. there was once at kkh when i was expecting my little nieces to come. so in my two naked eyes, i excitedly ran to them with arms wide open saying, " YASMIN! SARA!" and only to find out that they ran away from me because they were boys and girls from a chinese family. thank god su was there to drown my embarassment a little.
5) i love to sing that sometimes i am so oblivious to the surroundings that someone has to shhhhh! and give me the-WTH look. ask ian and shidah. fuckingembarrasing.hahahaha.
6) i tend to sweat the small stuffs eventhough it means deciding between bagel with omelette and pancakes or missing out one word that comes out from the lecturers mouth.
7) i am so so paranoid that when i go home and no one is at home, i will call someone or anyone to accompany me till i walk upstairs to my room.
8) when i was a kid i was so scared of the dark or eerie areas that i would SHOUT OUT LOUD and say, "AUZIBILLAHIMINASHAITANIRAJIM, BISMILLAHIRAHMANIRAHIM" and read whatever surah on my mind. now, i do it silently.-ithink- hahaha.
9) when i was in KL, i ate so much that i believe that food would digest faster or i wouldn't blow up like a balloon by jumping 100 times after i eat. the result? it's just an honest self-belief.
10) i still have a kid in me and i blatantly show it especially with zikry and redha, by either playing role-play, police and thieves or dinosaurs.
11) i am/was so gullible that if you were to say that even my boyfriend kisses/ kissed a girl in the club, i would laughed it off. NOW, THAT's NOT GG TO HAPPEN. if that every happens, hell will break loose. watch it.McBastards, rite farah?haha.
geez, 11? hhaha. i went a little bit overboard. well, that sums up me being a crazy weird girl. but muhahaha. what's new?
now, i tag: su, isk, tatia, ili, nadiah din, nadi, nadia ash(haha) and whoever la. haha:))
oh ! that song sayang sayang aduahai sayang is stuck in my head laaa. whoa.. thanks ah zark.. haha. another papa jahat kinda song i think. muahahhaa.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
so, i survived the first week as a waiter/cleaner/helper/voice-recorder of "THE FOOD IS COMING!"/employee-to-employer@Galileo Cafe. it's a whole different experience, dealing with difficult customers, foreign workers and also communicating with your superiors. with all the challenges surfacing especially during lunch crowd, the pressure builds up with each customer walking in with faces written all over saying, "GIVE ME FOOD OR I WILL EAT YOU UP" it feels as though you are going to war&eventhough you are ready with your ammunitions, you seriously, cannot predict much about the future. i vividly rememeber this auntie who made a lot of noise asking why her food have yet to be served, with a commanding tone saying, "YESTERDAY LIKE THAT TODAY ALSO LIKE THAT. HAIYOOOOOOO.!" while others don't have to say anything but just sit and wait for the food to arrive as two of his friends received the food years ago. and you have a boss who crazily roars during lunch crowd and want food to be delivered fast even if it's not just gotta keep on moving! eventhough it means picking up the cut spring onions at one corner.
so, with all the stress that is bulldozing into me, i guess what keeps me going on is this, :) yes, a smile. a smile is a curve which sets everything straight. be it how mean they can be, be it how menacing those eyes may seem, be it how loud they can be. so what if the working consensus is broken?smile. so what if he stares and look through you?smile. so what if he shouts at you?smile. of course there are funny moments in Galileo, for instance, the old cook uncle pronouncing BLUE WATER as BULU WATER and when the colour changes to purple, it becomes BULU BEER, to him. he is so pelat, btw. me and shidah trying to figure out what in the whole universe the cook-s from china were talking about. and of course, working together with ilah and sorfina. anddddd... having mum, dad friends and families as the customers. so, yes, in the end only kindness matters no matter to a young punk or an old demanding lady. but of course, you should know when enough is enough rite? so, spread the smile people!
and i have already done that last sat at Kristine's 21st surprised party@her place!! i don't know how her sister managed to call up most of her friends for the surprise but she sure put in a lot of effort. well, it was reallie nice to see my sec sch mates after soo long. and i think it will be another 545934503853 months till i get to see kris again. how i wish i could switch places with her eventhough it means visiting the opera house everyday as part of my project. -sigh- but nevertheless, i had a smashing rollin' good time there tho!:)
little cheryl :)kris sweet cousin.

we were bored while waiting!

and the cake is so so kristine.

i had a bad time recalling the bartleyans, the chinese guys especially. but nevertheless, it was nice=D
so, with all the stress that is bulldozing into me, i guess what keeps me going on is this, :) yes, a smile. a smile is a curve which sets everything straight. be it how mean they can be, be it how menacing those eyes may seem, be it how loud they can be. so what if the working consensus is broken?smile. so what if he stares and look through you?smile. so what if he shouts at you?smile. of course there are funny moments in Galileo, for instance, the old cook uncle pronouncing BLUE WATER as BULU WATER and when the colour changes to purple, it becomes BULU BEER, to him. he is so pelat, btw. me and shidah trying to figure out what in the whole universe the cook-s from china were talking about. and of course, working together with ilah and sorfina. anddddd... having mum, dad friends and families as the customers. so, yes, in the end only kindness matters no matter to a young punk or an old demanding lady. but of course, you should know when enough is enough rite? so, spread the smile people!
and i have already done that last sat at Kristine's 21st surprised party@her place!! i don't know how her sister managed to call up most of her friends for the surprise but she sure put in a lot of effort. well, it was reallie nice to see my sec sch mates after soo long. and i think it will be another 545934503853 months till i get to see kris again. how i wish i could switch places with her eventhough it means visiting the opera house everyday as part of my project. -sigh- but nevertheless, i had a smashing rollin' good time there tho!:)
and the maid had a tough time cleaning up the area after that. haha
we were bored while waiting!
and the cake is so so kristine.
i had a bad time recalling the bartleyans, the chinese guys especially. but nevertheless, it was nice=D
Monday, June 11, 2007
isn't shrek3 entertaining with a capital E and N and T and E and R and i-very-malas-to-spell-already.... and G!!! haha! it doesn't help the fact that i watch it with a living baby shrek just two seats away from me!! tee-hee-hee!
the next time i coach at a primary school on leadership, i am definitely going to tell my kids that my ultimate super-hero has got to be SHREK! haha, nevermind the fact he is greeeeeeeen and grosssss, the most important thing of them all, he is funny to save the day from a mundane or taxing day at work or school:)).
so, nat, don't worry dear, i would love to watch it again if i am free! it's consistently funny, every second! oh! and don't u think redha looks like baby shrek? realliee! 2 strangers told me that when i carried him around in TM just now! and, he always always give the expressions that shrek gives-look above-. well what can i say? like grandfather, like grandson. (uhhuh, not redha's dad. if you put my dad and redha side-by-side you would probably know what i mean. haha)
of course, it would have been boring without great company in any kind of family outings. nadi, wan and the sis family. this pic was taken when we were about 5 years old and yes, i was a cry baby. a very bad one. i'm still one actually. haha. but this time round, she won't laugh at me like last time but lend a listening ear.haha!
sat:! we were supposed to go korean again but nadi was too tired from work that she was already in lalalalalala land half an hour after the show started!hmprh-not fun:( haha. nevertheless, the impromtu decision to sleepover at my place was bagel-ly fun spread with philidelphia cream cheese on top of it! yummy!

those red hot nails? not mine.
those papillios? mine.
and it all began with
farah: omar! your nails are so longgggg
omar: yeah. cos i want to PAINT!!
haha. and he got what he wanted with a free packet of ciggarettes from azim. kerazee.
it's been more than a week since my last paper and i have been spending my money like there's no tomorrow. so, come tommorow which is in a few hours time, i will be earning my money @ a cafe in Changi for two weeks and then i'm back to my ad-hoc part-time job for a week. really looking forward to it and crossing my fingers that it goes smoothly. hopefully by then, i will get a 9-5 job together with minmin and sal and whoever i know, insya'Allah. mum&dad coming home soon and everything else is gooooooooood. so hopefully it stays the same. so, happy feet ppl and say shrek! haha. okayy fine fine.*toodles:)
Saturday, June 09, 2007
let's all go Malaysia and celebrate Pak LAH's wedding with Jeanne AbdulLAH LAH!!! well, of course we are all happy for him that he found a new companion, bLAH bLAH bLAH. but seriously, SERIOUSLY, i neeeed a holidayyy!!! and i don't freaking care if it is in Malaysia, boy! or even JB, and spend one night there too. haha. well, i guess my parents sms-es must be have been the reason as to why i so badly want to go for a holiday. "we are now at the medditteranean island of Ahwat enjoying the beautiful scenary of the sea" yadda yadda yadda. how i wish i could enjoy the view as well. oh wells, knock knock, *REALITY CHECK* that was then and now is NOW. now Sofi is quite broke and looking for a job is her top-notch priority, got a few calls here and there. all have yet to be confirmed. but whatever it is, the whole job thingey is not entirely about the pay but more of something that looks good on my resume. so, we shall see how it goes:) looking forward to the 30th though:))
anyway, been mailto:sleeping@granny and sis's place lately and guess whaattttt? yesterday, out of the blue,red,yellow, while i was walking on the way to my sis place, i was chased by a crazyyyy dog! it was literally crazy/delusional/drunk. i was totally freaked out by it because never in a million years i thought it would happen to me at tt point of time and it did. if it wasn't for the lift, i guess i would be in a hospital by now. fine, fine, fine.i might be exaggerating, but reallie, it was very tey-ney-ney.
so, the past few days was spent catching up with my wonderful people. on monday, we went to su's shop to see her jual jualan. well, i know the pics are not clear at all, but if you look closely, you can see su, isk, me, satay together a stack of notes. no no, i am NOT studying for my modules next year. Mr. Iskandar had to finish marking his student's paper within a certain deadline. and so, the passionate and workaholic teacher marked the paper at the hawker centre while eating and yakking away. so rajin rite! haha
and su just totally ruled indonesian satay stall LAH!. you should see how she make her dapur berasap! she definitely have mastered every single technique of mee rebus, satay and mee soto tak nak taugey LAH! haha
you go girl!!!
then i met nut for lunch on wed afternoon. i am so bodoh LAH that i din know we can actually add java chips to any drinks at starbucks. nat ordered vanilla java chip frap which is so sinful but who-the-hell-cares-cos-it's-nice anyways! so go try k! ask nat to do it! she has her own personal touch to it! haha:))
later that night: finally, FINALLY, al,kat,sinping and the whole world ended their last dreadful paper, LBO. it's about time man! we all ate @sakura and ordered as though we din eat for a million years. with alecia around, that is bound to happen. many food=happy people.haha:)

we of course, cam-whored at random places and alecia make a funny big fuss about her new hairband that she just bought. tee-hee-hee.
and poor kat had to endure our irri-noying acts while we go, "eh ! felicia chin! felicia chin can i have your autograph please? felicia chin can i take a picture with you?"
anyway, been mailto:sleeping@granny and sis's place lately and guess whaattttt? yesterday, out of the blue,red,yellow, while i was walking on the way to my sis place, i was chased by a crazyyyy dog! it was literally crazy/delusional/drunk. i was totally freaked out by it because never in a million years i thought it would happen to me at tt point of time and it did. if it wasn't for the lift, i guess i would be in a hospital by now. fine, fine, fine.i might be exaggerating, but reallie, it was very tey-ney-ney.
so, the past few days was spent catching up with my wonderful people. on monday, we went to su's shop to see her jual jualan. well, i know the pics are not clear at all, but if you look closely, you can see su, isk, me, satay together a stack of notes. no no, i am NOT studying for my modules next year. Mr. Iskandar had to finish marking his student's paper within a certain deadline. and so, the passionate and workaholic teacher marked the paper at the hawker centre while eating and yakking away. so rajin rite! haha

you go girl!!!

we of course, cam-whored at random places and alecia make a funny big fuss about her new hairband that she just bought. tee-hee-hee.
kat: okie, let's take a peekture
all: alright
kat: 1,2,3 smile!
all: that's a nice pic
alecia: no! cannot see my hairband!!!
all: *slaps forehead!
haha. i swear we acted as though we were 8, playing with polly pockets and barbie dolls. giggled at each other's jokes, playing with accesories and just wanted to have a girly good time. though the meet up lasted for only a few hours, i know for sure that these crazy times are truly treasured even when i am old and feeble. so *cheers* to us all! huggies!
Monday, June 04, 2007
just when i thought i forgot how to drive, i am one step closer to lightning mcqueen! haha. so, yuppp had my practice with my bro-in-law, sis, the nephews and bro-in-law sister after such a loooooong time. drove up all the way to from maria ave to NUH and i guess i am a little bit more confident in driving, though i need to build my resilience and defensive driving. which now, brings me to the next question, why NUH? to visit my bro-in-laws relatives who just got into an accident. tell me how perfect is that. here i am, trusting myself that i can do my magic with the 4-wheeled vehicle after so long and there they are telling me calmly, oh... we are visiting our cousin who got in an accident yesterday. so,me being me, tried my very best to stop thinking about it and think everything is going to be fine. so of course psycho-ing helps with professional help from Dr. Su, Dr. Ili and Dr. Yasmin. haha. and i also learned that even at a very slow speed a major accident can happen too. so, in conclusion, let's be very very safe when driving yeah. then, abg imran, kak irda, zikry and i went to town to have dinner. everything was nice till zikry stood up and hold his pantat saying, " i want to poo-poo" so, abg imran went to assist him. after 95948543985855834593 mins later, abg imran came back saying, "wahhh... this zikry ah, poo-poo damn long, and just now, he said.... i have 7 poo-poo. you wanna see?" i know i know, it's disgusting. but hello! a 5 year-old kid saying that, its disgustingly cute la. haha. oh wells, you have no idea how much lil zikry has influenced us a lot especially the way he talks like, "EXECUSEEEE MEEEE!" and his slang in saying"WHERE you goING?" haha. funny! so adorable:)))
mum and dad are having a rockin' time in damascus. papa sms-ed me, telling how SHIOK sekali it was in damascus. which was the exact words used in the message. and nadi, nadi, nadi made me go wild and beyond cos she knows i am most vulnerable at this particular area. shopping! more of online shopping, to be exact. yes, i know, i am super laggard. but now since i am taking a break for awhile, i guess i deserve to be pampered:) so wheeeeeee:) alrighty! i have tom to look forward too. and i have a feeling Mr. Sun is going to be brighter. so, *schmilez*
mum and dad are having a rockin' time in damascus. papa sms-ed me, telling how SHIOK sekali it was in damascus. which was the exact words used in the message. and nadi, nadi, nadi made me go wild and beyond cos she knows i am most vulnerable at this particular area. shopping! more of online shopping, to be exact. yes, i know, i am super laggard. but now since i am taking a break for awhile, i guess i deserve to be pampered:) so wheeeeeee:) alrighty! i have tom to look forward too. and i have a feeling Mr. Sun is going to be brighter. so, *schmilez*
Sunday, June 03, 2007
:) highlight of the this week got to be that my long-awaited final paper for year two is finally over. esap paper was alright though i was kinda paranoid initially(ask shidah. haha) don't make me talk about accounts. i felt a little bit cheated with the level of difficulty, with FIFO and LIFO all in the balance sheet:(( but oh wells, whatever it is, i am glad it's over. so so over!!! :)

so, my academic year for year 2 has come to an end. i think it was been a BOMBastic year, especially every wednesdays and thursdays(MacIdon!!) of the week. i really dun know how will i fair for my exams this time round but one thing for sure, i definitely enjoyed year 2 in every single way more than year 1. made more wonderful friends, loving the units tt i did( and learned that sinping has a new name, dum dum! (haha! no la.. just kidding dearie. i still love u! you can smack shidah now:p) but thank you alecia, kat, sinping, agnes, shidah,sharon,yanieee,lydia,nad,ash and manymanymany more of you-ssssss for the kick-ass year. HUGGIES!!
so, since it was the last paper, i thought i was going to be all healthy and pink. but nooooooo...... a few hours before the paper i was sneezing my ass off non-stop and disturbing practically everyone in the exam hall. so so irri-noying! little did i know syirin had a bad flu too. so after the paper, i saw some happy faces,while some sad. me and syirin looked as though we just came back from post-mortem with our pale, white faces. buttt, i felt better much better when i met aziela after the paper. we talked, of course, about a lot of stuffs. stuffs that makes me question why, how and what this and that. but hopefully, things will be better in the future for her and for me. as what she said, tough times don't last, tough woman do in every single way! so you go girl! :)
that very same night, met the study buddies@arabstreet and went to ambrosia at 11pm. of course i went home first, get changed after i met aziela, since she went for netball training. nad and ash wanted to go elsewhere but since her cousin was there so we hung out there for awhile before we hit supper. it was super nice to see them again though i had to wait for 45 mins for them to siap! haha.
ash being so mentel, oblivious to the people at kampong glam cafe who was trying to figure out what in the world this sexy lady is doing. haha.
on the steps of ambrosia. i love the biji-biji langsir or whatever you call it la. haha
and the star decor looks like what i bought for wazzy for her birthday. i think the star that i bought for her is nicer.
@3am. heh.
and tt sums up the day or night of my 1st day of exam-freee freedom! exams are over and now i can come out and play!!! so excigiting.
so the next day, i met up with farah and wazzy. i was practically screaming and jumping at that saying "exams are over!!!" and i got two different responses.
then we penyet-penyet the ayam together @luckyplaza. so sedapppppppp i tell you but i so cannot tahan the pedas that i almost finished my chendol first after 2 spoonful of the rice, sambal and ayam. haha. and wazzy was telling me about her traumatizing experience of ayam penyet in her school that the makcik vendor literally penyet the ayam or smashed the ayam. do they really do tt???? i thought it was just a tittle. haha
:)))) and so, after tt fiery meal, we shopped till i almost dropped because the GSS is just so so crazyyyy. not to mention tt it was filled with ppl, but shiok too! haha spent mostly on dresses, not sure whether it's of practical use for any of my jobs currently or in the future. but i love them, who cares haha!*gulps* right sofi. better save up soon. then i met nat@starbucks for awhile and god! i miss tt girl to atoms. glad we are meeting on wed next week before i meet the rest! yeahh!!! and then, i met nadi after 98579428759374893 years. yes, she's busy with her careeer now and me with school. yes, stuck in school and yes, nadi working, full-time. very FULL-time which means i only get to meet her after work or go to her workplace just like su. miss banyak banyak!
then me and nadi head off to the weding @samar with all the mak-sss. me and nadi was like UN when mak adi was USA and mak lela&mak ati was Iraq. damn hilarious laaa they merajok-merajok. my aunts can be very good in acting i tell you. well, the decorations was beautiful and different. they had arab music and dancers. no no, not belly dancers, but more of lompat-lompat dancing. (haha. is tt how you describe it? i'm just guessing.haha.)

couldn't really capture the bride cos there were so many people, inside and outside. but you can see my cousin who's my tuition kid in red. funny guy. no. funny pakcik but, fun to teach though he can be irri-noying at times too.
and for those of you who have been reading the papers regarding the blunder in soci paper, i am not affected by it. but sadly, most of the year 1's are. UOL ommitted 2 questions in the last section in the soci paper which i think was quite unprofessional. it's quite sad for those who studied real hard for the last section and hoping to see that ray of light from there but for those who didn't, i guess they can shake their booty! haha. oh wells, let's hope it doesn't happen again in the future though marks won't be penalized for the mistake UOL made. Insya'Allah.

farah: orang dah lamer dah dabis la.... hahahahaha
wazzy: wha... thanks ah. my term test is next week..... hahahaha.
yes yes, my school exam schedule is so spread out that i can grow a beard then. it's not necessarily good or bad but whatever it is, EXAMS ARE OVER. lalalalalala! haha. okay wazzy, don't kill me. don't worry dear, you will do fine!!! it's going to be over in 6 days time! so gambatte misaki sitoshi (is tt how u spell it? haha. sorry if i spelt it wrongly hun)
i know it's already a lonng entry but there's so much i want to say. and i am quite lazzyyy to write already. but basically, in a nutshell,
1) i love my part-job, love the people that i am working with, nice&funny people, funny, cheeky kids.
2) mummy and daddy are in Damascus, Syria and will go Dubai after that trip. hopefully they find me a nice husband there. wakakakakaka. right sofi. and they left the car@home. duhhh!!!! yes yes, i know what you are thinking. but sis won't let me drive alone especially after midnight and till i mastered my driving.
3) me and minmin are going crazy cos my parents are not in town for the next 10 days and she can have the car after midnight. so, WOOOOHOOOOO!!!
4) i need to find a job asap. not those simple good-money jobs. but a 9-5 job job. probably going to job agency on monday. and salmah!! come back from indon soon k! then we can job hunt tog alogn with minmin:)
5) i miss you, yes you and you. so, su!!! i will keep tt day for you whenever you are free okay. tatia!! jiayou in exams. and the rest of you, we will meet pretty soon k!*AGREATBIGHUG*
oh oh!
sayang banyak-banyak!!!
ok, dah.
ok, dah.
tu ajer
teyneyneyney la! hmprh!
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