let's all go Malaysia and celebrate Pak LAH's wedding with Jeanne AbdulLAH LAH!!! well, of course we are all happy for him that he found a new companion,
bLAH bLAH bLAH. but seriously, SERIOUSLY, i neeeed a holidayyy!!! and i don't freaking care if it is in Malaysia, boy! or even JB, and spend one night there too. haha. well, i guess my parents sms-es must be have been the reason as to why i so badly want to go for a holiday.
"we are now at the medditteranean island of Ahwat enjoying the beautiful scenary of the sea" yadda yadda yadda. how i wish i could enjoy the view as well. oh wells, knock knock, *REALITY CHECK* that was then and now is NOW. now Sofi is quite broke and looking for a job is her top-notch priority, got a few calls here and there. all have yet to be confirmed. but whatever it is, the whole job thingey is not entirely about the pay but more of something that looks good on my resume. so, we shall see how it goes:) looking forward to the 30th though:))
anyway, been
mailto:sleeping@granny and sis's place lately and guess whaattttt? yesterday, out of the blue,red,yellow, while i was walking on the way to my sis place, i was chased by a crazyyyy dog! it was literally crazy/delusional/drunk. i was totally freaked out by it because never in a million years i thought it would happen to me at tt point of time and it did. if it wasn't for the lift, i guess i would be in a hospital by now. fine, fine, fine.i might be exaggerating, but reallie, it was very tey-ney-ney.
so, the past few days was spent catching up with my wonderful people. on monday, we went to su's shop to see her jual jualan. well, i know the pics are not clear at all, but if you look closely, you can see su, isk, me, satay together a stack of notes. no no, i am NOT studying for my modules next year. Mr. Iskandar had to finish marking his student's paper within a certain deadline. and so, the passionate and workaholic teacher marked the paper at the hawker centre while eating and yakking away. so
rajin rite! haha

and su just totally ruled indonesian satay stall LAH!. you should see how she make her
dapur berasap! she definitely have mastered every single technique of
mee rebus, satay and mee soto tak nak taugey LAH! haha
you go girl!!!

then i met nut for lunch on wed afternoon. i am so bodoh LAH that i din know we can actually add java chips to any drinks at starbucks. nat ordered vanilla java chip frap which is so sinful but who-the-hell-cares-cos-it's-nice anyways! so go try k! ask nat to do it! she has her own personal touch to it! haha:))

later that night: finally, FINALLY, al,kat,sinping and the whole world ended their last dreadful paper, LBO. it's about time man! we all ate @sakura and ordered as though we din eat for a million years. with alecia around, that is bound to happen. many food=happy people.haha:)

we of course, cam-whored at random places and alecia make a funny big fuss about her new hairband that she just bought. tee-hee-hee.
kat: okie, let's take a peekture
all: alright
kat: 1,2,3 smile!
all: that's a nice pic
alecia: no! cannot see my hairband!!!
all: *slaps forehead!

and poor kat had to endure our irri-noying acts while we go,
"eh ! felicia chin! felicia chin can i have your autograph please? felicia chin can i take a picture with you?"
haha. i swear we acted as though we were 8, playing with polly pockets and barbie dolls. giggled at each other's jokes, playing with accesories and just wanted to have a girly good time. though the meet up lasted for only a few hours, i know for sure that these crazy times are truly treasured even when i am old and feeble. so *cheers* to us all! huggies!
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