isn't shrek3 entertaining with a capital E and N and T and E and R and i-very-malas-to-spell-already.... and G!!! haha! it doesn't help the fact that i watch it with a living baby shrek just two seats away from me!! tee-hee-hee!
the next time i coach at a primary school on leadership, i am definitely going to tell my kids that my ultimate super-hero has got to be SHREK! haha, nevermind the fact he is greeeeeeeen and grosssss, the most important thing of them all, he is funny to save the day from a mundane or taxing day at work or school:)).
so, nat, don't worry dear, i would love to watch it again if i am free! it's consistently funny, every second! oh! and don't u think redha looks like baby shrek? realliee! 2 strangers told me that when i carried him around in TM just now! and, he always always give the expressions that shrek gives-look above-. well what can i say? like grandfather, like grandson. (uhhuh, not redha's dad. if you put my dad and redha side-by-side you would probably know what i mean. haha)
of course, it would have been boring without great company in any kind of family outings. nadi, wan and the sis family. this pic was taken when we were about 5 years old and yes, i was a cry baby. a very bad one. i'm still one actually. haha. but this time round, she won't laugh at me like last time but lend a listening ear.haha!
sat:! we were supposed to go korean again but nadi was too tired from work that she was already in lalalalalala land half an hour after the show started!hmprh-not fun:( haha. nevertheless, the impromtu decision to sleepover at my place was bagel-ly fun spread with philidelphia cream cheese on top of it! yummy!

those red hot nails? not mine.
those papillios? mine.
and it all began with
farah: omar! your nails are so longgggg
omar: yeah. cos i want to PAINT!!
haha. and he got what he wanted with a free packet of ciggarettes from azim. kerazee.
it's been more than a week since my last paper and i have been spending my money like there's no tomorrow. so, come tommorow which is in a few hours time, i will be earning my money @ a cafe in Changi for two weeks and then i'm back to my ad-hoc part-time job for a week. really looking forward to it and crossing my fingers that it goes smoothly. hopefully by then, i will get a 9-5 job together with minmin and sal and whoever i know, insya'Allah. mum&dad coming home soon and everything else is gooooooooood. so hopefully it stays the same. so, happy feet ppl and say shrek! haha. okayy fine fine.*toodles:)
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