the above picture of nutttt, pretty much sums up my awesome weekend.
tj girls and cute, funny faces!
soda gembira and barneyyyy or bunnyyyy(SAME DIFFERENCE K!)haha!

the surprise birthday lunch last saturday was surprisingly surprising! the girls were so sweet to not only surprise salmah and khairun( which i know of), but also me( which i totally had no clue!) LOL. mine is the furthest among the two. nevertheless, thank you so so much for the present and everything else! i really appreciate it!=)

we are threeee-years old! *wheeeeeeeee

i want dayah or mash's set of teeth! like cicklets gum! haha.

of presents

and of wishes,

happy 2-1 st birthday my og-fren and president salmah!!! haha.

and yes sya, you are the universe in our eyes! haha.

and then , finally after so manymany months of not seeing each other, ash is back in singapore and she had a mini open house at her place. di looking very mentel,and so we tried too.

so we failed and decided that only di can pull the super mentel to the max look off. LOL.

those lateeeee nights @Macs and mama shop.

like seriously, when was the last time you played with barbie dolls? it was funn laa! ash's sister has a whole range of it from california barbie dolls which smells of cocoa butter or the sun tan lotion

to muslimah barbie dolls. so cute cannn

and our manymany cacat moments in ash's room with di trying to make her hair flat with the hairclips. haha.

ash's friends just miss those days when they were kids! and sinping, will never forget what haider told me about bangladesh and begedel laaaa you , bagedel! LOL

then, on sunday, i went to underwaterworld with the kiddos.the instructions were pretty clear at the touchpool and we told zikry about it.

right after that, zikry did the exact opposite!! haha.

little redha had his preferences for fishes. he not only want those colourful ones with vibrant colours, but also, those biggg ones. SIZE does matter to him. so, 50% of the time we were carrying him while the rest of him he walked by himself. just when i thought i could put him down in the tunnel as there was a travelator, he did not look left, right or above for the fishes but below, just too amazed by the travelator. the look on his face was super classic and right now, sofi wants to bite redha just like the shark below!haha.

just take a good look at it!! the ikan pari has a face!!! quite cute i think/LOL

but this one, not cute but scaryyy. those sharp, menacing teeth.

this one, THIS one is my personal favourite. look at those eyes and mouth. doesn't it make you smile too? LOL. i wannnttttt a stingray toyyyy in my room. it will instantaneously cheer me up when i am in a very foul mood.haha. my sister said it looks a little bit like casper, the friendly ghost! and just exactly what i need! lol. so what can i say ? cheeeeeeeeers to weeeekendss??
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