i couldn't agree more at how apt the timing seemed to be after watching grey's anatomy episode 8 on FOREVER YOUNG. there are so many situations that i can relate to, be it about lexie, yang or miranda. but all in all, as i step in the world of adulthood, i inspire to be like miranda bailey. she has almost full control of her life be it family or career and to me, she is a real woman. given that when she surfaces a problem, her effectiveness as chief resident(sorry su darling! i owe you! haha), just makes the hospital works. i aspire to be like her. one who works hard till the very end and knows the line between professionalism and friendship. ohhh spare the episode where she was accused as being a blithering idiot, but oh wells, don't we all want to be forever young and never old? she inspires me, and i guess what i like about her the most is her confidence, yes, confidence is the key. twenty-one, is just a number, but what matters most is the experiences that we go through and learn from it so as to get the best situation out of it. to my beloved friends and family members, thank you for everything, the presents, your presence and the wishes.

really appreciate every single thing.
thanks a million.

16th november 2007 was spent with sim babies @ swensens. we were obviously high on donuts and many many cam-whore moments.

melvin did a trick by inserting his hands in his mouth while paul had his t-shirt printed, "God bRessYou", made in Taiwan. haha

sinping, shidah, alecia, agnes, thanks for organising it! it wasn't badly plan at all, though alecia was being such a darling.haha! we love silly-mon!!!

so, the last picture was definitely a memorable one, when paul said,
"grope sofi's ass! grope!" look at how sinping was enthusiastically reaching out for my butt. while shidah and alecia must have grope each others wayyy earlier already. need i say more for the groping partners? haha. you guys are ze best.
17th november 2007 was spent with the sr people in the early part of the night @al-majlis. we were high on taboo, had arab food dinner&spent the voucher and saw the familiar faces that we haven seen in quite awhile:) nevertheless, it was fun and wished the night had lasted longer:))

and farah sayang, you are so so good at lyinggg!!! haha. i really believed you when you said that you were studying at home to prepare for your exams on monday! haha. thanks a lot for coming dear, good luck for exams k. jiayou!!!!!*hugs.

at the stroke of midnight on the 18th november 2007, isk, whom i plan to meet, came unexpectedly with su, raz and rahman. he, is another good liar. it took me quite awhile to notice that they were in the car as i expect isk to be alone in the car. so, upon reaching, they opened the door, and wished me and close the door again. it was a funny moment. but to have two of the bestEST person on earth by my side at the stroke of midnight, was definitely great. thanks wazzy dearie and su darling who came with her
seluar kodok. haha!

and of course, it was great to have my mat dancers and isk the chaffeur to boogggiee the night away in the car too.

raz, kau jaga ehhh. bully aku kannn dengan balloon. tak per tak per.... =P
then, on the day itself, in the afternoon, the family and i went to nadi's cousin wedding @ bedok. quite an unusual way of spending it, but it was nice though=)

and, at night, which i din have any clue at first, the whole nek emah's family was there. we almost occupied the entire air-con area @ mak's place and it was very very kecoh indeed.

we celebrated ibu's 60th birthday(hers is on 21st) and my 21st too. had a blast with the family
by sunday, i was high on too many stuffles that i knew somehow, somewhere something is not right. true enough, at 4 am,my tummy starts to ache and so, i shitted(heh-excuse me. haha!). thought it was over, got ready for school and looking forward to it, and slightly before city hall, i knew i couldn't last the entire morning. so, i made a detour to tampines and took a cab from the tamp mrt. talk about hangover on donuts, seafood, breaded chicken, all in one. haha!

but thank god it got better at around 1 plus, completed a few of my to-do-list and then, met up with my darlings as planned. @ps, i really thought wazzy had diarrhea cos i thought it could possibly be the food that we ate last saturday. turned out to be that she was being such a darling, along with tatia by being a good planner. haha. we ate at manhatten and finally after one hour or so, aziela still made it and came right after her presentation, running with her heels and laptop bag *sayangsssss

i do! i do! i do believe in fairies:)

and miracles toooo.
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