su says:
su says:
okie sofi
su says:
u're turning maximus
su says:
sephia says:
which is bad is it?
sephia says:
oh dearrrrrrrr
su says:
su says:
no la
su says:
its funny how u were so different last time la
su says:
su says:
anywya,im glad u're changing .
su says:
su says:
and i like it more that u like it too !
I can't exactly pin-down any life-changing moments that happened for the past 365 days or so, but one thing for sure, I feel a little bit different from last time and I am happy with it:)A million and one incidents happened throughout the year and I guess I can say that we learn through experience be it good or bad, from others or ownself. Well, cheers to a million and one happy moments, if not, more, for 2008 and many many more years to come!
Happy new year everyone:)
Prospero Año Nuevo ( apparently, in Spain, they don't wish you happy new year, but a prosperous one. according to them, prosperity is not quite happiness, but a positive wish! so have a prosperous new year! gong xi! gongg xi!=P. alaaahhhh... let me feeling spanish-y for awhile can rite?hahaha)
p.s. ISK: you are still my favourite maximus laaa, come may, show them your powerful sheild in green and you are all set for it! boleh la isk. boleh punyer. bolehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
so, when you are not exactly satisfied with things nowwwwww,
you karaOKe with your girlfriends and sing on top of your lungs macam nak terberak! be it in japanese, korean or MELAYU!!! GUA ROCK BABE! haha. super fun i tell you, albeit the short time. sorry girls! we sure to meet up sooon:)
then, i travelled to Malaysia a few weeks ago.
and recently came back from Germany and Brazil with two different groups of peopleee=P
we went to MINDgermania'CAFErina and played uglyuglyugly all the time. haha!. eventhough alecia was super sick, she still look prettyprettypretty all the time! haha! didn't get to interact much with her relatives from Germany, but it's nice to see them though after i TRIED to do linearprogramming at the library.
BLAH...... :( think POSITIVELY!
ok, random.
and recently came back from Germany and Brazil with two different groups of peopleee=P
BLAH...... :( think POSITIVELY!
ok, random.
we had fun seeing you salsa-ing on stage!
okay so, what am i doing in Singapore now? realllllly...... i feel like i am destined to travel all around the world, to see the Eiffel Tower, Amazon Forest or just to experience the fresh Krispy Kreme' Donuts. I should have agreed when my dad asked whether i would like to study overseas after A-levels. but oh welllls, I am sure one day i will save up and travel. Insya'Allah. but time and time again, we keep self-consoling ourselves and say, "there's always channel 16, millions of books and the internet" who can i blame? the grasses are always greener on the other side. but then again, be thankful SOFI, BE THANKFUL!!! haha. maybe i should start learning how to speak and write spanish. i sure need dayah and sya's help then. haha:)
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
i feel like running far far away and come back only when i am fully gratified with things on my side.
it's getting OUT of CONTROL with no directions.
because sometimes,
i am beginning to feel that things are a little bit too overbearing.
i need a breather.
i need a 25th hour.
ultimately, i think it's about time that,
i need more time,
for myself.
i feel like running far far away and come back only when i am fully gratified with things on my side.
it's getting OUT of CONTROL with no directions.
because sometimes,
i am beginning to feel that things are a little bit too overbearing.
i need a breather.
i need a 25th hour.
ultimately, i think it's about time that,
i need more time,
for myself.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
yes, they have their political reasons,
yes, they have the reasonings of second votes,
yes, they have a million and one other reasons as to why he was accidentally "crowned" Asian Idol, but OMGGGGGG,
HE WON, HE FREAKING WON the competition!
and I, couldn't be any happier.
Congratulations Hady:)
so, the buttSISTAs met up to re-live jc days. and NO su, i am not wacky. YOU are, cuckoo. i am just an innocent student backkkk then. now, i am MORE innocent. =P seetal! faster faster come home k! and omg! we are so proud of you too la Queen of Nails! so cute:)
yes, they have the reasonings of second votes,
yes, they have a million and one other reasons as to why he was accidentally "crowned" Asian Idol, but OMGGGGGG,
HE WON, HE FREAKING WON the competition!
and I, couldn't be any happier.
Congratulations Hady:)

nope. not over it yet; Hady won BABY!!! he effing won laaaa!!! yeahhh!!!=)))
OH! i almost forgot! did i mention that he won?
Thursday, December 13, 2007
It has got to be my paranoia talking, rite? rite? rite? i mean i had chicken pox about 4 years ago and it was the most depressing period of my life! now, i am scratching my whole body macam beruk , especially where the spots are, bringing me blast from the past. i honestly do not know what's the deal with that, just tell me it's not IT. so, after swimming this morning with wazzy, went to school and whined to syirin about it. so this was what she said intelligently in her effort to console me ,
" aku tahu!!!! kan rainy season kannn, lepastu, holiday, banyak budak-budak kann mungkin dorang berak, kencing, muntah semua laaa... aiyahhhh...confirm not chicken pox one laaaa"
KEPALA HOTAK DIER la! ya la.. i know that once you get chicken pox the chances of getting again is very low, but THANK YOU la ah babe for hearing me out. kaulah kawan terbaik ku! te-ney-ney! so halfway through marketing lecture, i couldn't take it anymore, i left and met the pharmicist. yes, the pharmicist, not the doctor as i was not having fever & wish to think that i am in the pinkEST of health. now, i just hope that the lotion works and take that paranoia away from me please. please. please.
OH! on a lighter note, WAZZZYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! two more hours babe! two more hours! sayanggggg wazzzyyyy!*hugs:)
" aku tahu!!!! kan rainy season kannn, lepastu, holiday, banyak budak-budak kann mungkin dorang berak, kencing, muntah semua laaa... aiyahhhh...confirm not chicken pox one laaaa"
KEPALA HOTAK DIER la! ya la.. i know that once you get chicken pox the chances of getting again is very low, but THANK YOU la ah babe for hearing me out. kaulah kawan terbaik ku! te-ney-ney! so halfway through marketing lecture, i couldn't take it anymore, i left and met the pharmicist. yes, the pharmicist, not the doctor as i was not having fever & wish to think that i am in the pinkEST of health. now, i just hope that the lotion works and take that paranoia away from me please. please. please.
OH! on a lighter note, WAZZZYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! two more hours babe! two more hours! sayanggggg wazzzyyyy!*hugs:)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
now that i am back, i wished that i had stayed even longer in Malaysia.
singing on top of our lungs,
appreciating nature,
halal food,
happening night life
petaling street.
singing on top of our lungs,
appreciating nature,
halal food,
happening night life
petaling street.

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