so, when you are not exactly satisfied with things nowwwwww,
you karaOKe with your girlfriends and sing on top of your lungs macam nak terberak! be it in japanese, korean or MELAYU!!! GUA ROCK BABE! haha. super fun i tell you, albeit the short time. sorry girls! we sure to meet up sooon:)
then, i travelled to Malaysia a few weeks ago.
and recently came back from Germany and Brazil with two different groups of peopleee=P
we went to MINDgermania'CAFErina and played uglyuglyugly all the time. haha!. eventhough alecia was super sick, she still look prettyprettypretty all the time! haha! didn't get to interact much with her relatives from Germany, but it's nice to see them though after i TRIED to do linearprogramming at the library.
BLAH...... :( think POSITIVELY!
ok, random.
and recently came back from Germany and Brazil with two different groups of peopleee=P
BLAH...... :( think POSITIVELY!
ok, random.
we had fun seeing you salsa-ing on stage!
okay so, what am i doing in Singapore now? realllllly...... i feel like i am destined to travel all around the world, to see the Eiffel Tower, Amazon Forest or just to experience the fresh Krispy Kreme' Donuts. I should have agreed when my dad asked whether i would like to study overseas after A-levels. but oh welllls, I am sure one day i will save up and travel. Insya'Allah. but time and time again, we keep self-consoling ourselves and say, "there's always channel 16, millions of books and the internet" who can i blame? the grasses are always greener on the other side. but then again, be thankful SOFI, BE THANKFUL!!! haha. maybe i should start learning how to speak and write spanish. i sure need dayah and sya's help then. haha:)
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