Monday, December 31, 2007


su says:


su says:
okie sofi

su says:
u're turning maximus

su says:

sephia says:
which is bad is it?

sephia says:
oh dearrrrrrrr

su says:

su says:
no la

su says:
its funny how u were so different last time la

su says:

su says:
anywya,im glad u're changing .

su says:

su says:
and i like it more that u like it too !

I can't exactly pin-down any life-changing moments that happened for the past 365 days or so, but one thing for sure, I feel a little bit different from last time and I am happy with it:)A million and one incidents happened throughout the year and I guess I can say that we learn through experience be it good or bad, from others or ownself. Well, cheers to a million and one happy moments, if not, more, for 2008 and many many more years to come!

Happy new year everyone:)

Prospero Año Nuevo ( apparently, in Spain, they don't wish you happy new year, but a prosperous one. according to them, prosperity is not quite happiness, but a positive wish! so have a prosperous new year! gong xi! gongg xi!=P. alaaahhhh... let me feeling spanish-y for awhile can rite?hahaha)

p.s. ISK: you are still my favourite maximus laaa, come may, show them your powerful sheild in green and you are all set for it! boleh la isk. boleh punyer. bolehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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