Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Monday, December 06, 2010
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Emotional insecurity
Insecurity may cause shyness, paranoia and social withdrawal,
or alternatively it may encourage
compensatory behaviors such as arrogance,aggression,
or bullying, a principle enshrined in the
phrase "all bullies are cowards." Many people suffer a
period of insecurity during puberty,
which gives rise to a lot of the stereotypical
behaviors of adolescents.
Also, sometimes people who have
a strong character can actually
suffer from emotional insecurity.
They may subconsciously have a
naturally strong character to hide inner personal feelings.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thursday, September 09, 2010
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Friday, September 03, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Got up for Fajr on time and prayed Fajr with its Sunnah
Made my morning Dhikr
Prayed all prayers on time and on earliest time possible
Made the recommended Dhikr after every prayer
Prayed all the 13 rakah of Sunnah prayers
Made Qunut/Dua for the Muslim Ummah in a prayer
Made Dua for my parents
Commanded one good
Forbade one evil
Prayed more than 1 fard prayer in a mosque (males)
Read the Tafsir of one verse of the Quran
Read one new Hadeeth and its meaning
Read 1 page of the Quran as a minimum (with understanding)
Attempted to increase in knowledge (reading/listening)
Attempted to practise one rare Sunnah of Rasulullah
Made one Muslim smile
Made my parents smile, hugged and kissed them
Did not argue, nor backbite with anyone
Did not harbour ill feelings in my heart against anyone
Did not do anything I was unsure about its permissibility
Tried my best to take care of my body
Gave charity (monetary)
Preserved or removed a harm from the environment
Made Dua for the Prophet (SAWS)
Make Tawbah & Istighfaar 100 times
Pondered 10 minutes about struggling for this Deen
Did a special deed that is secret between myself & Allah
Gave some of the extra food from Iftar to my neighbours
Made my afternoon Dhikr
Prayed my taraweeh prayers
Prayed the Witr prayer
Read Surah Mulk before going to sleep
Wrote down/updated my will
Pondered about my Death and of the Day of Judgement
Prayed absolute minimum 2 rakah Tahajjud prayer
Asked Allah for Jannah and refuge from Jahannam (X3)
Went to sleep in a state of Wudu
Went to sleep without ill feelings towards any Muslim
Read Surah Kahf
Attempted to pray Jumah earliest time & best gathering
Pondered 5-10 minutes about the khutbah & its message
Took extra care to groom & maintain myself
Made Dua only for Rasulullah (SAWS)
Memorized minimum 1/4 page of the Quran (with understanding)
Memorized 1 hadeeth of Rasulullah
Memorized 1 Dua from the Sunnah
Fed/Clothed one needy person or gave a gift to one
Made Istikharah about an important matter
Attempted to join the hearts between two Muslims
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 02, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
While you HURT your woman, there's a man wishing he could make love to her.
While you make your woman CRY there's a man stealing smiles from her.
remember that, always remember that.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Friday, July 09, 2010
How little things can slip out of your hands
How often people change, not to remain the same
Why things don't always turn out as you plan
These are things that I don't understand
Yeah, these are things that I don't understand
I can't, and I can't decide
Wrong, oh my wrong from right
Day, oh my day from night
Dark, oh my dark from light
I live, but I love this life
How infinite is space, and who decides your fate
Why everything will dissolve into sand
How to avoid defeat, when truth and fiction meet
Why nothing ever turns out as you plan
These are things that I don't understand
Yeah, these are things that I don't understand
I can , and I can't decide
Wrong, oh my wrong from right
Day, oh my day from night
Or dark, oh my dark from light
I live, but I love this life
Monday, July 05, 2010
Sunday, July 04, 2010

Saturday, July 03, 2010
Friday, July 02, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Everyone's definition of success is different. What's yours?
I define success as the attainment of what Aristotle referred to as “eudemonia.” Eudemonia is the striving for excellence in everything you do to bring about prosperity in all parts of life: for you, family, friends, colleagues, and clients. And it is this striving for excellence in life that manifests virtue of character and defines true success.
To succeed in life, you have to...
...have an insatiable desire to win. If the fire in the stomach is innate then you’re halfway there. In the words of Mr. Trump, “I do it to do it.” However, regardless of whether or not it’s a natural yearning, you must continually set goals for yourself. Success is a constant state of motion and you should be consistently striving towards achieving a goal. Success is not simply the attainment of the goal itself but it is in the actual process you go through in order to obtain it.
You must also believe in yourself. Having true confidence in your convictions is essential. You must have the faith that if you put your mind to it you can achieve anything. It may sound somewhat clichéd, but it’s true.
Persistence is also significant. Never give up. Each time an obstacle is thrown in your path, take a step back, analyze the situation, and then have another go.
Continually setting goals to drive yourself to the next stage is ultimately the key. In business, set KPIs (key performance indicators) to measure your performance over time and against that of your peers. But be sure to have fun on the way. Setting targets shouldn’t feel like a chore. You’ve got to love what you do.
What are the most important qualities in a leader, and do you possess them?
The most important qualities in a leader that I strive to posses are integrity, decisiveness, an understanding of the business at hand, consistency, willingness to admit a mistake, the ability to listen, passion, motivation, and humility.
In “Winning,” by Jack Welch, he wrote, “Before you become a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” As such, I endeavor to surround myself with a team consisting of individuals that embody integrity, intelligence, maturity, and passion. I believe far more can be achieved by a leader who allows individuals to feel empowered, valued, and motivated than a leader who micromanages every moving part of a task. So I’ll evaluate, coach, and build self-confidence within my team, but I’ll only intervene in their individual task implementation when necessary.
A positive leader with a positive outlook will end up managing a positive team. And when a team of talented individuals works well together, they’ll win every time.
Have any previous Apprentice winners motivated or inspired you? If so, who and why. If not, what did you think of the winners?
Bill Rancic. He put in a brilliant performance and displayed a natural ability to get on with people. It’s near impossible to get on with everyone all of the time, but to win you must concentrate on managing relationships with the other interviewees as much as winning the actual tasks.
Why should you be the next Apprentice?
In addition to an outstanding proven track record in business development, I offer a distinct international business perspective that has been developed over nine years in more than 20 countries. It’s a uniqueness that would instantly add value to the Trump organization.
If you could be any movie star from any era, who would you be and why?
Cary Grant. The archetypal, debonair leading man. Handsome, witty, and charming. Referring to the persona he created he once said, "Everyone wants to be Cary Grant; even I want to be Cary Gran
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 09, 2010

Tuesday, May 04, 2010
- Learn to work out a budget, including a plan for savings, and stick with it.
- To stay out of debt - only buying what you can pay for.
- Learning to live within their means.
- Open a checking account and learn how to use it.
- How to write bills and pay them on time.
- How to use a credit card wisely.
Life Skills
- How to hold a job, doing their very best, even if the job is unpleasant.
- How to grocery shop, using sale ads, coupons, and discount stores.
- How to plan a menu and prepare simple meals.
- How to prepare a holiday meal and entertain guests.
- How to do everyday housework like disinfecting toilets, vacuuming, dusting, dishes, etc.
- How to take care of the house structure and appliances such as painting, washing siding & windows, replacing furnace filters, routine maintenance on appliances.
- How to do laundry and iron.
- How to take care of a baby.
- How to take care of routine maintenance of a vehicle such as checking fluids and changing oil.
- How to make memories including keeping track of family birthdays, holidays, and special occasions, being thoughtful on those days.
- How to make good decisions by sorting and thinking through the issues.
- Character is very important.
- To always work hard at whatever you do.
- That honesty is an important virtue as is keeping promises
- Choosing to do right, even when everyone else is doing wrong; meaning how to deal with peer pressure.
- Living with the consequences of their decisions - whether good or bad.
- To be charitable and kind to others.
- To be close to God.
- How to find answers to spiritual questions.
- How to study the Quran for oneself.
- They are accountable to God for how they live.
Sunday, May 02, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 back for work so pleaseeeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cure faster sofi.
anyways, in other news, i realised i am quite lo-mantic ah. hahaha.

and my favourite part of it all was when ibu doa kan for the both of us and InsyaAllah the doa dikabulkan. ameen.
so now, both of us are super broke as he just paid $1k for his XR4 and i paid a few hundreds for my face medication. gawd. i hope pimplelities will go away soon. ahhh. we know its worth it.
baby! we are 2 baby! we are 2! more 958203849023430284032840923840239840934803840923482042 years to come!
InsyaAllah. Ameen.