Friday, June 02, 2006

Summer lovin' had me a blast
Summer lovin', happened so fast
I met a girl crazy for me
I met a boy, cute as can be
Summer days driftin' away,
To uh-oh those summer nights
Tell me more, tell me more,
Did you get very far?
Tell me more, tell me more,
Like, does he have a car?

uhhuh-uhhuh.... *laughs* mambo night has never been so much fun!!! nadi, dee, let's do it again sooon k? :))) (but,we must master the hand signals first, before we go again! haha)

anyway, cheers to kl tommorrow with nadi and family!!! *wheeeee*i reallie can't wait get my passport chopped and whizzed off to kl! how i wish my mum and dad could join us, but, they are reviving their good ol'time; "honeymoon" somewhere far far away! i miss u-s:):):)

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