Thursday, March 30, 2006
and i'm not kidding. went to the mosque cos there was maulid and, as usual, i have to be the one running after him and calming him down and say" zikry, shhh.... you are in the mosque, don't get overly excited" yes, he is loud. yes, he is super friendly( cos he will just go up to anyone and say hellooooooooooooooo!!!!!!). and yes, he can be over-friendly till he scares some kid away *laughs* poor baby boy. but, for a 3 year-old kid, i think he is really special cos he brightens up my day in my foul-est mood ever. wonderful isn't it?
anyways, saw a few familiar faces at the mosque today, but i didn't really talk to them much because i was too preoccupied looking after the lil' one. so, hoping to see my other friends there in the next few days of the maulid. but the best part is, my relatives will be there too on the weekends. so, *yippiee* and yes, i reallie found solace in reciting the selawat, together with everyone in the mosque. it makes me feel at ease and i'll be looking forward to the next few days:)
and wazzy, can i adopt your baby bro? can i? please? pretty please?*laughs* he is so so so cute and definitely irresistable. i wish i could stay at your place longer and play with him. -sigh- next time ok?
I'm a twisted angel
Flying wild and free
I'm a twisted angel
Flying to heaven on a broken wing
who am i again?
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
well, life is a roller-coaster for me now. but, what the heck. it's still a thrill ride isn't it? so, enjoy it sofi :) *yippie!*
Sunday, March 26, 2006
i'm sooooooooooooo (times infinity) happy for *you*! really really. *you* somehow make me believe that miracles do come true. and for that, *you* strenghten me and believe that faith, hope will turn into reality if you give time and hold on to it really strongly. yes, reality is your bestfriend. and if something better in all aspects comes along the way, *you* say, "why not?" hmmm... maybe i'm a super optimistic person which is very dangerous. but who cares? i'm happier that way. and if nothing happens, i put on a big fat smile and say "GOD IS GREAT" *wheeeeeeeeeeee* and oh yes, i love *you* so much like i've always been! so, quick! call me! *laughs*
always look on the bright side of life. ta da! ta da! ta da ta da! :) :) :)

it was quite an eventful day yesterday cos i met up with sal to study econs and at the same time, had pure fun! well, one thing for sure, we both lifted a heavy burden off each other. i don't know why or how, but its seems like we both discovered that the way we think, do, act are so similar in many ways. surprise me. but oh wells, probably it's just a co-incidence.
anyways sal, aren't we glad that we graduated from harvardschoolofeq and attain a phd in it? im sure we are proud of that rite babe? *smiles* can't wait to see you again!
after meeting up with her, aizat called up to meet up with the usual people and
up till now, when i look at the pics i can't help it but to laugh over and over and over again. seriously man, the combo of aizat and omar is just sooooo funnily craaaazzzzeeeeeeee. *laughs* i don't know how to describe it, but reallie reallie, with their supergenuinelyfunny antics, you can laugh your heart out continously. you guys are really great man. and aizat, i think you should really consider psychology or counselling as a career(eventhough i think your craziness would mean the otherwise). but thanks for the analogies and goddamnfunny jokes and everything. :) *yipppppiiiieeee*
sincere actions speaks louder than your manipulative words.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
all of you are simply unbelievable. thank you God:)
it's like a living nightmare
i see you even when my eyes are wide shut
i hear you even when i'm high above
i feel you even when i am numb
please. just go away.
i hate you.
*aaaaaaaaarggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!* reality, you are my bestfriend :(

and so, alecia had another fantastic celebration on her actual 21st birthday. lunch @ top of the M( which i didn't know the restaurant was a revolving one *slap me*), lotsa lotsa pics taken in the hotel room and toilet too( i'm serious!), heart attacks and da vinci code and many many smiles and laughters, which in many years to come will never be forgotten. :)
then after that, i met seri!!! *wheeeeee* and the minute she left me, i miss her already! reallie! and seri, thanks for everything. you are my motivation, girl! :p hopefully, the next time we meet, it won't be eons to come, ok? hehe.
ooh ohh...and, guess what? omar doesn't look like a caveman anymore because he had a new haircut!haha!miss you guys man. i wish i could spent more time with the sr people though, but, i had to do what i am supposed to do. tuiton and preparation for school. -sigh-
and lastly, HAPPY SECOND YEAR ANNIVERSARY WAZZY AND KHAI! i'm so happy for you guys and best wishes for your future endeavours! you both will pull through it no matter what. trust me on this. i mean c'mon, we are threesome still, aren't we? so, wish me too! *laughs*just kidding =P love you!
now my world's a deeper blue.with YOU.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
oh wells, su's at my sister's place now for further clarification about what she needs to do regarding her relief teaching since she's taking over my sister's place for the time being. it must have been stressful for her because i've seen and heard the amount of work that she is supposed to do, and, trust me. it's taxing. but, i'm sure she'll do just fine. so, don't worry dearie. my sis and i have faith in you! *smiles*
anyways, i'm going to mark today's date. because... my brother's getting engaged tonight! haha. yes yes yes. so. 21st march 2006. we didn't make it that grand or big though for his engagement and i'm not too sure why. but i guess simplicity is sweet sometimes. so... *yippie* can't wait for tonight since my relatives are going to be at my place later! -wheeeeee-
talking bout looking forward to something, i'm looking forward to tomorrow! firstly, cos i'll be meeting fariza because we bumped into each other umpteen times and so, we decided to plan and meet up! hehe. secondly, tomorrow is alecia's actual birthday!!! despite the fact that she had a mind-blowing party, she is celebrating it again with her close friends at meritus mandarin. and lastly....err... err.. err...*laughs* i'm not even sure what in the whole universe i'm looking forward to. studying? heh...but hey... it can be quite fun sometimes, especially econs! i'm serious! hehe.
it's as though the wind brushes through your face.glide through it.
Monday, March 20, 2006
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love some one but it goes to waste could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
YOU've always been the rainbow.for life.
Sunday, March 19, 2006

*more pics in -GALLERY-* :) :) :)
today was so so so fun and super impromtu!!!met my dearest junior at the very last minute, 3 hours before alecia's party. so, we catch up on old times and she was my "honey" for the day. most of the time we were hugging and saying how much we miss each other! but don't get me wrong, i'm seriously straight ok... *laughs*
anyways, alecia's 21st party was no doubt, a BLAST!!! the 21 dishes, her wonderful friends(primary school, secondary school, jc, and uni *ahems(hehe)*) and her super-fun relatives were just unbelievable. i guess she had the most memorable party ever and with a great personality and loving people around her, no doubt she'll do well in life. so.. *yippie!!!!!!* HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY ALECIA!!!!
and to the sr-mcs people, i'm so sorry i couldn't make it to sentosa today :( sometimes, i wish i could myself into two pieces so that i could be in two different places at one time. but, it's ok, i'm sure you guys will have fun there too!
YOU are every single way
Friday, March 17, 2006
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

well, as planned, me and su went to the bloodbank @HSA today. and guess what? it wasn't that bad afterall! *laughs* in fact it was fun. the people there are really nice, though, i can't really comprehend what the nurse was trying to say. but, me, being me, was super scared initially.i was thinking about "what-ifs" and my imagination was just running wild. but, my heroine saved me from planet of the apes and brought me back down to planet earth. she assured me that everything is going to be fine. well, for those of you who knows me well. by now, i think you should know that "paranoid" is my middle name. haha! but, i'm slowly eradicating it. thanks to my past experiences and great friends around me too! hehe. and so, since it wasn't so bad afterall, i might consider to do it again in future, hopefully, if time permits. but i'm definitely not gg to do it alone. so, thanks su for accompanying me to the bloodbank!*hugs* then, after that, i decided to pamper myself for awhile and bought myself a pair of new shoes, when i am supposed to search for alecia's 21st birthday gift. but, i think i have in mind what to get for her already. so, *yippie*!!!
every time i think of you
i get a shock right through into a bolt of blue
it's no problem of mine but it's a problem i find
living a life that i can't leave behind
there's no sense in telling me
the wisdom of a fool won't set you free
but that's the way that it goes
and it's what nobody knows
and every day my confusion grows
every time i see you falling
i get down on my knees and pray
i'm waiting for that final moment
you'll say the words that i can't say
i feel fine and i feel good
i feel like i never should
whenever i get this way, i just don't know what to say
why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday
i'm not sure what this could mean
i don't think you're what you seem
Monday, March 13, 2006

actually i wanted to put these pics in e previous entry but i encountered some problems. so. yeap. here are the pics. more pics- in yahoo photos! :)

wheee... i lurve lurve yesterday. cos i met my loved loved ones!!! met sal again eventhough i just met her like two days ago. seems like we can't get enough of each other now. haha. but then, one thing for sure. it was reallie reallie reallie great meeting her. though we queued like for almost two long hours at the IT fair for some singtel broadband thingey, we still had lotsa fun. from lj to the human traffic jam and the never-ending long queues. it was damn tiring la. but, time flies when you are with someone whom can never ever bore you. and sal, *hugs* thanks for everything. we are strong babies yeah?and we have each other and a whole lot of other people. so.. yippie!!!can't wait to see you again in the next few days( i think.. haha). but this time round with yasmin or to start mugging for our exams *wails* but whatever it is, it has to be soon k!( haha.. crazy sofi)
and of course, as promised, wazzy, ayn and me met mdm ainon later that night. she is still as gorgeous as ever that people mistook her for our "friend" instead of our beloved jc teacher. i'm not surprised by that actually cos she comes down to our level and we feel comfortable talking to her about anything under the sun. and unfortunately, there is only one in a million of teachers who are like that. so.. mdm ainon is definitely a gem to us:) someone who is so so so fun to be with and gives sound advice too. so, i have no idea when we are gg to meet up again. but, i'm planning to go back to sr to meet other teachers and surprise her one day. we'll see how it goes. toodles:)
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006

i woke up today hoping to see the little rascal but guess what? he left for a school picnic on a friday sunny morning when he's school supposed to start at 11. hmprh!! but oh wells... today.. another busy day and i'm super looking forward to it cos........ firstly, i'll be meeting my honeystars(minus nad cos she's in aus :( ) then.... meet teresa cos she's the all-time-fav shopping partner. haha. then hopefully... meet the sr ppl! -fingers crossed- so.. yeah!!! hehe
anyways, yesterday was a blast. cos.... in a way.. i have the permission to fly for awhile before i bury myself with notes and books. haiz. so.. yesterday.. i went to sch and met seetal and arvin. i miss seetal though i see her around in sch sometimes.. haha. as for arvin. it was so nice of her to come all the way to sim and study though i think smu is nearer for her.. haha. i wonder why. but.. the best part came after that.... cos... i met up with mash and sal!!!!! haha.. so we head off to jurong point which is e other end of the world to have our dinner and window shop.. then we were reminiscing our tj days.. be it angel and mortal, how noisy we were in maths class , gema temasek and dikir days(which i never knew my malay-ish side of time till i join mcs..haha) and how some of us cried after gema cos some of us were gg to diff jcs like me! hehe... but.. on top of that. im happy tt up till today.. we are still crapping jokes and whatever-nots together! soo... to the tj girls hidup temasek! haha(lame.. i know)
and oh yes..back home...the new maid just came today cos my current bibik is gg home this sat, after two years with us. the new bibik seems nice and zikry's fine with i hope everything is goes well.. and daddy.... bought a new car! no wonder he msged me saying "where are coming to fetch you wherever you are"... so weird of him to do that... and so he did at tamps interchange... haha.. and he surprised me with a new colour.. but the same brand....previously was mazda 3 but now, mazda 6 i think.. i dunno la.. but i like the smell of the car when i enter the car..its refreshing. haha(sick i know) sooner or later... sister is gg to change to mazda also but i dunno wad yeap.. hasan's family is not only made up of teachers but mazda-fanatic.haha.. okie dokie. im running late. and i bet din is still snoring at home la. but i better get dressed now.. later then.. :)
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

based on a special request(since we met for awhile at tamps just now)...i'm going to blog about tatia nur farina!!!! hehe.. well well.. no doubt that among all my close frens, she knows me best. simply because i've known her the longest and i'm sooo thankful to the fact that we are still as close as ever and hopefully till the very end! we were from the same primary school... supposedly to be in the same sec sch... and supposedly to be in the same jc....but... as we live in a very complicated world where there are simply too many choices, i took a different path.. however,whichever path, i took i never regretted it. and gladly up till today... she's always there for me. thank you for everything!!! haha... and soo... i know... wazzy, ayn and many more ppl who mean a lot to mean are gg to ask me to write bout them... but you know what? i seriously don't mind because... you guys are worth writing for. worth every effort and toil.and worth everything. so... *aGREATBIGhug* hehe.. snafalafagus. i don't know what it means but... i think it means -i just wanna give another hug again- hehe. so... *aGREATBIGhug*
oh yes. be it on the 8th of March, or 18th Nov or even 8th Dec.. just live your life to the fullest.. well.. im tryin to convince myself that.. but.. yes.. the key word here is trying.. so..
boo-hoo... but.. sometimes... extrinsic motivation helps you to keep on going... so.. i'm trying....haha..
anyways... today's econs paper was only confident of two long questions out of six( i think).. urgh.. so irri-noying... funny how you can love and enjoy the subject but when sit for the paper, somehow or rather you know that you are screwed. oh wells... its not always rainbows and butterflies i guess... shitness.but... never give up sofi..aaaarrggghh!!!( sorry.. it just feels good to scream, sometimes)
but, on a lighter note, im quite relieved... cos... its only a day away... a day away to fly freely!!! and... a day away... before i meet mash and sal tom! yeah! so... 36 hours left and counting....
and tatia.. faster faster upload the pics k!!! can't wait to see you again, this sat. haha..
Tuesday, March 07, 2006

ok. i'm not supposed to be blogging now. but i couldn't help it. i'm mentally drained from econs.... from slutsky to hicksian and whatever-nots.. paper starts at 10 tom though.. hopefully dad can send me before sending zikry to school.. hehe.. but anyways... today i met su!! after weeks and weeks of complaining for not meeting me! hmprh.. no doubt it was great meeting her eventhough it was only for two short hours or lesser. i mean. c'mon.. its su... no.. IT'S SU!!! haha.. so.. we went for branch and then... i discovered that she bought, according to her, the prettiest thing in the whole wide universe... which is... *drumrolls*..... her purple canon ixus camera!!!! hahaha.. so... us being us... took lotsa pics.. but reallie reallie... her cam is so gooddamn cool... damnmits. i'm craving for a new digital camera now. but, on second thots, im craving for a looooot of stuffs now. that's why i need to do retail therapy. and when i say retail therapy... i really mean retail THERAPY.
and oh yes... before i forget... i wanna say thank you. a big BIG BIG thank you to wazzy dearie for taking the time and effort in designing the bloggie for me.. i reallie reallie reallie appreciate it!!! the 5 different designs that you did were definitely beautiful... but me being the boring me chose the most simple one.. but actually, right from the start i've always wanted evangeline lilly's pic. so, eventually i got it! yeah! haha. i've no idea how you did it. but, nevertheless, thank you honey!*hugs*