smiles, sanely :)
it was quite an eventful day yesterday cos i met up with sal to study econs and at the same time, had pure fun! well, one thing for sure, we both lifted a heavy burden off each other. i don't know why or how, but its seems like we both discovered that the way we think, do, act are so similar in many ways. surprise me. but oh wells, probably it's just a co-incidence.
anyways sal, aren't we glad that we graduated from harvardschoolofeq and attain a phd in it? im sure we are proud of that rite babe? *smiles* can't wait to see you again!
after meeting up with her, aizat called up to meet up with the usual people and
up till now, when i look at the pics i can't help it but to laugh over and over and over again. seriously man, the combo of aizat and omar is just sooooo funnily craaaazzzzeeeeeeee. *laughs* i don't know how to describe it, but reallie reallie, with their supergenuinelyfunny antics, you can laugh your heart out continously. you guys are really great man. and aizat, i think you should really consider psychology or counselling as a career(eventhough i think your craziness would mean the otherwise). but thanks for the analogies and goddamnfunny jokes and everything. :) *yipppppiiiieeee*
sincere actions speaks louder than your manipulative words.
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