Thursday, March 23, 2006

well, just got back from manaqib at the mosque that my parents and i usually go to. and it made me realised something. i've been a really bad girl. really really bad. as subjective as the word "bad" can be, i know i need to bring myself closer to God in every single way. funny how in times of hardships and sufferings, we turn to God for answers. well, i'm partly guilty of that i guess. yes, i am. but to err is being human, however, it's really important not to repeat it. as for now, i'm counting my blessings for having such a loving family and a beautiful circle of friends.
all of you are simply unbelievable. thank you God:)

it's like a living nightmare
i see you even when my eyes are wide shut
i hear you even when i'm high above
i feel you even when i am numb
please. just go away.
i hate you.

*aaaaaaaaarggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!* reality, you are my bestfriend :(

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