and they are one of those; close to my heart. <3
welcome to the world lil' nephew!!! :):):)
you are such a joy in our family. the best part is, you look more to your mummy's side of the family instead of your daddy's! but, its too early to say for now. haha. i have every reason to look forward to each time i wake up:) and zikry, you are still as cute as ever. both zikry and his lil brother will no doubt bring down the house each time. and my sister is one tough babe. salutes to sister ernie! and so, these few weeks, sofi is associated with the bee. so, sorry if i can't make it to any meet-ups or shopping trips -wails- but as soon as exams are over, i'll promise you a helluva time of fun and laughter.*huggggsss*
and su huney, thanks for visiting my sister. *drumrolls* i'm sure someone looks forward to go to school each day now huh? why not?dumdeedumdeedum! surprise surprise.
note: his name have yet to be given. so yup yup. will update once i know:) but, please rememember 25th april 2006. the day he was born! *laughs*
why is it, that after so long, i still have a heart?
that beats with you and just persistently won't go away?
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