Wednesday, May 17, 2006

ok sofi. stop's over and you've done your best.but seriously, why can't numbers and i just be the bestest of friends? well, though maths paper was tough, i'd be satisfied if more time was given to complete it. but, it happens to be that though how much effort i put in, we are still worlds it because my strategy was wrong? or is it because i'm just not mathematically inclined, no matter what. -urgh- statistics may appear easy to some people. well, it did to me too, initally. but then, i don't know what in the whole universe happened to me yesterday that out of the blue, i got stuck in certain questions and somehow, lost the command of the question. what in the world is wrong with you sofi??? -wails- :(((((((((((((((( though i tried to get my mind out of this matter, i know at the back of my mind i'm still very much perturbed bout it. i need to do something bout it. fast. *HELP!*

on that note, i have one more paper to go. and thank god that is a theory paper. well, i may not be fantastically well in writing, but i'd prefer that to anything which is maths-related. but then again, IBM can be quite tough though.oh wells, i'm meeting Sinping later to study for our last paper. so, hopefully, everything turns out right. and i have a feeling i'm not going to get over it for a looooooong time. but, post-exam activities seems enticing. marathon.sleepovers.overseas.relief and......
lotsa lotsa lotsa fun, joy and laughter.

:) :) :) :)

and, you know i love you so....

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