anyways, i can't wait for tonight's portugal and france match. hopefully my parents would allow me to watch the match at a field beside tamps mrt with ili, hud and lydia.*fingers crossed* it's hard to predict who will face italy in the finals though. but, i think france was excellent during the quaterfinals. will it be the same for semis? we shall see....
i'm actually carrying redha now while blogging, because he just loves to be carried all the time. the moment i put him down, he shed crocodile tears and makes so much noise, which left me no choice but to carry him. the only time he will keep quite is either when he is sleeping soundly, or when is super full. you can tell the satisfaction on his face. HAHA.
but, i think it's a good form of exercise for me to carry him because, he is getting heavier and heavier day by day. and also, i'm having fun "exercising" because redha can now make cute noises, smile and laugh!!! so adorable.
and oh yes, he just had a haircut at the barber the other day. the more i look at him the more HUMPTY-DUMPTY he is. no wonder he loves the song. cutie pie!:)

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