these are my fairygodmothers. well, they don't exactly grant me 3 wishes such that it appears at the flick of the wand. but honestly, they were the backbone of 16th.(duh-uh) that's why they were the president and the vice-president. anyways, i miss them a lot and i'm glad that we will be meeting next week for 19th council investiture. 19th? hmmm. that's like three batches after us. time really flies. i feel as though i just got invested in council. going haywire bout my schoolwork and stuffs. but, one thing for sure, i'll never forget the sensational feeling after the 17th took our place. it felt as though the heaviest weight had been lifted! miss you guys and hope to see all of them next week:)
event: 19th council investiture
venue: srjc hall.
date: 20th July 2006
time: 7.45a.m
those who are confirm going:
ayn!!pat!!!sharf!!! please comeeee... i miss my
oihoi!!!! the rest im not sure though. but it will be great if you guys are there. so, see you guys there alright? *hugs*

ayn, sharf and pat? made up your mind yet???? *laughs*
tell me asap k.miss you-s!
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