well.. i don't exactly have a choice and that's life! i guess i have to make sacrifices... so that's on eof the minore ones i made-waiiiilllsss-
anyway, tommorrow's going to be eme's last day at springfield and i won't be seeing her that much anymore -wails- but she was really a great company and made my life there more bearable. good luck dearie in your future endeavours *hugs* thank god raudha's not leaving yet or else i'll be damn bored.haha
with that, i predict that it's going to be quite a cranky week for me. insufficient sleep. loooooong journey to zhenghua sec at choa chu kang. and aching body. yeap. i'll don't know how i'll survive the motivational workshop on wed, thurs and fri, from 9am to 9pm. i guess having chryst and su by my side will definitely alleviate it.*hugs*
oh yeah!!! nadi and i baked cupcakes on sunday! at nadi's place. i swear nadi is the best cook ever man. we did two different fillings, banana and jam and it was fingerlickinggoooooooooooooooood boy! in the oven, the jam was oozing out of the cupcakes and i was just standing ther, drooling. and it's true what they say, home-made cookies, cakes or food taste waaaaaaaaaaaaaayy better!

and what do you at the end of the day?

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