:) funny how you can be under one roof with your friends in school but you rarely see them. tennnnyyyyyyyy!!!!! i miss you heaps girl! it was nice bumping you at the bus stop after not seeing each other for so so long. seetal!!!! you better start school sooooon or i will personally come and find you wherever you are and dragg you to school. haha. crazy. oh wells. i think the reason why im so high now is because i had fun during practical driving lesson:) i had a nice and calm instructor unlike the previous one. and when i told him bout the previous instructor. he was . "wahh... you are like the 586575486 learner to tell me this about him" so, i did what i had to do, i filled up the avoidance form, which means, i don;t have to see him ever again! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! *laughs.
anyway, can't wait for tom. isk is having a mini open house for his birthday-cum-hari raya party at his house. well...hopefully you will like the present that we get for you boyy!:))))))))) and oh yes!!!my love for netball had been rekindled when i watched "coach carter" on HBO family a few days back. i'm not sure why exactly. but OMG. channing tatum looks HOT. but i still prefer him at "she's the man" oh well.. who cares. i want to play ball! its been eons man. so shah, you are in rite? can'ttt waiiitttt! :)))))
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
Happy 62th Birthday Daddyyyyy!!!(he is still 'veryyy young at heart'.trust me.haha!)
Happy 21st Birthday Noreis!!!(he is still a kid. trust me too!.haha. jus kiddin!=P)
and you know what my daddy did?
he set the timing of
1)his phone's alarm clock,
2)my mummy's phone alarm clock and
3)my parents room alarm clock at 12 am so that all of us wish him promptly at midnight of 27th Oct 2006! He even called me to ask "did you hear it? when the alarm clock rings?" That's my daddy for you! He can make me laugh hysterically and tell the lamest jokes everrrr... but yet it can be so so funny. you wouldn't want to know the jokes that he cracked because i tried telling su the joke and she said over msn that night, " remind me to remind myself not to ask you to tell me a joke. "haha. and nadi tooo! she told faridah about the kot-code joke. and true enough she gave nadi the blur loook. oh well, whatever it is, my daddy stillll rockks laaa andi lveo yu dadddy!!

oh yes. i forgot to mention this, my dad is a mummy's boyy. he is the apple of my nyai's eye. sometimes, the eldest gets most of the attention. haha.
yeapp yeapp, it's the ozzie's boy birthday todayyy too! haha. and he's not back in Singapore to raya this year.buttt... he is still a mat there laaaa..with his irritating laughter and his mat-austalian slang. menyampah aku! haha. and it was so embarassing when he brought up those sec sch days and the both of us. so paiseyyy can? like what was i thinking? what were we thinking? thank god we didn't come from the same secondary school.*phew. and apparently, he looks a little like hady mirza. but sadly, he can't sing for nuts. kind miss him though.. oh well, he won't be back till next year i supposed:(( haha.
anyway, yesterday, there was a circus@night in my house. redha was fully entertained by two clowns and the kids find enjoyment in themselves. haha! i just love it when bik nana comes along with my cousins and their kids. you have sooo many kids around and you can take your pick! you have the smart one, the skinny one, the chatty one, the chubby one, the cool one, the noisy one. everything and anything underoneroof. but when you live in a mansionette and you have 4589488594 kids around you, they turn into wild monsters instead of cutelillte ones. haha. but oh well, i was a naughtier kid. so just before they left, kak liza and family came over our place for raya. it's hard to tell that kak liza and kak lina are twins because they look so so different. but thats good, because brother won't have a hard time identifying which one of the twins belongs to him! hahahaha. and nadi, glad you 'pulled ut off' on wed! haha. what to do? it runs in our family=P

met azim,omar,aizat and farah @ the usual place after they left.it was an unusual timing for me to leave the house, but mum and dad was cool because century square was only a stonethrow away from my place. it was an impromptu thing as usual, but its been awhile since we last hung out at that CB. nice is not exaclty the word to describe yesterday's night. buttt.. they were crapping my ass off laaa. and oh yes, welcome to the cam-whoring club azim and aizat. aizat was trying his best to look good till the point he said , "Sofi, please, please make me look human" hahahahahahaha. and there were sooo many pics of him. but sadly he didn't beat the champ of the champs, omar. he is definitely unbeatable laa.. each shot, different angles, different pose and different sex. menyampah aku! haha. but it was fun. the 'surprise mini cake for aizat and omar' the 'suap-menyaup' moments. eeeeeeeee. and the ride home was c.r.a.z.y. i don't know how berserk this year's raya outing is going to be like. but i guess without them, it wouold have been boring too:)

so tell me, is it my fault that i didn't make him look human? *laughs
ok. ive been procrastinating on my assignments on Organisation Theory for sooo loong.
The deadline is not really that far but i sitll hate the laid-back attitude. and not to mention that i have Manegerial Econs assignments to do now:((
oh well.
what's new boyy?
Happy 21st Birthday Noreis!!!(he is still a kid. trust me too!.haha. jus kiddin!=P)
and you know what my daddy did?
he set the timing of
1)his phone's alarm clock,
2)my mummy's phone alarm clock and
3)my parents room alarm clock at 12 am so that all of us wish him promptly at midnight of 27th Oct 2006! He even called me to ask "did you hear it? when the alarm clock rings?" That's my daddy for you! He can make me laugh hysterically and tell the lamest jokes everrrr... but yet it can be so so funny. you wouldn't want to know the jokes that he cracked because i tried telling su the joke and she said over msn that night, " remind me to remind myself not to ask you to tell me a joke. "haha. and nadi tooo! she told faridah about the kot-code joke. and true enough she gave nadi the blur loook. oh well, whatever it is, my daddy stillll rockks laaa andi lveo yu dadddy!!

oh yes. i forgot to mention this, my dad is a mummy's boyy. he is the apple of my nyai's eye. sometimes, the eldest gets most of the attention. haha.
yeapp yeapp, it's the ozzie's boy birthday todayyy too! haha. and he's not back in Singapore to raya this year.buttt... he is still a mat there laaaa..with his irritating laughter and his mat-austalian slang. menyampah aku! haha. and it was so embarassing when he brought up those sec sch days and the both of us. so paiseyyy can? like what was i thinking? what were we thinking? thank god we didn't come from the same secondary school.*phew. and apparently, he looks a little like hady mirza. but sadly, he can't sing for nuts. kind miss him though.. oh well, he won't be back till next year i supposed:(( haha.
anyway, yesterday, there was a circus@night in my house. redha was fully entertained by two clowns and the kids find enjoyment in themselves. haha! i just love it when bik nana comes along with my cousins and their kids. you have sooo many kids around and you can take your pick! you have the smart one, the skinny one, the chatty one, the chubby one, the cool one, the noisy one. everything and anything underoneroof. but when you live in a mansionette and you have 4589488594 kids around you, they turn into wild monsters instead of cutelillte ones. haha. but oh well, i was a naughtier kid. so just before they left, kak liza and family came over our place for raya. it's hard to tell that kak liza and kak lina are twins because they look so so different. but thats good, because brother won't have a hard time identifying which one of the twins belongs to him! hahahaha. and nadi, glad you 'pulled ut off' on wed! haha. what to do? it runs in our family=P

met azim,omar,aizat and farah @ the usual place after they left.it was an unusual timing for me to leave the house, but mum and dad was cool because century square was only a stonethrow away from my place. it was an impromptu thing as usual, but its been awhile since we last hung out at that CB. nice is not exaclty the word to describe yesterday's night. buttt.. they were crapping my ass off laaa. and oh yes, welcome to the cam-whoring club azim and aizat. aizat was trying his best to look good till the point he said , "Sofi, please, please make me look human" hahahahahahaha. and there were sooo many pics of him. but sadly he didn't beat the champ of the champs, omar. he is definitely unbeatable laa.. each shot, different angles, different pose and different sex. menyampah aku! haha. but it was fun. the 'surprise mini cake for aizat and omar' the 'suap-menyaup' moments. eeeeeeeee. and the ride home was c.r.a.z.y. i don't know how berserk this year's raya outing is going to be like. but i guess without them, it wouold have been boring too:)

so tell me, is it my fault that i didn't make him look human? *laughs
ok. ive been procrastinating on my assignments on Organisation Theory for sooo loong.
The deadline is not really that far but i sitll hate the laid-back attitude. and not to mention that i have Manegerial Econs assignments to do now:((
oh well.
what's new boyy?
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Danke schön! Vielen Dank!
24th October 2006 was indeed a BLAST!!!!the echoes of my kecoh aunties,uncles,cousins,nephews&niece at my place just couldn't resonate any louder.little redha and little rifqi will soon get used to the level of noiseness that my eccentric family is capable of:)with the kids playing netball in my room,the men watching "little men" at the living room, the women cheering for taufik on tv, and the new mother-s, entertaining their new-born babies! oh wells, whatever it is, it was definitely memorable. and what makes 1st day of raya sweeter was OLIVIA! olivia is brother's boss's daughter. she is from german and most importantly, she has a sister and her name is soPHiE too!.. hahaha. but she is just so so adorable. she's quite tough for a two-year old baby though. but that's great because olivia and redha would make such a cute couple!:)

but this boy, is my hero in the sky.

and so, despite the busy-ness@home, we managed to cover two houses. At nyai's place, kak tatty and the girls were there and they look like malay dolls! Daddy took a pic with bik nana and both of them look so so similar. i know i know they are siblings, but my siblings and i look so so different.

see what i mean! haha.
and when they arrived... the house had a life of its own! they sang my dad(this fri) and redha(6 months) a birthday song, picture-taking of each group(lil ones to maids), umbrella-posing moments and a loot more!

haha. family is true love. and true love is family. as much as bro can be difficult at times, he is still my brother. so yupppp... this is the last year he is jalan-ing raya with us on the first day. next year, he will be with kak liza and that means i'll be alone in the car with mummy and daddy:( haha. but oh wells. cheers to moooorrreee family raya outings!!!!

cos nadi baby is leaving for UK on the 5th of Nov for her study trip.sob sob, no bitching&cam-whoring partner for a month.and nadi, fine, we will wail and wail at the airport and pretend that you are leaving for 489058654906 years ok? your wish is my command. but must get me my birthday present horr. don't forget lei.*laughs.

ok then. little redha wants to sleep now. (cute rite kan burm burm with his blur look.)
Selamat Hari Raya!
24th October 2006 was indeed a BLAST!!!!the echoes of my kecoh aunties,uncles,cousins,nephews&niece at my place just couldn't resonate any louder.little redha and little rifqi will soon get used to the level of noiseness that my eccentric family is capable of:)with the kids playing netball in my room,the men watching "little men" at the living room, the women cheering for taufik on tv, and the new mother-s, entertaining their new-born babies! oh wells, whatever it is, it was definitely memorable. and what makes 1st day of raya sweeter was OLIVIA! olivia is brother's boss's daughter. she is from german and most importantly, she has a sister and her name is soPHiE too!.. hahaha. but she is just so so adorable. she's quite tough for a two-year old baby though. but that's great because olivia and redha would make such a cute couple!:)

but this boy, is my hero in the sky.

and so, despite the busy-ness@home, we managed to cover two houses. At nyai's place, kak tatty and the girls were there and they look like malay dolls! Daddy took a pic with bik nana and both of them look so so similar. i know i know they are siblings, but my siblings and i look so so different.

see what i mean! haha.
and when they arrived... the house had a life of its own! they sang my dad(this fri) and redha(6 months) a birthday song, picture-taking of each group(lil ones to maids), umbrella-posing moments and a loot more!

haha. family is true love. and true love is family. as much as bro can be difficult at times, he is still my brother. so yupppp... this is the last year he is jalan-ing raya with us on the first day. next year, he will be with kak liza and that means i'll be alone in the car with mummy and daddy:( haha. but oh wells. cheers to moooorrreee family raya outings!!!!

cos nadi baby is leaving for UK on the 5th of Nov for her study trip.sob sob, no bitching&cam-whoring partner for a month.and nadi, fine, we will wail and wail at the airport and pretend that you are leaving for 489058654906 years ok? your wish is my command. but must get me my birthday present horr. don't forget lei.*laughs.

ok then. little redha wants to sleep now. (cute rite kan burm burm with his blur look.)
Selamat Hari Raya!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
*Selmata hair raya*
and that's how baddddd my typo-error is when i'm msn-ing. rite nat? su? and people of the world? i'm sure they would agree with it whole-heartedly and so do you!*laughs. so slengehbacin rite sofi?. but heyyy.. its not as bad when i spell those words on paper k!hmprh..
anyway, spring-cleaning, kuih-muih, room and everything else almost done except for those little nitty-gritty things which can be done di pagi rayerr. but other done that, i'm satisfied and looking forward to tom!
so, last sat i went to izk's 21st party @changivillagehotel.was supposed to go for kana's deepavali dinner but somehow somewhere something was off. so yeah, i headed off to e party instead. and everything seemed larger than life.the view from the top overlooking the changi airport was magnificant. and thank god nas was there because if not, i would be soooo out of place. but then again, win and nadi made me feel comfortable and welcome. and lucky win won the 3rd prize lucky draw, $100 levi's voucher. well, what can i say, it goes with his name. win won? and falah looks drop dead gorgeous. i mean she has always been one. but eversince she's with emirates, there's this glow in her face. haha. and mich, a friend that i made there is such a sweetie. last but not least, faridah who can literally bring tears to my eyes because she can make me laugh that badly. but oh wells, all in all, a bombastic party which ended with a BANG! too... @ geylang with e family:)

so the tj girls set a date for raya outing on the 12th Nov. I have no idea what day it is but i will make a point to go, if everythign else goes smoothly. the sr people have yet to confirm but i heard quite a number of stuff which upsets me a little. but i guess some people are as stubborn as a mule. so we shall see how it goes:)and as usual, e primary school people must meet too. i miss tatia though i see her often compared to the rest. haha. so yeah yeah!
but you know what's the downside of it alllll....... sch.sch.sch.work.work.work. and that's nooooooooooo fun at all. and i hate it when i lose the momentum because i
t's kinda hard to catch up:((( but oh wells, tom is the first of syawal, let's not burden ourselves with work shall we? :)
and to all my beloved muslim friends&family,
salam aidilfitri
maaf zahir dan batin.
minal aidil wal faizin wal magbulin.
ampun maaf dipinta atas segala kesilapan yang telah lakukan.
and that's how baddddd my typo-error is when i'm msn-ing. rite nat? su? and people of the world? i'm sure they would agree with it whole-heartedly and so do you!*laughs. so slengehbacin rite sofi?. but heyyy.. its not as bad when i spell those words on paper k!hmprh..
anyway, spring-cleaning, kuih-muih, room and everything else almost done except for those little nitty-gritty things which can be done di pagi rayerr. but other done that, i'm satisfied and looking forward to tom!
so, last sat i went to izk's 21st party @changivillagehotel.was supposed to go for kana's deepavali dinner but somehow somewhere something was off. so yeah, i headed off to e party instead. and everything seemed larger than life.the view from the top overlooking the changi airport was magnificant. and thank god nas was there because if not, i would be soooo out of place. but then again, win and nadi made me feel comfortable and welcome. and lucky win won the 3rd prize lucky draw, $100 levi's voucher. well, what can i say, it goes with his name. win won? and falah looks drop dead gorgeous. i mean she has always been one. but eversince she's with emirates, there's this glow in her face. haha. and mich, a friend that i made there is such a sweetie. last but not least, faridah who can literally bring tears to my eyes because she can make me laugh that badly. but oh wells, all in all, a bombastic party which ended with a BANG! too... @ geylang with e family:)

so the tj girls set a date for raya outing on the 12th Nov. I have no idea what day it is but i will make a point to go, if everythign else goes smoothly. the sr people have yet to confirm but i heard quite a number of stuff which upsets me a little. but i guess some people are as stubborn as a mule. so we shall see how it goes:)and as usual, e primary school people must meet too. i miss tatia though i see her often compared to the rest. haha. so yeah yeah!
but you know what's the downside of it alllll....... sch.sch.sch.work.work.work. and that's nooooooooooo fun at all. and i hate it when i lose the momentum because i
t's kinda hard to catch up:((( but oh wells, tom is the first of syawal, let's not burden ourselves with work shall we? :)
and to all my beloved muslim friends&family,
salam aidilfitri
maaf zahir dan batin.
minal aidil wal faizin wal magbulin.
ampun maaf dipinta atas segala kesilapan yang telah lakukan.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
why does it feel as though i have consumed 98576894768974kg of laxatives? eversince morning, i have been going in and out of the loo for soooooooo many times. and i think its fated. the discomfort happened after my driving practical(and i aced it this time round!), tuition @ 11 is cancelled and thereafter, the next tuition @ 2 is cancelled too. and within 6 hours or so, all i did was to count the number of tiles in the loo and count sheeps on my bed. it felt horri-terrible. and guess what. so did isk. he presumed that it was the pastry that i bought for him and supposedly su(loong story) yesterday from polar. but here's the ironic part, the pastry filled chocolate cream, that we bought is called "CARING hearts". so much so for being caring:(( well, whatever it is, i better get well soon and so must you, GEORGE.
and christina, why didn't you tell me that you have a secret affair with o'malley? and george, why did you leave me in the dark about this?!?!?!, i'm your bestfriend!*laughs. the meet-up with su and isk was a short-and-sweet, last min decision. and it was shitty(literally.haha!) hilarious man. sometimes we don't even know what we are laughing about but one thing for sure it must be either su, isk or my "SMARTNESS" haha. and with isk contagious laughter, you will just laugh along w him for no reason. i'm serious! haha. so yeah, that was my yesterday.
i regretted not cancelling my tuition @ 4 when half of the time i'm in the loo. PLUS, i was M_r_lyn M_nro_ tak-jadi just now laa... damn embaraassing can? and i took a cab straight away and i left the scence. malu-ating nak mampos. but seriously,i think i'm quite a klutz la. nadi, you know best. haha
and soooooooooo, driving was suuuuhhhh-perrbbb just now. i figured that 181 is my magic number and the instructor who takes that car number is nice and very systematic. i was calm and collected and not gabra like last sun. oh well, glad that it went smoothly:) and i cant't wait for the next prac already.i'm actaully more excited bout this than raya!
speaking of raya, my room is 1/4 done. and i finally threw away all my A-levels stuff except a few textbooks, after asking practically everyone in this entire whole universe. but still lotsa work to be done thou! so.... wanna help? *laughs. just kidding. but be sure to take good care of yourself ya?
and yes, here is a shoutout to one of the october babies, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAFIE!

Hafie's 20th mini party on the 10th oct @swensens with ili, huda, rash and huda2:)))

and babes, i miss wasofarnie already!*laughs.and yes yes, let's give some credit to OH-MAR-GOD(the narcissistic 'HIM',created it.you know who.haha) for inventing that name for us la... nanti melalak budak tu.

nie pun lagi satu budak. budak nie kan... giant.... tapi.. there is a little kid that is trapped in him. as you can see from the pic above. pecah wazzy nyer adik nyer mainan. but its fun to ride on it! i tried it before too! heh. cartoon kan?
okayyyy... lonng dayy tom and room is still in a hugeee mess. and it doesnt help that im starting to sneeze and berakberak(again). -wailsssss.
but till then, cheers for a better day tom:))
why does it feel as though i have consumed 98576894768974kg of laxatives? eversince morning, i have been going in and out of the loo for soooooooo many times. and i think its fated. the discomfort happened after my driving practical(and i aced it this time round!), tuition @ 11 is cancelled and thereafter, the next tuition @ 2 is cancelled too. and within 6 hours or so, all i did was to count the number of tiles in the loo and count sheeps on my bed. it felt horri-terrible. and guess what. so did isk. he presumed that it was the pastry that i bought for him and supposedly su(loong story) yesterday from polar. but here's the ironic part, the pastry filled chocolate cream, that we bought is called "CARING hearts". so much so for being caring:(( well, whatever it is, i better get well soon and so must you, GEORGE.
and christina, why didn't you tell me that you have a secret affair with o'malley? and george, why did you leave me in the dark about this?!?!?!, i'm your bestfriend!*laughs. the meet-up with su and isk was a short-and-sweet, last min decision. and it was shitty(literally.haha!) hilarious man. sometimes we don't even know what we are laughing about but one thing for sure it must be either su, isk or my "SMARTNESS" haha. and with isk contagious laughter, you will just laugh along w him for no reason. i'm serious! haha. so yeah, that was my yesterday.
i regretted not cancelling my tuition @ 4 when half of the time i'm in the loo. PLUS, i was M_r_lyn M_nro_ tak-jadi just now laa... damn embaraassing can? and i took a cab straight away and i left the scence. malu-ating nak mampos. but seriously,i think i'm quite a klutz la. nadi, you know best. haha
and soooooooooo, driving was suuuuhhhh-perrbbb just now. i figured that 181 is my magic number and the instructor who takes that car number is nice and very systematic. i was calm and collected and not gabra like last sun. oh well, glad that it went smoothly:) and i cant't wait for the next prac already.i'm actaully more excited bout this than raya!
speaking of raya, my room is 1/4 done. and i finally threw away all my A-levels stuff except a few textbooks, after asking practically everyone in this entire whole universe. but still lotsa work to be done thou! so.... wanna help? *laughs. just kidding. but be sure to take good care of yourself ya?
and yes, here is a shoutout to one of the october babies, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAFIE!

Hafie's 20th mini party on the 10th oct @swensens with ili, huda, rash and huda2:)))

and babes, i miss wasofarnie already!*laughs.and yes yes, let's give some credit to OH-MAR-GOD(the narcissistic 'HIM',created it.you know who.haha) for inventing that name for us la... nanti melalak budak tu.

nie pun lagi satu budak. budak nie kan... giant.... tapi.. there is a little kid that is trapped in him. as you can see from the pic above. pecah wazzy nyer adik nyer mainan. but its fun to ride on it! i tried it before too! heh. cartoon kan?
okayyyy... lonng dayy tom and room is still in a hugeee mess. and it doesnt help that im starting to sneeze and berakberak(again). -wailsssss.
but till then, cheers for a better day tom:))
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
so, me and su are on a mission to slaughter derrek and meredith while i rant on about denny&doc's death to anyone and everyone in school,at home, on the streets and even to the scarecrow. melodramatic, you must say. but then again. that's just so so sofi:) so bibendum, quick upload the whole of grey's anatomy season 3 and we shall have a girl's party at your place:))!*hugs.
anyway, *screams* raya is around the corner and its that time of the year again where sofi 'magically' turns into the red-nose reindeer. well, hopefully my immune system will be strong this year so that i'm capable of speedy recovery. anyhows, i know mum is going to be extra naggy and picky when we spring-clean the house, because my relatives from my mummys side are gathering at my place on the first day of raya. so everything from carpets to bedsheets must be super-duper presentable in her eyes. if not, only i can imagine what she's going to put any of my siblings through. well, mum is a perfectionist and me? a cuckoo. okay. that was random. so, happy spring-cleaning!!!!:)) :S
and can soembody cut me into 5 pieces this saturday:
1) stay @home
2) izk's 21st party
3) kana's deepavali dinner
4) raz and rahman meet-up
5) family gathering @cik wahdiah's place.
no. 2,3,4 and 5 clashes on the same timing while no 1. is major spring cleaning day. so i guess i must work hard the day before to gain approval from mummy for the day after. and as for the clashes, i.don't.know:( raz and rahman has been asking isk and me for the zillionth time already. they even msg me saying "okay, sofi, LAST CALL LAST CALL" kana's deepavali dinner is also a must because we keep on procrastinating our buttsisters meet-up for the whole month of ramadhan. and izk's 21st party is based on invites@changivillagehotel. and lastly, who in the right mind want to miss a family gathering? especially when most of them are eccentric! i guess nadi is having a dilemma too. why can't i have the best of 5 worlds:((
oh ya, before i forget, here is a shoutout to shennie and aizat!
though i already wished you on the same day.. haha.
and how not to forget your bithdays when you guys along with omar created an eqn on your birthdates.
aizat's bdae(17th Oct)-shennie's bdae(15th Oct)= omar's bdae(2nd Oct) haha.
alrighty then!see you guys sooooooooon. if not, raya outing k? yeah! so excigting! *laughs.

and oh ya, thanks bibendum for monday of pure fun,murtabak ayam and rosemintsheesha!
season 3!grey's anatomy soon k!*hugs.
anyway, *screams* raya is around the corner and its that time of the year again where sofi 'magically' turns into the red-nose reindeer. well, hopefully my immune system will be strong this year so that i'm capable of speedy recovery. anyhows, i know mum is going to be extra naggy and picky when we spring-clean the house, because my relatives from my mummys side are gathering at my place on the first day of raya. so everything from carpets to bedsheets must be super-duper presentable in her eyes. if not, only i can imagine what she's going to put any of my siblings through. well, mum is a perfectionist and me? a cuckoo. okay. that was random. so, happy spring-cleaning!!!!:)) :S
and can soembody cut me into 5 pieces this saturday:
1) stay @home
2) izk's 21st party
3) kana's deepavali dinner
4) raz and rahman meet-up
5) family gathering @cik wahdiah's place.
no. 2,3,4 and 5 clashes on the same timing while no 1. is major spring cleaning day. so i guess i must work hard the day before to gain approval from mummy for the day after. and as for the clashes, i.don't.know:( raz and rahman has been asking isk and me for the zillionth time already. they even msg me saying "okay, sofi, LAST CALL LAST CALL" kana's deepavali dinner is also a must because we keep on procrastinating our buttsisters meet-up for the whole month of ramadhan. and izk's 21st party is based on invites@changivillagehotel. and lastly, who in the right mind want to miss a family gathering? especially when most of them are eccentric! i guess nadi is having a dilemma too. why can't i have the best of 5 worlds:((
oh ya, before i forget, here is a shoutout to shennie and aizat!
though i already wished you on the same day.. haha.
and how not to forget your bithdays when you guys along with omar created an eqn on your birthdates.
aizat's bdae(17th Oct)-shennie's bdae(15th Oct)= omar's bdae(2nd Oct) haha.
alrighty then!see you guys sooooooooon. if not, raya outing k? yeah! so excigting! *laughs.

and oh ya, thanks bibendum for monday of pure fun,murtabak ayam and rosemintsheesha!
season 3!grey's anatomy soon k!*hugs.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
do you have to?
do you have to let it linger?
and it is NOT just a medical drama.
*snaps back to reality
-wailssssssssss.why do they always always have to do that??? leave us hanging in the air??? but i think it's obvious who meredith is going to choose now, though she is slipping the gem away. but... humans are funny don't you think? one minute she wants him and the next minute she wants another him. but oh well, at least she tried, i mean, they tried. and we all tried. but what can we say? it's F.A.T.E
there's too much to say in grey's anatomy and my brain is probably malfunctioning now due to lack of sleep and excessive crying. but tomorrow, i must must pick myself up and be fully focus.
and i think i'm going to mourn over denny's death for quite awhile.
do you have to let it linger?
and it is NOT just a medical drama.
*snaps back to reality
-wailssssssssss.why do they always always have to do that??? leave us hanging in the air??? but i think it's obvious who meredith is going to choose now, though she is slipping the gem away. but... humans are funny don't you think? one minute she wants him and the next minute she wants another him. but oh well, at least she tried, i mean, they tried. and we all tried. but what can we say? it's F.A.T.E
there's too much to say in grey's anatomy and my brain is probably malfunctioning now due to lack of sleep and excessive crying. but tomorrow, i must must pick myself up and be fully focus.
and i think i'm going to mourn over denny's death for quite awhile.
Monday, October 16, 2006
after 9467589671214 hours in front of the com, i finally completed one of the many mountainous assignments. since all the deadlines are quite close to each other, i did the one that i enjoyed the most, first, which simply spells out T.R.O.U.B.L.E for me. it is not that i loathe OT or any of the other units,the lecturer is very entertaining and without a doubt he turns OT into a vibrant subject and blows my monday blues away, it's just that, solely, the subject itself is dry and mundane:( i guess i can't complain much, but to appreciate that i have quite a kickass lecturer rather than KCK or something *phew.
so anyway, yesterday, i made two new friends:)
Dear world, meet Ballerina and Maximus, along with me :)

and i must say that they live up to their respective names. Maximus was telling us about his ordeal in a pitch dark forest where he battled through strong winds and torrential rain along with his comrades. And to him, that was one of the many days as a proud man, he shall never forget. Ballerina on the other hand, just finshed performing a graceful dance item at the esplanade entitled, "dance to the beat of the piano." with her beautiful skirt dancing along, she sashayed,twirled&posed and captured the attention of mesmerized audiences.
G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. and my two friends are indeed lovely and filled with lotsa love. with their unique capabilities, i secretly envy them and hope to be someone too one day. and maximus, thank you for the treat though it's not exactly a treat.*laughs*. i appreciate it:)

actually, i wanted to put up more pics but the time i wait for each pic to upload i will grow a beard by then. and furthermore, i need to hit the books again:( so next time aite?
so anyway, yesterday, i made two new friends:)
Dear world, meet Ballerina and Maximus, along with me :)

and i must say that they live up to their respective names. Maximus was telling us about his ordeal in a pitch dark forest where he battled through strong winds and torrential rain along with his comrades. And to him, that was one of the many days as a proud man, he shall never forget. Ballerina on the other hand, just finshed performing a graceful dance item at the esplanade entitled, "dance to the beat of the piano." with her beautiful skirt dancing along, she sashayed,twirled&posed and captured the attention of mesmerized audiences.
G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. and my two friends are indeed lovely and filled with lotsa love. with their unique capabilities, i secretly envy them and hope to be someone too one day. and maximus, thank you for the treat though it's not exactly a treat.*laughs*. i appreciate it:)

actually, i wanted to put up more pics but the time i wait for each pic to upload i will grow a beard by then. and furthermore, i need to hit the books again:( so next time aite?
Saturday, October 14, 2006
I just love going for baby clothes shopping. those cute little jumpers and little booties are just so so so adorable!!! and just now was even more fun, because i didn't have to pay for it! *laughs. well, mum wanted to buy clothes for the boys to wear for raya and i stupidly thought she was going geylang. unknowingly, after collecting my camera@city hall, she said, "okay, let's head to town." i was quite puzzled, but then i figured that she wanted to buy the boys clothes@zara. and seriously, i could spend 2 solid hours at the second level of zara looking through babies and the girls clothes and NOT the boys! winter wear, summer wear, everything cute and nice, you name it. well, except for baju kurung. duh-uh! haha. and then, i came to realize that there weren't many baby boys clothes! half of the time i was looking at the girls and babies clothes. and ohmygod, the girls clothes are all so oh-very-pretty. all the accesories, hats, dresses. they have already won me over inside out. and i can't wait to have my own baby girl!(sidetrack.. though it's going to take many many many more yearssss to come.haha.) and so, yesterday i spent quality time with the boys though zikry was a little cranky. hopefully, today after meeting isk, su and sha, i will get my daily dosage of the boys after suffering from tuition-ism and insomniaduetoworkworkwork:(
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
who says teaching a primary 2 kid is easy as 123 should bang their heads against the wall 5789857449534 times. and it makes not difference, if he is primary one or even K2. for the simple fact that they have tooooo much energy stored in them for them to jump and run and hop when the tutor is teaching, despite telling them umpteen times. -wails- boys will be boys and they will grow up one day. hopefully......................
buttt.... you can never slap a smiling face and errr.... nadi and sofi's rendition of "twinkle2 little stars" to redha!:)))because we are just people whom people love to love! rite nadi?:))
this is redha @ 5 months old. and i just love how he gaze @ the camera with his mouth wide open. and he loves it when i make his face look like a goldfish. but yeah. he can get quite cranky at times. poor baby.
so so so tomok and burm burm rite!??!!! but this is what i noticed, each time my mum or my sis or me plays with him, surely there will be a word or even a language that we don't even comprehend! it goes "takedingdingging!!!!" or "kushocshochkoe". i'm serious! i think the language is GERAM. and its only meant for babies. and now, i think the only person that makes sense to redha got to be his loving brother zikry who constantly says, " i love you, redha" rather than 3 mature adults that just makes no sense at all!! *laughs*
isk!!!!!!!!! im so happie that you have a bloggie then we can blog blog and tag tag.haha!
whoever says isk can't sing is probably deaftone or something! isk! you sing better than the juara man!(whoopsie....)but really really. i was really impressed.
i know! why not you join some singing competition after your ORD. since you have like 9847589475948 month break before school starts right? don't worry, i will be your number one supporter! haha. speaking of 15th, i kind of miss hearing the sounds of the rebana,canang and the auk2 in sr and tj. sooooo why not we have our own dikir performance one day? nat!!! hafie!! ili!! sal!!haha.okie? isk you can join us too:))
"boleh boleh berjaya..." now i know why this song was stuck in aizat,dzar,omar and e sr dk guys e last time... its darn addictive laa!!!! *laughs
takper pasal... "boleh boleh berjaya..."
oh noo.... help!!!
buttt.... you can never slap a smiling face and errr.... nadi and sofi's rendition of "twinkle2 little stars" to redha!:)))because we are just people whom people love to love! rite nadi?:))
this is redha @ 5 months old. and i just love how he gaze @ the camera with his mouth wide open. and he loves it when i make his face look like a goldfish. but yeah. he can get quite cranky at times. poor baby.
so so so tomok and burm burm rite!??!!! but this is what i noticed, each time my mum or my sis or me plays with him, surely there will be a word or even a language that we don't even comprehend! it goes "takedingdingging!!!!" or "kushocshochkoe". i'm serious! i think the language is GERAM. and its only meant for babies. and now, i think the only person that makes sense to redha got to be his loving brother zikry who constantly says, " i love you, redha" rather than 3 mature adults that just makes no sense at all!! *laughs*
isk!!!!!!!!! im so happie that you have a bloggie then we can blog blog and tag tag.haha!
whoever says isk can't sing is probably deaftone or something! isk! you sing better than the juara man!(whoopsie....)but really really. i was really impressed.
i know! why not you join some singing competition after your ORD. since you have like 9847589475948 month break before school starts right? don't worry, i will be your number one supporter! haha. speaking of 15th, i kind of miss hearing the sounds of the rebana,canang and the auk2 in sr and tj. sooooo why not we have our own dikir performance one day? nat!!! hafie!! ili!! sal!!haha.okie? isk you can join us too:))
"boleh boleh berjaya..." now i know why this song was stuck in aizat,dzar,omar and e sr dk guys e last time... its darn addictive laa!!!! *laughs
takper pasal... "boleh boleh berjaya..."
oh noo.... help!!!
Monday, October 09, 2006
9 bucks wasted. totally wasted. why? because i was two hours late!!! damn it. they really meant it well when they said 15 mins/50cents fine for books from the RCC section. boooo!!!
okie. driving-ranting time. my instructor was probably the worst nightmare of my whole entire life. and guess what? it was only my 5th prac and he made me drive all the wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to tampines. and that was my first time on the road! it doesnt help the fact that when most of the time he was raising his voice! i know i still have yet to master my braking and the co-ordination of the clutch and gear. but noooooooooo..... he told me "i'm bringing you to the sea today, you are too comfortable in the river." and true enough, just as expected, my driving went haywire. gosh. if he didnt have to scream and shout 90% of the time, i would have been more relaxed and focused. but, despite all that he still gave me two chops. he somehow reminded me of this DM from my pri sch and gives me negative vibes. oh well, if i were to get him next time, i just hope he will tone down his voice.
so isk huney, good luck for your TP tom! i'm sure you will do just fine.
and oh yes, mum is as cool as a cat. for now at least. i more or less deciphered the morse code. hopefully its right. and oh ya! my parents love taking pictures too. yesterday when we buka-ed at secret recipe@JB, mum and dad was making funny faces when we took pictures. not 1 not 2. but 5! ( not bad eyy for my parents? haha) what can i say, it runs in the family*laughs*
sha2 it was nice meetin you for awhile @ the bus stop yesterday! hope you like e prezzie.HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR!!! and su, did you reallie harrass a guy @ seoul garden on sat? haha.
and i need sleeeeeeep. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. im so so so exhausted. and i have yet to type out my assignments. research can be a P.I.T.A sometimes, especially organisation theory. -wails-
okie. this tues rite girls? so look out for the zombified version of sofi yeah? yeah!*hugs.
okie. driving-ranting time. my instructor was probably the worst nightmare of my whole entire life. and guess what? it was only my 5th prac and he made me drive all the wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to tampines. and that was my first time on the road! it doesnt help the fact that when most of the time he was raising his voice! i know i still have yet to master my braking and the co-ordination of the clutch and gear. but noooooooooo..... he told me "i'm bringing you to the sea today, you are too comfortable in the river." and true enough, just as expected, my driving went haywire. gosh. if he didnt have to scream and shout 90% of the time, i would have been more relaxed and focused. but, despite all that he still gave me two chops. he somehow reminded me of this DM from my pri sch and gives me negative vibes. oh well, if i were to get him next time, i just hope he will tone down his voice.
so isk huney, good luck for your TP tom! i'm sure you will do just fine.
and oh yes, mum is as cool as a cat. for now at least. i more or less deciphered the morse code. hopefully its right. and oh ya! my parents love taking pictures too. yesterday when we buka-ed at secret recipe@JB, mum and dad was making funny faces when we took pictures. not 1 not 2. but 5! ( not bad eyy for my parents? haha) what can i say, it runs in the family*laughs*
sha2 it was nice meetin you for awhile @ the bus stop yesterday! hope you like e prezzie.HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR!!! and su, did you reallie harrass a guy @ seoul garden on sat? haha.
and i need sleeeeeeep. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. im so so so exhausted. and i have yet to type out my assignments. research can be a P.I.T.A sometimes, especially organisation theory. -wails-
okie. this tues rite girls? so look out for the zombified version of sofi yeah? yeah!*hugs.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
the haze is really bad, isn't it? with PSI soaring above 100 now, even mum and dad are not even allowing me to go out now:(((( but of course, on top of that i have 9740584685 assignments and readings to complete. its endless and each time i finish a set of readings, more will come pouring in. and i just hate the fact when i didn't cover topics that i'm supposed to cover for that day. so hello eyebags,eyerings and backache:(((
anyway, poor tution kiddo who was affected by the bad air just now. she had to keep her inhaler by her side when i tutored her. hopefully she gets better though. and the boys! especially zikry. he tends to get overly excited and puked later on. well, im hoping to see the skies blue once again for me and you:)
anyway, whether its rain or shine or hazy or snowy
i know i have these girls

i miss my tweeee-nie. to the max. and thanks for the muffins dear. yummy!!!:)))
and yesterday.... WA SO FA NIE break a record.
armed with macbook and not forgetting wazzy's cam, we probably took 160 shoots from 7pm till 10pm. i can't post all the piGstures up. but there were many unforgettable moments that i will laugh at for the next 9985678956 years or so. haha.

kungfu fighting in the toilet bowl:)))

the evolution of mankind.

can you see our eyes roll??? okie what a bimbotic moment, sofi. haha

much needed sleep after endless laughter.

the one where you just feel like slapping all of us. haha. action jerr...

okie.tt was my friday and it went well.... but the opportunity cost of it? toooo many to mention:(((((((((((((((-wails- but i had fun.reallie reallie. and omar and izmal can pursue their career as a stand-up comedian. they are seriously SOOOOOOO SOOOOOOOOOO SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good at it.
and farah, we all love u very much. so if need a shoulder to lean on, you have mine wazzy shennie and your no. 1 darling omar! haha
and aishah darling, happy birthday dear.!!! will see u tom k! hugs
wouldnt it be nice if theresnoassignmentsandtheworldissofi'sworld??
anyway, poor tution kiddo who was affected by the bad air just now. she had to keep her inhaler by her side when i tutored her. hopefully she gets better though. and the boys! especially zikry. he tends to get overly excited and puked later on. well, im hoping to see the skies blue once again for me and you:)
anyway, whether its rain or shine or hazy or snowy
i know i have these girls

i miss my tweeee-nie. to the max. and thanks for the muffins dear. yummy!!!:)))
and yesterday.... WA SO FA NIE break a record.
armed with macbook and not forgetting wazzy's cam, we probably took 160 shoots from 7pm till 10pm. i can't post all the piGstures up. but there were many unforgettable moments that i will laugh at for the next 9985678956 years or so. haha.

kungfu fighting in the toilet bowl:)))

the evolution of mankind.

can you see our eyes roll??? okie what a bimbotic moment, sofi. haha

much needed sleep after endless laughter.

the one where you just feel like slapping all of us. haha. action jerr...

okie.tt was my friday and it went well.... but the opportunity cost of it? toooo many to mention:(((((((((((((((-wails- but i had fun.reallie reallie. and omar and izmal can pursue their career as a stand-up comedian. they are seriously SOOOOOOO SOOOOOOOOOO SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good at it.
and farah, we all love u very much. so if need a shoulder to lean on, you have mine wazzy shennie and your no. 1 darling omar! haha
and aishah darling, happy birthday dear.!!! will see u tom k! hugs
wouldnt it be nice if theresnoassignmentsandtheworldissofi'sworld??
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