why does it feel as though i have consumed 98576894768974kg of laxatives? eversince morning, i have been going in and out of the loo for soooooooo many times. and i think its fated. the discomfort happened after my driving practical(and i aced it this time round!), tuition @ 11 is cancelled and thereafter, the next tuition @ 2 is cancelled too. and within 6 hours or so, all i did was to count the number of tiles in the loo and count sheeps on my bed. it felt horri-terrible. and guess what. so did isk. he presumed that it was the pastry that i bought for him and supposedly su(loong story) yesterday from polar. but here's the ironic part, the pastry filled chocolate cream, that we bought is called "CARING hearts". so much so for being caring:(( well, whatever it is, i better get well soon and so must you, GEORGE.
and christina, why didn't you tell me that you have a secret affair with o'malley? and george, why did you leave me in the dark about this?!?!?!, i'm your bestfriend!*laughs. the meet-up with su and isk was a short-and-sweet, last min decision. and it was shitty(literally.haha!) hilarious man. sometimes we don't even know what we are laughing about but one thing for sure it must be either su, isk or my "SMARTNESS" haha. and with isk contagious laughter, you will just laugh along w him for no reason. i'm serious! haha. so yeah, that was my yesterday.
i regretted not cancelling my tuition @ 4 when half of the time i'm in the loo. PLUS, i was M_r_lyn M_nro_ tak-jadi just now laa... damn embaraassing can? and i took a cab straight away and i left the scence. malu-ating nak mampos. but seriously,i think i'm quite a klutz la. nadi, you know best. haha
and soooooooooo, driving was suuuuhhhh-perrbbb just now. i figured that 181 is my magic number and the instructor who takes that car number is nice and very systematic. i was calm and collected and not gabra like last sun. oh well, glad that it went smoothly:) and i cant't wait for the next prac already.i'm actaully more excited bout this than raya!
speaking of raya, my room is 1/4 done. and i finally threw away all my A-levels stuff except a few textbooks, after asking practically everyone in this entire whole universe. but still lotsa work to be done thou! so.... wanna help? *laughs. just kidding. but be sure to take good care of yourself ya?
and yes, here is a shoutout to one of the october babies, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAFIE!

Hafie's 20th mini party on the 10th oct @swensens with ili, huda, rash and huda2:)))

and babes, i miss wasofarnie already!*laughs.and yes yes, let's give some credit to OH-MAR-GOD(the narcissistic 'HIM',created it.you know who.haha) for inventing that name for us la... nanti melalak budak tu.

nie pun lagi satu budak. budak nie kan... giant.... tapi.. there is a little kid that is trapped in him. as you can see from the pic above. pecah wazzy nyer adik nyer mainan. but its fun to ride on it! i tried it before too! heh. cartoon kan?
okayyyy... lonng dayy tom and room is still in a hugeee mess. and it doesnt help that im starting to sneeze and berakberak(again). -wailsssss.
but till then, cheers for a better day tom:))
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