(excuse my drawing.heh.my flowers and the smileys are a bit cacat here.!)
he is the only male teacher(tt i'm aware of) for economics in SR(besides alex lum. heh.).
would go the extra mile for anyone!
and i swear, one of the nicest teachers and human being on plant earth.
and guess what?
he was one of the three national-level winners of this year's Caring Teacher Awards
i received this piece of good news from Pat this afternoon via sms and i literally screamed in the MRT, when i heard it! he deserves every bit of it. tolerating nonsense from 1S19 and 2S17, providing articles and extra notes on econs and giving us the moral support each time. i still remember his sound advice whenever we did our tests or exams horribly. he said,"always bear in mind that no matter what happens, you are ALWAYS LOVED" how i wish he is my ME lecture is him, but, Ting is equally good enough and econs rocks!(rite sal?) haha.
but, i was reallie reallie proud of Mr Eric Hui when i read the article(H7 wed, oct 4 2006) and i'm sure many SRJCians would agree on that:) i guess i have nothing much to say about that, because visibly, his actions speaks louder than his words.
i guess when genuinely nice people leave, their footprints of good deeds will stay forever in our hearts. so let's do as many good deeds as we can and hopefully,(insyallah) god will "murahkan rezeki".
now that is ramadhan, let's be all-good yeah?insyallah. ameen.
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