and that's how baddddd my typo-error is when i'm msn-ing. rite nat? su? and people of the world? i'm sure they would agree with it whole-heartedly and so do you!*laughs. so slengehbacin rite sofi?. but heyyy.. its not as bad when i spell those words on paper k!hmprh..
anyway, spring-cleaning, kuih-muih, room and everything else almost done except for those little nitty-gritty things which can be done di pagi rayerr. but other done that, i'm satisfied and looking forward to tom!
so, last sat i went to izk's 21st party @changivillagehotel.was supposed to go for kana's deepavali dinner but somehow somewhere something was off. so yeah, i headed off to e party instead. and everything seemed larger than life.the view from the top overlooking the changi airport was magnificant. and thank god nas was there because if not, i would be soooo out of place. but then again, win and nadi made me feel comfortable and welcome. and lucky win won the 3rd prize lucky draw, $100 levi's voucher. well, what can i say, it goes with his name. win won? and falah looks drop dead gorgeous. i mean she has always been one. but eversince she's with emirates, there's this glow in her face. haha. and mich, a friend that i made there is such a sweetie. last but not least, faridah who can literally bring tears to my eyes because she can make me laugh that badly. but oh wells, all in all, a bombastic party which ended with a BANG! too... @ geylang with e family:)

so the tj girls set a date for raya outing on the 12th Nov. I have no idea what day it is but i will make a point to go, if everythign else goes smoothly. the sr people have yet to confirm but i heard quite a number of stuff which upsets me a little. but i guess some people are as stubborn as a mule. so we shall see how it goes:)and as usual, e primary school people must meet too. i miss tatia though i see her often compared to the rest. haha. so yeah yeah!
but you know what's the downside of it alllll....... and that's nooooooooooo fun at all. and i hate it when i lose the momentum because i
t's kinda hard to catch up:((( but oh wells, tom is the first of syawal, let's not burden ourselves with work shall we? :)
and to all my beloved muslim friends&family,
salam aidilfitri
maaf zahir dan batin.
minal aidil wal faizin wal magbulin.
ampun maaf dipinta atas segala kesilapan yang telah lakukan.
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