Happy 21st Birthday Noreis!!!(he is still a kid. trust me too!.haha. jus kiddin!=P)
and you know what my daddy did?
he set the timing of
1)his phone's alarm clock,
2)my mummy's phone alarm clock and
3)my parents room alarm clock at 12 am so that all of us wish him promptly at midnight of 27th Oct 2006! He even called me to ask "did you hear it? when the alarm clock rings?" That's my daddy for you! He can make me laugh hysterically and tell the lamest jokes everrrr... but yet it can be so so funny. you wouldn't want to know the jokes that he cracked because i tried telling su the joke and she said over msn that night, " remind me to remind myself not to ask you to tell me a joke. "haha. and nadi tooo! she told faridah about the kot-code joke. and true enough she gave nadi the blur loook. oh well, whatever it is, my daddy stillll rockks laaa andi lveo yu dadddy!!

oh yes. i forgot to mention this, my dad is a mummy's boyy. he is the apple of my nyai's eye. sometimes, the eldest gets most of the attention. haha.
yeapp yeapp, it's the ozzie's boy birthday todayyy too! haha. and he's not back in Singapore to raya this year.buttt... he is still a mat there laaaa..with his irritating laughter and his mat-austalian slang. menyampah aku! haha. and it was so embarassing when he brought up those sec sch days and the both of us. so paiseyyy can? like what was i thinking? what were we thinking? thank god we didn't come from the same secondary school.*phew. and apparently, he looks a little like hady mirza. but sadly, he can't sing for nuts. kind miss him though.. oh well, he won't be back till next year i supposed:(( haha.
anyway, yesterday, there was a circus@night in my house. redha was fully entertained by two clowns and the kids find enjoyment in themselves. haha! i just love it when bik nana comes along with my cousins and their kids. you have sooo many kids around and you can take your pick! you have the smart one, the skinny one, the chatty one, the chubby one, the cool one, the noisy one. everything and anything underoneroof. but when you live in a mansionette and you have 4589488594 kids around you, they turn into wild monsters instead of cutelillte ones. haha. but oh well, i was a naughtier kid. so just before they left, kak liza and family came over our place for raya. it's hard to tell that kak liza and kak lina are twins because they look so so different. but thats good, because brother won't have a hard time identifying which one of the twins belongs to him! hahahaha. and nadi, glad you 'pulled ut off' on wed! haha. what to do? it runs in our family=P

met azim,omar,aizat and farah @ the usual place after they left.it was an unusual timing for me to leave the house, but mum and dad was cool because century square was only a stonethrow away from my place. it was an impromptu thing as usual, but its been awhile since we last hung out at that CB. nice is not exaclty the word to describe yesterday's night. buttt.. they were crapping my ass off laaa. and oh yes, welcome to the cam-whoring club azim and aizat. aizat was trying his best to look good till the point he said , "Sofi, please, please make me look human" hahahahahahaha. and there were sooo many pics of him. but sadly he didn't beat the champ of the champs, omar. he is definitely unbeatable laa.. each shot, different angles, different pose and different sex. menyampah aku! haha. but it was fun. the 'surprise mini cake for aizat and omar' the 'suap-menyaup' moments. eeeeeeeee. and the ride home was c.r.a.z.y. i don't know how berserk this year's raya outing is going to be like. but i guess without them, it wouold have been boring too:)

so tell me, is it my fault that i didn't make him look human? *laughs
ok. ive been procrastinating on my assignments on Organisation Theory for sooo loong.
The deadline is not really that far but i sitll hate the laid-back attitude. and not to mention that i have Manegerial Econs assignments to do now:((
oh well.
what's new boyy?
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